如果想要近距离触摸宏伟的世界级大桥,那你可以去安順市高原重丘区看一看坝陵河大桥。它全长2 237米,主桥跨度1 088米,高370米。在这里,你可以沿着桥梁内部观光通道在高空漫步,穿行在云雾之间,零距离欣赏桥梁建筑的结构之美,领略山地峡谷风光与“钢铁巨龙”的完美融合。在坝陵河大桥极限运动区还有世界最高的商业蹦极设施,足有370米,另有空中秋千、降落伞、滑翔伞等极限项目等待挑战者来征服。大桥五公里范围内还可以游览黄果树瀑布群,漫步关索岭古驿道,探秘红崖天书,品尝布依美食。
Guizhou, World Bridge Museum
While China boasts a myriad of majestic bridges, itis in Guizhou that you’ll encounter the most impressivebridges China has to offer.
Guizhou is the only provincein China devoid of plains. Its distinctgeographical environmentfeatures a terrain that slopes fromthe west to the east, with an averageelevation of roughly 1,100 meters.This unique geography makesGuizhou a province of “eightmountains, one river, and a solitarypatch of farmland”.
Guizhou is a kingdom ofmountains famous for its naturalbeauty. The ancient Chineseexplorer Xu Xiake once marveledat the sight of Guizhou,proclaiming, “Of all the mountains in the world,only here do they transform into lush forests.”While the sheer cliffs and rugged ridges bestowupon Guizhou stunning beauty, they also createsignificant transportation challenges. Historically,navigating through Guizhou has been a formidabletask in southwest China. To overcome thesechallenges, the industrious and ingenious localshave labored to carve roads into the mountains andconstruct a variety of bridges over the water bodies.Take, for example, Fuquan City. During the Mingand Qing dynasties, the city saw the construction of130 stone bridges, all of which remain standing tothis day. Among them, the Gejing Bridge, built inthe Ming Dynasty, was praised as the “crown jewel”of bridges in southwest China by Mao Yisheng, arenowned Chinese bridge expert who once presidedover a university in Fuquan.
As time unfolds, the stone bridges adorning the ancientpost routes may have lost their practical use, but they continueto symbolize the artistry of early bridge-building techniques.Some gracefully link quaint villages, while otherscross towering cli s. Having withstood the test of weatherand time, these structures have for centuries served as theveins of communication, linking lives, and preserving joyamong local people. In modern times, people have inheritedthis “bridge-building spirit” and made breakthroughsin crucial technologies used in kilometer-long suspensionbridges, large-span cable-stayed bridges, continuousrigid-frame bridges, and those utilizing high-performancesand-concrete. Over20,000 of these marvelsnow stand on thekarst plateau, turningGuizhou into a “worldbridge museum” showcasingdiverse designsand sophisticated technologies.
Currently, Guizhou is home to almost half of thetop 100 highest bridges globally, and an impressivefive of the top ten. These towering structures standas tangible testaments to the engineering mantra of“linking the north and south with a single bridge,transforming treacherous terrains into navigablepathways”.
One such example is the “First Beipan RiverBridge”. Situated on the Hangzhou-Ruili Expressway onthe border of Guizhou and Yunnan, it stretches fromDuge Town in the north to Lalong Village in the south.This monumental structure spans 1,341.4 meters overthe Nizhu River Grand Canyon, with the bridge deckstanding 565.4 meters above the river. In 2019, it waso cially recognized by the Guinness World Records asthe “World’s Highest Bridge”. The bridge deck, designedto accommodate a two-way, four-lane expressway, representsthe pinnacle of swivel arch bridges constructedof railway steel pipe and reinforced concrete. It is alsoa cable-stayed bridge with super-long-span steel truss.Construction of this colossal structure began in 2013and took three years. On its inauguration day, mediaoutlets from China and around the globe gathered towitness the spectacle, transforming the once secludedDuge Town into a hive of activity.
To marvel at an exceptionalfeat of engineering, set yoursight on the Baling River Bridgein the mountainous area nearAnshun City. This world-classstructure stretches an impressive2,237 meters, with its mainspan reaching 1,088 metersin length and 370 meters inheight. You have the chance towalk amongst the clouds on thebridge’s viewing deck, immersingyourself in its architecturalbeauty and the stunning view ofthe mountainous landscape. The Baling River Bridge is also a magnet for thrill-seekers,boasting the world’s highest bungee jumping platformat a breathtaking 370 meters. Adrenaline-pumpingactivities like sky swings, parachute jumping, andparagliding are also at your disposal.Within a 5-kilometer radiusof the bridge, you can explore therenowned Huangguoshu Waterfall,meander along the ancientGuansuoling post route, delve intothe secrets of the Red Cli Carvings,and relish the unique cuisine preparedby the local Buyi ethnic group.
Traveling northeast of Xingyi City, you’ll comeacross the Maling River Gorge, a natural formationetched by the mighty forces of tectonic movements.In the valley, a series of waterfalls cascade down lushbamboo canopies and interlinked caves. The two gorgewalls are peppered with ancient, uniquely shaped trees,giving the gorge the title of “the most beautiful scar onEarth”. The Maling River Bridge that spans this gorgeis a testament to human ingenuity. It is the first andthe largest three-span prestressed concrete twin-towercable-stayed bridge in Guizhou. Driving across thebridge in the early morning is akin to entering a mythicalrealm. From here, you can admire the dramaticwaterfalls of the Maling River Gorge and experience the harmonious blend of engineering marvel and aweinspiringnature. Truly, it’s a masterpiece co-created bynature and humans.
Other world-class bridges in Guizhou include theYachi River Bridge, the world’s largest-span steel trusscable-stayed bridge; the Pingtang Bridge, which boaststhe world’s tallest concrete bridge towers; the LiuguangRiver Bridge, an intricate double-tower, doublecable-plane composite beam cable-stayed bridge; theHongshui River Bridge, the world’s tallrst asymmetricalhybrid composite beam cable-stayed bridge; andthe Qingshui River Bridge on the Guiyang-Weng’anExpressway, a unique suspension bridge featuring asingle-span plate truss with a stiffening girder.
The challenging topography of the region once madetravel a daunting endeavor. Today, a journey acrossGuizhou feels as though you can easily traverse a thousandmountains and valleys. The province has constructed morethan 20,000 large bridges, soaring across the deep gorgesand highways that defy the obstacles of the rugged terrain.The result is a metaphorical “high-speed plain” carved intothe sprawling mountains. These bridges serve not just ascritical conduits across Guizhou’s mountains and rivers, butalso as architectural gems that harmonize beautifully withthe natural landscape, infusing life into the mountains.
As you travel in Guizhou, endless mountains stretchinto the horizon, with waterfalls cascading down theirsides. Deep valleys are shrouded in a sea of clouds, withawe-inspiring bridges towering over them. Driving throughthe undulating mountains of Guizhou, one gets to marvelat the feats of modern engineering while witnessingnumerous bridges “swooping” across countless peaks andvalleys. These structures embellish the cliffs, unique rockformations, dense forests, and ssures of gorges, seamlesslyconnecting the scenic mountains and rivers. This hasmade Guizhou the “World Bridge Museum”. The bridgeshave brought not just connectivity, but also immeasurablebenefits to the residents of these mountainous regions,surmounting the limitations set by the terrain and o eringnewfound hope to the once isolated communities.