钱淇 刘沁昀
2023年的“村BA”比赛如期举办,在短短半年如火如荼的篮球盛事里,将近2 500支队伍进行了超过4 000场民间篮球赛。在3月25日的总决赛中,黔东南队击败了铜仁队取得了首届“村BA”的冠军。决赛期间,我们有幸在贵州当地遇到了一位热情的出租车司机,从他的口中了解到当地人对“村BA”的看法。问:师傅,听说“村BA”很火,据说这个比赛并不是第一次,好像每年都要持续几个月。您能简单介绍一下“村BA”吗?
Exploring the Popular“VBA” of Guizhou
—A Conversation with the Locals
On our business trip to Guizhou inApril 2023, we came across an intriguingbasketball game known locally as the “VBA”.So, we had a conversation about it with ourtaxi driver.
The basketball game takes place in anopen-air, red and green court. It isn’t a fancyvenue, and there are no o cial event organizers,commercial sponsors, or live broadcasting.However, the players display great devotionin the passionate cheers from the audience.Unique basketball matches like thishave gained widespread popularity throughlive-streaming platforms like Douyin, capturingsigni cant attention. The locals a ectionatelyand half-jokingly called it the “VBA”,short for “Village Basketball Association”.
The official name of the games is “The First Beautiful CountrysideBasketball League of Guizhou Province”. Hosting basketballmatches originates from the custom of organizing sports events,which is a nearly century-old tradition locally, during the “Chi XinFestival” (meaning “festival for tasting the newly-harvested crops”)on the sixth day of the sixth month in the lunar calendar each yearamong local ethnic minority groups. Among various sports, basketballhas emerged as the most accessible and most widely participatedevent that manages to survive generations, all the while retainingits grassroots tradition. All participants, including the players andreferees, are young, strong villagers. Some are local farmers or smallbusinessmen, while others work or study outside the village. However,they always return for training and competitions.
The 2023 VBA games were held as planned. In just six months,nearly 2,500 teams took part in over 4,000 captivating basketballgames. In the nals on March 25th, the Qiandongnan team defeatedthe Tongren team to win the first championship of the League.It was during the finals that we had the opportunity to meet afriendly and welcoming local taxi driver who shared with us thelocal perspective on the VBA.
Q: We know that the VBA has been held multipletimes, and it lasts for a couple of months everyyear. Could you please provide a brief introductionto this popular game?
A: The game started decades ago, even before I wasborn. However, we didn’t refer to it as the VBAback then. It was a basketball game simply playedbetween di erent villages.
Why did we initially organize such a game?Well, it wasn’t anything fancy. It probably stemmedfrom the fact that villages didn’t always get alongwith each other, but physical ghts weren’t a viablesolution. So, they turned to sports to channel theircompetitive spirit. Today, basketball is a highlypopular form of entertainment, particularly amongyoung people. It was not until the games were livestreamedon platforms like Douyin that they quicklybecame popular and were called the “VBA”.
The games usually start around October. Theyare held between villages near Kaili. The winning team gets to move forward to the next round, allthe way until the finals. Even before the gameswere live-streamed, they had already been a bighit in the community. As for me, well, I was prettysmall for a basketball player, and competing for reboundswas quite a challenge. So, I decided to playfootball instead of basketball.
Q: Speaking of football, do you have footballgames or other sports competitions? How did basketballexcel among so many sports?
A: There are other sports games as well, but theirscale is not as large. I guess basketball stands outbecause it can be played anytime, anywhere afterfinishing the farm work. All you need is two orthree people and a basketball. There is nothingcomplicated; you simply need to know how todribble. Football, on the other hand, is quite different.You will need more people, a larger eld, andmore complex techniques.
Basketball is an integral part of our lives. Everyvillage and town, including the remote Miao stockadevillages, has its own basketball court, although some may be less well-kept than the others. Let meput it this way, if a village doesn’t have a basketballcourt, no matter how developed it is in other ways,we think it’s falling behind.
We have games for women, too! At rst, therewere no games specifically for them. However,some female villagers came up and asked, “Whyare there only games for men? What about uswomen?” So, we organize women’s games eachyear on International Women’s Day. The only rulewe have is “no ghting”. Other than that, anythinggoes: carrying the ball and running more thanthey should or patting the opponent’s hand. Youname it. But as long as they score, it’s all good.Some even hold the ball tightly to their chest whilecrouching down, like a rugby player, but unfortunately,they still miss the shot. It is absolutely hilarious,and I can’t stop laughing. You should check itout on Douyin!
Q: As you mentioned, the game has been hostedfor decades. This year, it is gaining unprecedentedattention and being organized at the provinciallevel. What role does the government play in all of this?
A: It’s true that the game is organized at the provinciallevel, but the government’s role is relativelyminor. It’s the villagers who contribute the most.Families are happy to chip in, with wealthier onescontributing around a hundred RMB and lesswealthy ones contributing as little as ten. It’s entirelyvoluntary. The money collected is used topurchase prizes for the winners. The first prize isa cow, the second prize is a goat, the third prize issome sh, and the fourth prize is ducks, or somethinglike that.
Q: As a “grassroots” basketball game, what are therequirements for athletes and spectators in theVBA? What do you think people value the most?
A: The games are free, with no tickets required.The audience consists entirely of villagers, showingsupport for their villages. Along the road, there aresnack stands where you can buy delicious treatsto enjoy while watching the games. You can also choose to visit the nearby hotpot restaurants a erthe games. Eating hotpot, sipping on some beers,and singing songs on your way home.
There are only two rules for the players. First,professional players are not allowed. Second, playersmust have a rural hukou status (which meanstheir household registration is in a rural area).Around 95% of the residents here have a ruralhukou status, and the remaining 5% who havemoved out and changed their hukou status are nolonger eligible to play. Additionally, to ensure fairplay, we do not accept professional players, noteven if you were an NBA star! For us, the mostimportant thing is not how well one plays or howintense the game is; what matters most is that thisis a game of our own.
With the passage of time, children have grown up, and youngpeople have migrated to larger cities, and the elderly have aged.However, the VBA has continued to expand and thrive. Whatwas once simply “basketball matches between villages” has nowtransformed into a major event that enjoys widespread attentionand boasts an impressive reputation. It has become the ultimatesource of stress relief and entertainment for the hardworkingvillagers. The enthusiastic cheers from fellow villagers are thestrongest motivation for the players, while the ethnic and localsinging and dancing performances during intermissions add anauthentic touch of grassroots living to the games.
It all started with a genuine passion forsports within the hearts of the villagers.through the VBA, villages have found a newway of communication and interaction witheach other, and this, in turn, brings renewedvigor to the games. We rmly believe that theVBA has become an indispensable part of thevillage life, providing enduring joy and relaxationfor the locals. With the VBA, the future ofthe villagers is bound to be brighter and morepromising.