

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期




For many young Canadians, planting treesis more than just a job. Its a way of life and itcould be catching on, thanks to a popular videoby Leslie. While working for a logging (伐木)company, the 29?year?old filmed herself usingthe speedy method that allowed her to plant4545 trees in a single day.、

In Canada, reforestation (重新造林) plans are incredibly important. In fact, the lawrequires that a certain number of trees be planted per year to make up for those lost to wildfiresand the logging industry. Many college students are drawn to tree planting as a summerjob, for which they receive 13 to 27 cents per tree. Those who genuinely love the workoften end up coming back for years. Its not easy work, according to Leslie. Not only is itphysically tiring, but it also exposes laborers to the elements, including bad weather.“ Itcould start out sunny and then minutes later, it will just be raining or snowing. You neverknow what to expect,” she described.

Leslie has also had to stand being bitten by mosquitoes while walking through rockyareas. Then, theres the threat of local wildlife becoming aggressive. While Leslie herselfhas only seen most large animals from afar, a 21?year?old woman performing the samejob just survived a bear attack last week.

So far, Leslie has planted a total of 372,290 in the past few years. However, shes stillnowhere near breaking the Guinness World Records. That honor belongs to Kenny Chaplin,who once planted 15,170 trees in 19 hours. After 35 years on the job, he says hed recommendit to anyone.

“ I think every parent in Canada should send their kids out to plant trees and turnthem into a worker,” he explained.“ Theyll learn how to work, and theyll have responsibility.Theyll have money in their pockets.”


1. Whats the function of paragraph 1?

A. To lead in the main topic.

B. To introduce a memorable story.

C. To promote reforestation plans.

D. To explain the importance of planting.

2. Why is reforestation important in Canada?

A. Planting trees is a highly?paid job.

B. There are wildfires resulting in tree loss.

C. Young people regard it as a trend of fashion.

D. College students cant graduate without planting trees.

3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. Dangers people can face while doing planting.

B. Methods of dealing with aggressive wildlife.

C. Teamworks importance in the wild.

D. Surviving skills for living in the open air.

4. Whats Kenny Chaplins attitude towards tree planting?

A. Careful. B. Critical.

C. Disapproving. D. Positive.

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

While Leslie herself has only seen most large animals from afar, a 21?year?old womanperforming the same job just survived a bear attack last week. 虽然莱斯莉本人只从远处看到了大多数大型动物,但上周一位从事同样工作的21岁女性勉强在熊的袭击中幸存下来。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。句中的While引导让步状语从句,performingthe same job是现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

1. Some children are much more than others.

2. I cant help thinking he knows he has told us.

3. everybodys help, we finished the job on time.

4. , I am still a bit weak, but my general condition is quite good.

5. Love me, love my dog. If you love someone, you will like all that him.

6. If you dont know what you want, you might getting something you dont want.


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