

疯狂英语·新读写 2023年8期

浙江 李 畅

主题语境:自然 篇幅:350词 建议用时:7分钟

1Scientists have known for years that plants respond to sounds around them.For example,flowers make sweeter nectar to the sound of buzzing bees.But now scientists in Israel have shown that plants also seem to be doing some“talking”.

2As scientists studied the sounds,they began to notice patterns.Plants hardly clicked at all when they had enough water.But as their soil got drier,they clicked more and more.When scientists cut off stems from the plants,the plants also clicked more.But the clicking wasn't the same as when the plants needed water.

3It's not clear how the plants make the sounds.One idea is that air bubbles form inside the plants'stems,and that these popping bubbles make a clicking sound.It's also not clear whether the plants are making the sounds on purpose.

4In fact,researchers trained an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system to identify different kinds of clicking sounds.The system is able to tell the difference between plants that need water and plants with cuts about 70% of the time.The result suggests that researchers may one day be able to use a plant's sounds to figure out when it is having trouble,and what trouble it is having.That could be very expedient to farmers.

5The new discovery raises many more questions.One important question is:Do plants make sounds to communicate with each other? Other research has shown that plants do seem to communicate in some ways.Plants being attacked by insects send chemicals into the air.Soon,nearby plants that haven't been attacked yet start to make other chemicals that don't taste good to insects.

6Scientists say wheat plants,like the ones above,also make clicks.In the future,plant sounds could help farmers figure out when their crops are having trouble.Another big question is: Is anything listening to plants? Take mice for example.They depend on plants,and can hear ultrasonic frequencies.The clicks may tell these animals when a plant isn't healthy,so they can avoid it.Scientists hope to learn what else might cause plants to make sounds,and whether AI can help identify those conditions,too.




1.In what situation do plants rarely make sounds?

A.When they are cut off.

B.When they feel a bit drier.

C.When they have enough water.

D.When they are bitten by insects.


2.What does the underlined word“expedient”in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Interesting. B.Beneficial.

C.Influential. D.Meaningful.


3.What does the author think of the fact of plants talking?

A.It's worrying. B.It's practical.

C.It's objective. D.It's meaningless.


4.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A science magazine.

B.A biology textbook.

C.The encyclopedia.

D.The anecdote.



Ⅰ.Text-centered chunks

respond to 对……做出反应

cut off 切断

figure out 理解;弄明白

raise questions 提出问题

take...for example 以……为例

Ⅱ.Difficult sentence in the text

Scientists hope to learn what else might cause plants to make sounds,and whether AI can help identify those conditions,too.科学家们希望了解其他可能引发植物发出声音的原因,以及人工智能是否也能帮助识别这些情况。

【点石成金】本句中,and 连接两个宾语从句。第一个宾语从句是what else might cause the plants to make sounds,what 在句中作主语;第二个宾语从句是whether AI can help identify those conditions,too,whether意为“是否”。


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