A special journey特别的旅行


疯狂英语·读写版 2023年3期


主题语境:旅行 篇幅:318词 建议用时:6分钟

1 A mere four monthsago, a black cat namedBounty had no idea justhow adventurous his lifewas about to become.Although the cat wasoriginally destined for acat sanctuary, DoinaMuravschi adopted him just in time. To some, Doina being an avid (酷爱的) traveller wouldseem like a potential issue, but it turns out, these two were made for each other.

2 Excited for their journey to begin, Doina gathered all of the equipment, treats, andother necessities that the two of them would need. Though, when it came to carriers forBounty, she had to get a bit creative.“I made a special pouch for him, because cat carriersare not adapted to certain journeys,”she said.

3 One of their first adventures included a cycling tour of Italy, the first test that wouldhelp them discover how accustomed he was to an adventurous lifestyle.“At the start,Bounty was a little anxious and nervous, but after the first few days, he started to enjoyhimself,”Doina said.“While I pedalled (蹬;骑), he slept in the carrier.”

4 Since that first cycling tour, Bounty and Doina have gone on several moreadventures in their short time together, including mountaineering and camping. Infact, this adorable cat has already managed to become a record breaker! He is considered tobe the first house cat to summit La Grignetta, a 7,100⁃foot mountain in the Italian Alps.Best of all, he did so“without even a meow of protest”.

5“Together we ve already gone on trips of more than a month,”Doina said,“lastautumn, when we went from Ballabio to Matera by bike.”In other words, the two of themcycled the entire length of the Italian peninsula! If youd like to keep up with this adorableduo, youre in luck! They have their own website where Doina documents their travels withlots of updates, photos, and videos for their 800 followers to enjoy.



1. What can we know about Bounty from paragraph 1?

A. He was a small cat.

B. He was a beautiful cat.

C. He was a cat who loved travelling.

D. He was a cat who loved adventures.

2. What has Doina specially prepared for Bounty?

A. Kinds of fishes. B. A special cat carrier.

C. Many fruits. D. A partner.

3. How did Bounty feel when travelling after the first few days?

A. Calm. B. Bored.

C. Excited. D. Happy.

4. Whats the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To tell us their travel time is wonderful.

B. To offer more details of their travelling.

C. To provide some examples for travellers.

D. To show us the text is very interesting.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

Since that first cycling tour, Bounty and Doina have gone on several more adventuresin their short time together, including mountaineering and camping.自從第一次骑车旅行后,邦蒂和多依娜在短暂的时间里又一起进行了几次冒险,包括登山和露营。

【点石成金】句中的Since表“自从”,通常和现在完成时连用;including在句子中作后置定语,修饰several more adventures。

Ⅱ. Text⁃centered chunks

be destined for 发往;注定

turn out 原来是;结果是

manage to do sth 设法完成某事

in other words 换句话说

keep up with 熟悉……;赶上;和……保持联系


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