

孔子学院 2023年4期



Qiqihar, “natural pasture” in the Daur language, is a brilliant pearl on the Songnen Plain. It is alsoknown as the “Crane City” for its crane nature reserve. the abundant natural resources, beautiful ecologicalenvironment, and unpolluted high-quality water sources have earned this city the reputation of the “Capital ofGreen Food”.

這里居住着汉族、满族、蒙古族、朝鲜族、回族、达斡尔族等35 个民族。因长期以来有烧烤的饮食习惯,久而久之这座城市便形成了独特的饮食风尚,被世界中餐业联合会授予“齐齐哈尔国际(烤肉)美食之都”荣誉称号。这里的烤肉极具北方地域特色,有较高的传承价值,被列为市级非物质文化遗产代表性项目。

Here reside thirty-thve ethnic groups, including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Korean, Hui, and Daur. Due tothe long-standing tradition of barbecue in their diet, a unique culinary style has emerged in this city, whichwas honored with the title of “Qiqihar Global (Barbecue) Food Capital” by the World Federation of ChineseCatering Industry. Deeply rooted in the northern region with profound cultural value, the local barbecue hasbeen listed as a representative project of the city’s intangible cultural heritage.

齐齐哈尔烤肉大规模的兴起是在20 世纪80 年代中后期,在全国乃至世界各地烧烤文化的影响下,新疆烤串、锦州烤肉、南美烤肉、韩式烤肉、朝鲜烤肉、土耳其烤肉、蒙古烤全羊等融入鹤城烧烤,造就了齐齐哈尔烤肉兼容并收的特点。当地烧烤行业,由“小餐饮”到“大产业”,日新月异,餐桌上的烧烤文化逐渐形成。

The widespread popularity of Qiqihar barbecue beganin the mid-to-late 1980s, influenced by barbecue culturesfrom all over China and the world. Elements from Xinjiangskewers, Jinzhou barbecue, South American barbecue, SouthKorean barbecue, North Korean barbecue, Turkish barbecue,Mongolian whole lamb barbecue, etc., have blended into thebarbecue culture of the Crane City, giving it an eclectic charm.The local barbecue industry has evolved from small cateringbusinesses to a large-scale industry, gradually forming aunique barbecue culture on dining tables.


In Qiqihar, regardless of ethnicity, gender, or age,everyone loves barbecue as a unique form of leisure activity.Barbecue gatherings can be found everywhere — inthe wilderness, along the riverbanks, near residential areas,on the streets, at barbecue bars, and at the restaurants. Ayoung man from Qiqihar stated on the famous JiangsuTV reality show If You Are the One: “I would rather opena barbecue restaurant than run a jewelry store!”, athrmingthe high status of barbecue in this city.

如果以“外焦里嫩、喷香可口”来形容齐齐哈尔烧烤的味道,那么超越这种感知, 在精神引领和价值追求的意义上,齐齐哈尔烧烤是以“绿色、自然、健康、美味”作底料、以“独特、享受、狂放、野性、休闲、快乐”为灵魂的一种美食。齐齐哈尔市博物馆的大型烧烤文化展览,讲述了齐齐哈尔人和烤肉的故事,展现了鹤城烧烤文化别样的风情。

If Qiqihar barbecue is described as “crispy on theoutside, tender and aromatic on the inside”, then beyondthis gustatory perception, in terms of spiritual and valuepursuits, Qiqihar barbecue features “green, natural, healthy,and delicious” ingredients with “uniqueness, enjoyment,wildness, leisure, and happiness” as its soul. The QiqiharCity Museum holds large-scale barbecue cultureexhibitions to tell the stories between Qiqihar people andbarbecue, allowing visitors to experience the unique charmof barbecue culture in the Crane City.


The history of Qiqihar “barbecue culture” canbe traced back approximately ten thousand years,evidenced by archaeologists’ discovery of animalbone remains from barbecue activities. Tracesof ancient people using fire have been found atAng’angxi Tengjiagang and Wufu Neolithic CulturalSites in Qiqihar. During the Bronze Age andIron Age, barbecue became the main way for theancestors of the Nen River Valley to consume meat,leaving behind a barbecue culture from the thshingand hunting civilization for later generations.


In Qiqihar, barbecue is an art. From selectingthe meat to marinating it, every step has its secrets.Qiqihar is located at 47° north latitude, in the blacksoil belt of cold regions, the Songnen Plain. erefore,as the cattle and sheep feed on natural pastures, theexcellent grass makes the beef and mutton producedhere especially tender and smooth in high-quality.


The best beef includes two-year-old cattle’ssilverside, chuck, and rib finger, among which abalance of lean and fat is the perfect choice. Afterplacing the beef on the grill, brush the grill with smallpieces of beef fat, then place it on the charcoal fire.When the beef turns crispy on the outside and tenderon the inside, dip it into a sauce made from peanuts,sesame, and other ingredients. With a delightfulcrunch, it melts in your mouth while the flavorimmediately dances on your taste buds, leaving alingering aftertaste.


The crops, vegetables, and fruits in Qiqiharare mostly organic and pollution-free products. Inaddition to beef, the barbecue includes various otherchoices include tendon, heart, kidney, and other meats,as well as vegetables like bitter chrysanthemum, oilseedrape, cilantro, bell pepper, eggplant, pickled cabbage,lotus root, and more. There are also soy products,mushrooms, potatoes, seafood, and staple foods.


In addition to preserving the original thavors of theingredients, the seasoning, cooking, and mixing arealso crucial. The process relies entirely on experienceand skills. Seasonings like scallion, ginger, onion, beer,soybean oil, salt, etc., are essential, and the quantityand timing of adding them depend on the chef ’sexperience and skill. the perfect balance of seasoningsand right amount of oil make the meat extremelythavorful. Almost every family has one or two barbecuemasters in their own right.


The dipping sauce is said to be the essence ofQiqihar barbecue, which can be personalized withingredients like peanuts, sesame, cumin, dried chili,hot sauce, crushed biscuits, MSG, and salt. Differentdipping sauces create ditherent avors for the barbecue.The tools used for barbecue are various, such as ironskewers, stoves, boxes, carts, screens, maifanshi (atype of igneous rock used for grilling), chains, ironplates, iron nets, etc. Fuel options include charcoaland electricity, with charcoal being the most common.there are direct grilling and indirect grilling methods,with direct grilling further divided into open thre andcovered fire, and indirect grilling into stone plates,iron plates, copper plates, etc. Fruitwood charcoal andmiscellaneous wood charcoal are the two main types ofcharcoal, with the former derived from hardwood andproducing an excellent barbecue thavor.


Qiqihar barbecue can be classified into threetypes: family-style “wild barbecue”, restaurant-style“formal barbecue”, and something in between, the“casual barbecue” at beef and lamb restaurants.there are various methods of barbecue, includingplain grilling, mud grilling, mud-pasted grilling,skewer grilling, marinated grilling, crisp grilling,pasted grilling, pancake grilling, fork grilling, hookhanging grilling, open stove grilling, covered stovegrilling, iron pot grilling, bamboo tube grilling,bonthre grilling, and more, showcasing the inthnitecharm of barbecue.


During the peak of summer, Qiqihar hosts a large-scale“Barbecue Food Festival” where people enjoy crane culturalperformances, savor various barbecues, taste the locallybrewed “Beidacang” wine, recite odes to Qiqihar Barbecue, createartworks and logos related to barbecue, and hold barbecue cultureforums. Barbecue, depicted by writers and artists, has become the city’sname card on the tip of the tongue.


In front of street-side barbecue shops, under rows of sunshades, the sizzlingsound of grilling accompanies friends sitting around the table. tey enjoy the nightbreeze, the charcoal thre, and the delicious meat while drinking cold beer and chatting.The aroma of barbecue fills the air like poetry and mist, warm yet refreshing, paintinga beautiful scene of barbecue culture in the scorching summer of the Crane City.


In the kitchen with the chef 走进名厨厨房
鹤城战“疫” 尽显人大责任担当
为蓝天白云立法 建设高质量富美鹤城