
西藏研究 2023年3期



Liu Wei(1)

In the new era,the construction of Chinese new modernization development must be guaranteed by a new high-level security pattern.Maintaining the safety and stability in Tibet is to ensure the national security and long-term stability.At present stage,the issue of national security in Tibet is not only affected by complex situations home and abroad and deep-seated contradictions but also faces regional special security risks and challenges.The overall concept of national security must be firmly implemented when handling with the key tasks of maintaining the safety and stability in Tibet.Specifically,it is necessary to build a national security protection system in Tibet from five aspects:in-depth practice of the overall national security concept,combination of strong management and good governance,coordination of the overall layout and precise response,consolidation of the grass-roots security foundation in Tibet,and enhancement of national security situation awareness.



Wang Xiaoyun(8)

Chanting Tibet poetriesin Qing Dynasty,created by Amban and his followers,generals who garrison in Tibet and their civil personnels,expanded the geographical boundaries of Qing literature and enriched the expression range of Qing Dynasty poetry.In this way,it continued the grand and strong styles of Chinese poetry.Chanting Tibet poets showed their determination to defending Tibet,compared repaying the emperor’s kindness to the description of the steep mountains and valleys of the snowy region.Their poetries represented their positive personalities and their responsibility for the country and the people.Chanting Tibet poets were Mongolian and Manchu,they transliterated Tibetan words into poetries.Therefore,the creation of poems was the practice of Chinese multi-ethnic integration of literary history view.


Feng Xiang(17)

Local affairs in modern Tibet were complicated.Especially after the revolution of 1911,the relationship between the central government and local authorities in Tibet became extremely abnormal.However,this did not break the power pattern of “local powers are authorized by central government” which formed in the long Chinese history process.Tibetan local powers still need authority from the central government to establish legitimacy and maintain political stability.Such power structure demonstrates the actual relationships between the central government and Tibetan local powers and provides the effective evidence of China’s sovereignty in Tibet.


Wang Dan,Wang Rujun(33)

The fate of all ethnic groups in Tibet is closely linked with the destiny of China.Forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in Tibet helps Tibet fully integrate into the historical process of common prosperity and great rejuvenation with strategic,realistic,endogenous,inevitable and critical significances.In the new era,forging the strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in Tibet are faced with a series of extremely complex and severe practical challenges,but also ushered in many particularly critical important opportunities.To forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in Tibet is a strategic,complex and dynamic project which requires material support,political support,educational shaping,social insurance and joint endeavor of all ethnic groups in Tibet.



A Gui(43)

The historical materials about the history of Tubo mainly include the Dunhuang original Tubo historical documents,stone inscriptions,wooden slips and historical books and few others.Recently,a folk copy of theTibetanIronCredentialDocumentwas found in Ngari prefecture which records the content of anedict issued by Tubo Zanpu Trisong Deutsen to his retainer Rgye shin khridbanggcugpudrje la khwe and the edict’s inheritance situation in this family.Although historical figures and related situation of this family were mentioned during Stag risnyagzigs,Gnamri Srongbtsan,Srongtsen Gampo and Trisong Deutsen periods,related records were not found in other historical materials.Therefore,this article excerpts and translate of this document to supplement the research materials of the history of Tubo.


Qi Deshun(53)

Zhao An is the fourteenth generation descendant of Chio-ssu-lo family.He was promoted from a hundred households in Lintao to vice governor.He was bestowed the title of “Hui Chuan Count” during Emperor Yingzong period and gained a medallion of exempt from death penalty.And then,he became the first-generation Tusi of Didao Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty and the most influential figure of the Chio-ssu-lo family.


Duoji Zhuoma,Padma-gyal(60)

Gterma.Zangglingmaor theCooperIsland,a complete concealment biography of Padmasambhava’s early life,has the characteristics of a trinity of treasure concealment biography and history.The research method of the history of Buddhist ideas affirms the positive role of the concealment biography as the products of a specific period from a theoretical perspective.According to this,the author of this article carried out a thorough analysis on Nyang ralnyima‘od zer’sGterma.Zangglingma,and finds out that the Padmasambhava’s stories inGterma.Zangglingmabecomes historical reality and several cultural functions it demonstrate within Buddhists.The author also reveals the religious,historical and conceptual meanings inGterma.Zangglingmaasit is a concealment biography of Padmasambhava in the second propagation of Buddhism.With these findings,it could have certain enlightenment significance for understanding and studyingGterma.Zangglingmaand other historical concealment documents.


Suolang Zhuoma(68)

In the late 19th century,with the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in the western countries,the research about Khandroma became the hot topic in western Tibetology circle and religious communities.Western scholars interpreted the concept,identity orientation and cultural image of Khandroma from different perspectives and proposed arguments about Khandroma from different views.About the question of “what is the identity of Khandroma”,there were two arguments,some scholars preferred Khandroma is a witch and the others thought Khandroma is a Dharmapalas or the protector.The other question is about “what is the figure of Khandroma”,there are two attractive answers,one point of view regards Khandroma is an inferior figure under the perspective of feminism,the other prefers to think Khandroma as an abstract image from the psychological perspective.This article will analyze the western arguments about Khandroma by referring several Traditional Tibetan documents.


Geri Jiebu(76)

The ancient Tibetan verb “skad” gradually changed from a notional verb to a word that has quotative,analogous and transmission functions.During 8th to 10th century,“skad” was used as a notional verb,a quotative mark and a word of analogous functionin the Tubo tablet inscription and Dunhuang ancient Tibetan documents.However,this word was commonly used as a transmission mark in the literature after the 11th century.These different usages represent the gradual evolution of this word from a full verb to a function word.There are not many cases of analogy in Tibetan verbs.This finding can not only enrich the grammatical lexicon of Tibetan verbs,but also has positive reference value for the study of grammatical verb in other Tibeto-Burman languages.By defining the sequence of functional evolution,it is expected to provide more linguistic evidence for the determination of the writing age of ancient Tibetan documents.


La zong(83)

As a basic work in the ethnic language development,the standardization of neologism and terminology not only relates to the inheritance and development of ethnic language,but also directly affects whether the Party’s policies can be accurately learned,used and promoted in ethnic areas.The translation and standardization of Tibetan neologisms terms has always been a universal problem faced by the whole Tibetan and even the whole Tibetan translation community.Nowadays,the rapid development of Tibetan neologism makes vast new words and terms in various fields which causes confused and inconsistent Tibetan translations.Therefore,it is urgent to standardize the translation of Tibetan neologism terms and unify the translated names,which is a major and also a long-lasting research topic that need to be solved urgently.


Pei Rudi(90)

During Liu Chengxun served as the governor in Western Kham from 1925 to 1927,he adapted several governing strategies such as army integration,personal scheduling,constructing the road from Chengdu to Kham area,establishing schools,suppressing the rebellions in Kham South Areas,etc.,which maintained the stability of Western Kham to a certain extent.However,he was defeated by Liu Wenhui and escaped from Western Kham in June 1927.As Liu Chengxun’s governing strategies had been carried out in Western Kham less than two years,his governing strategies could not be fully implemented.With unstable political situations in central government and Sichuan area,poor natural conditionals and frequent disasters,insurgence of bandits in Kham South Areas,the overall effects of Liu Chengxun’s governance in Western Kham during his tenure was not good.


Zhao Xuefen(101)

The style of murals in no.132 cave of Bingling Temple grottoesare Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism in the Ming Dynasty.Tibetan Buddhism is the main style among these murals which are exquisite,complete preservation and complex in content.Through analyzing the spatial arrangement and the content of these murals,the author argues that these murals are a practice of Tibetan Buddhism Tantrism.There are four reasons that the author explained,first of all is the presence of the visualize and achieve the Dharma image,second is the painting of entering the Dharma Realm through transformation,third is the presence of Bodhisattva Making Offerings image and the last one is the presence of Dharma Protectors image.The Taoism style murals,less than Tibetan Buddhism murals,are mainly about sending children,expressing the wish of the believers.


Cai Yunxi,Yu Chun(108)

“Cha Shou”,a wooden structure adopted in a small chamber which locates at middle of the central Buddhist hall’s back wall in Jokhang Monastery’s first floor.This unique wooden structure belongs to traditional Chinese architectural style.Through sorting out the evolution process of this “Cha Shou” architectural structure,the author finds out that there are differences between traditional Chinese styles in Tang and Song Dynasties and that in Jokhang Monastery.And this “Cha Shou” architectural structure in Jokhang Monastery is more similar to the architectural structure in Dunhuang murals during the Southern and Northern Dynasties period.The emergence of such traditional Han-style architectural components in Tibet at the early stage of second propagation of Buddhism period could related to the influence of Dunhuang’s Buddhism.And it could also be influenced by the architectural style of the Samye Monastery which is one of the most important Tibetan Buddhist monasteries.



Song Shilei(116)

“Tea Horse Ancient Road” is an original academic concept that proposed by contemporary Chinese scholars,it is also a conceptual contribution of China to the community with a shared future for mankind discourse system which has a wide influence in East Asia countries such as Japan,South Korea as well as some Western English-speaking countries.From the early 20th century,Japan had been focusing on the tea horse trading issues,the “Tea Horse Ancient Road” concept was introduced into Japan and quickly accepted by different social groups through related books,journals,photo and film works,social groups’ activities and the development and consumption experiencing of peripheral products.Japanese scholars carried out ontology research on Tea Horse Ancient Road through various historical documents and even get the firsthand experience by visiting and surveying the historical sites of Tea Horse Ancient Road from multiple disciplinary dimensions.The dissemination of “Tea Horse Ancient Road” concept in Japan is still rising,shows certain rules and characteristics in the aspects of discourse paradigm,communication form and pattern,communication themes.


Ye Xiaoqin,Chen Pan(130)

Some scholars argue that China and its Taiwan region are still the centers of Tibetan Studies.Taiwan region of China has fruitful achievements in Tibetan studies as it is one of the centers with unique position and features.However,the Tibetan studies in Taiwan region encounters challenges such as insufficient fund,short of special talents,research marginalization due to far away from actual research field,lack of specialized institutions,poor overall planning and political turmoil.Generally speaking,China and its Taiwan region have nature and close connection to each other,high academic complementarity and shared expectation in Tibetan studies,the scholars of will forge the strong sense of community for the Chinese nation through the close communicate,exchange in Tibetan studies.


Li Hechun,Yao Liyao(139)

“Shared Community for Human and Nature” is the highest level of presentation of “the harmonious relationship between human and nature.”The construction of “Shared Community for Human and Nature” is the crucial foundation of preserving ecological environment and forging the common spiritual community for all ethnic groups in China.Through analyzing the traditional salt industrial works at Nangqian and Mangkang county in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,it could be found that a unique “Nature to Practice” mechanism have been practicing by the workers.There are three strategies in this mechanism,“taking full advantage of the nature”“preventing conflicts between human and nature” and “classifying different levels of salt consumption”.With this mechanism and strategies,a “shared community for human and nature” based on “respecting the nature”“conforming to the nature” and “protecting the nature” principles was formed.This is the typical case of building harmonious relationship between human and nature in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and has great significance of protecting the environment in the Sanjiang River Basin.


Shen Maoying(147)

China’s population aging trend is accelerating,ethnic minority areas are no exception,showing a typical “aging before getting rich” pattern.Aba Prefecture,the only Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture in China,has entered the aging society in 2010 when the 6th national population census project launched,and the characteristics of the aging society were more obvious when the 7th national population census project launched.The aging population of Aba Prefecture shows the characteristics of “the total elderly population continues to increase,the aging process is not synchronized between urban and rural areas,data different among counties and cities,counties aging population was relatively low and the gender difference is obvious”.The unique ecological barrier status,complex and diversified landforms,ultra-low population density and economic density,low level of financial self-sufficiency,high proportion of the elderly population illiterate and living with illness,family-led living patterns and support constitute the natural,social,economic and family cultural support of the aging population in Aba Prefecture.Therefore,the key points to deal with the aging population in Aba Prefecture include: taking measures to cope with the aging population in advance,promoting the construction of pension facilities in countiesand towns,improving the family support and support system,developing the spiritual capital pension mutual assistance function,developing the rural service economy for the elderly,and reserving old-age nursing talents.