馆藏臻品: 讲述岐黄之术的生生不息
博物館中厅的庞然大物是猛犸象骨架化石。猛犸象即长毛象,存在于冰河时期,分布于包括中国东北部在内的北半球寒带地区。猛犸象于公元前1670 年左右灭绝,这是冰川时代结束的标志。一头成熟的猛犸象,身长约5—7 米,体重可达12 吨。此具猛犸象骨架化石于2012 年出土于黑龙江省绥化市青冈县,是一具较为完整的猛犸象骨架化石。研究发现,猛犸象骨化石经多次煅烧后敲碎煎水服用,具有镇静安神、止血涩肠的功效。
The enormous exhibit in the museum is a fossilized skeleton of a mammoth, an ancient creatureknown as the woolly mammoth that lived during the Ice Age and in the cold zone of northern hemisphere,including northeastern China. The extinction of mammoth around 1670 BC marks the end of the Ice Age.A mature mammoth was about 5 to 7 meters in length and weighed up to 12 tons. this relatively completemammoth fossil was discovered in Qinggang County, Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province in 2012. Researchhas found that ater multiple calcinations, the fossilized bones of the mammoth can be crushed, boiled inwater, and consumed, providing calming and soothing effects as well as stopping bleeding and relievingintestinal discomfort.