

孔子学院 2023年4期




ere are two mountain ranges lying in the land of extremecoldness in Northeast China, and they are called “Xing’an”, or“Prosperity and Peace”, by the local Manchu people. The GreatXing’an Range and the Small Xing’an Range are positioned liketwo horns of a bull or two brothers supporting each other in abattle. Although the two “brothers” are not tall, they are the _rstbarrier against the Siberian cold waves. _e mother earth clothesthe two brothers with lush primeval forests, protecting them fromthe cold climate.


ere is also a river in Northeast China whose name is givento the land it nourishes. _e humus-rich soil of this land givesthe river a black hue and the level surface of the land gives theriver a meandering shape like a dragon, hence both the riverand the province it winds through are called Heilongjiang, orthe “black dragon river”. Heilongjiang Province is also hometo other landmarks like Wanda Mountain, Laoye Mountain,Sungari River, and Nenjiang River. Together, these mountainsand rivers form the landscape of undulating hills and valleys,wetlands and grasslands.



While it is the instinct of migratory birds to embark ontheir ceaseless journey, human beings are usually reluctantto leave their home behind. As shown in the Chineseidiom, “even a poor home is di_cult to leave”, the homelovingpeople would never have chosen the hazard road ofmigration if not driven by sheer desperation. _ere havebeen five major migrations in Chinese history from theend of the Ming Dynasty to the _rst half of the twentiethcentury summarized as such: (exploringeast of the Shanhai Pass), (going west of theGreat Wall), (trekking the ancient trade routesto Sichuan and Tibet), (sailing for San Francisogold mines), and (going down the SouthChina Sea). Among them, means peopleoriginally living in the central plains of China migrating tothe east of the Shanhai Pass, i.e. into the Northeast ChinaPlain. The “chuang” in the phrase, meaning “charginginto”, captures vividly the risks and pains su_ered in thismigration process. The Northeast China Plain had beendeemed by the Qing Dynasty Manchu rulers as the “originof the dragon”, so they had closed the Shanhai Pass to Hanpeople and strictly forbade Han people to enter there. Yetthere is always a glorious sunshine awaiting a_er the storm.Heilongjiang, like the two other provinces in NortheastChina, opened its fertile land to the haggard migratorsfrom afar: the Manchu people brought them grains, theMongolians helped them build up tents, the Oroqenpeople taught them to hunt in the forest, and the Hezhepeople taught them fishing and netting… This wild andfertile frozen land of black soil promises hope and warmthto everyone who is persevering and hardworking. Wavesof refugees from central China came through the ShanhaiPass and settled down in this frontier area. Meanwhile,they brought with them the agricultural technology fromthe Central Plains and spread it in this area as an enduringgesture of gratitude.


“北大荒”,狭义上指的是黑龙江省北部三江平原、黑龙江沿河平原及嫩江流域广大荒芜地区,后来扩展为东北肥沃而蛮荒的黑土地。说它肥沃,是因为北大荒是世界三大黑土带之一,土壤中有机质含量非常高,有“捏把黑土冒油花,插双筷子也发芽”的说法,非常适合农作物生长。说它蛮荒,是因为北大荒自古以来便荆棘丛生,沼泽遍布,人迹罕至。受西伯利亚寒流影响,这里的冬季寒冷而漫长,最低气温可达零下48℃,冻土层最厚可达2.5 米。

The Great North Wilderness, in its narrow sense,refers to the wild land of the Sanjiang Plain, theHeilongjiang River basin and Nenjiang River basin lyingin the north of Heilongjiang Province. In the broad sense,it is later used to refer to the fertile yet uncultivated blacksoil of Northeast China. The Great North Wildernessis one of the three black soil belts in the world, knownfor its fertile black soil rich in humus and ideal foragricultural production, illustrated by the saying, “Sonutritious is the black soil that it oozes oil and even a pairof chopsticks stuck in it can grow.” Yet it is also a land ofwilderness, for since time immemorial this area had beencovered in thorns and swamps and scarcely accessible topeople. A_ected by the Siberian cold waves, the wintershere are harsh and long, with the minimum temperaturesometimes dropping to —48℃. _e layer of frozen earthcan be as much as 2.5 meters thick.

中华人民共和国成立后,为了解决粮食短缺的问题,自1958 年起,北大荒开始大规模开发,数万人从全国各地、五湖四海来到这里。原来的战士放下枪支,原来的知识青年放下书笔,原来的机关干部离开办公室……来到北大荒,成为拓荒人。他们最开始的工作就是拿起镰刀和锹、镐,开垦荒地,改造沼泽。他们的敌人是严寒,是酷暑,是蚊虫野兽,是遍地荆棘……

Large-scale developmental projects had been carriedout in the Great North Wilderness since 1958 shortly a_erthe founding of the People’s Republic of China to tackle thefood shortage issue. Tens of thousands of people, includingformer soldiers, educated youth and government o_cialsleft behind their homes and came here to become tillersof the land. Their first task was to use sickles, picks andspades to clear the wasteland and drain the marshes. _eyhad to _ght against the harsh natural conditions here: thecold winter, the scorching summer, swarms of mosquitosand beasts, swamps of thorns and thistles…



The Great North Wilderness is the place wherethe strong souls get elevated and the weak bodies gettransformed. A_er hard work of generations for half acentury, the Great North Wilderness has turned froma no-man’s land into the rich and fertile Great NorthBreadbasket. _e agricultural land reclamation in theGreat North Wilderness not only helped to solve thefood shortage problems of the nation, but also madeHeilongjiang Province China’s largest commodity grainproduction base, passing down the motto “Fortitude,Industry, Altruism, Commitment” as the unique legacyof the Great North Wilderness.


With the development of the national economy, theadvance of agricultural technology and the optimizationof crop varieties, food shortage is no longer a centralconcern in China. As a result, Heilongjiang Province,freed from the duty of China’s breadbasket, called a stopto agricultural land reclamation. While the existingfarms are kept in operation, progressive restoration ofthe original ecosystem of the Great North Wildernesshas been carried out. In today’s Great North Wilderness,you can see side by side the prosperity of windblownwheat waves, even the idyllic picture of a lone cranedancing in the sky.


Heilongjiang Province, the northernmost place inChina with the coldest winter, is home to mountainsand rivers that embody friendship and responsibility._is land has nurtured the sel_ess, open-minded andgenerous people of Heilongjiang.


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