

疯狂英语·新读写 2023年8期

广东 张湾湾



Falling in love with biking


1The first time my parents watched me compete in a mountain bike race,they tried to get me to quit.While I was riding down a hill,I hit a huge rock,flew through the air and crashed to the ground.However,this kind of thing happens all the time.I just got up as fast as I could,got back on my bike and kept going.And I won that race,despite taking quite a spill!

2My earliest bike memories are of my father taking me out for rides in the child seat on the back of his ten-speed.A couple years later,I got my first bike.But my parents wouldn't let me ride more than a few blocks from the house until I was ten.The morning of my tenth birthday,I got my elder sister to take me on a long ride.We ended up at my aunt's house.Although I was totally exhausted and every muscle in my body ached,I didn't care.I knew that this was only the beginning,and all I could think about was where my next trip would take me.

3When I was in the eighth grade,our gym teacher,Mr Raines,sent out a flyer about starting a mountain bike club.I ran to his office between classes and signed up.Over the next few months,the ten of us who joined the club worked on our biking skills.Besides taking us out riding,Mr Raines taught us about bike safety,and showed us how to properly maintain and repair our bikes.He also helped us form a mountain bike team.At first,we competed against each other.Later,we went up against other schools.We continued to train and compete all through high school.

4Biking has been the major focus of my life.Those early trips on the back of my father's bike got me started.The long rides with my sister increased my enthusiasm.Then,the training and competitions in the bike club guaranteed that I would turn into a lifelong bike fan.I think everyone should have a hobby like this——something that is good for them and makes them happy.

Activity A Reading for understanding



What is the text mainly about?


Fill in the blanks according to the text with only one word for each blank.


Activity B Reading for writing


compete in a mountain bike race 参加山地自行车比赛

crash to the ground 摔倒在地

all the time 一直;始终

end up 结束

start a mountain bike club 成立一个山地自行车俱乐部

sign up 报名

how to properly maintain and repair one's bike 如何正确保养和维修某人的自行车

form a mountain bike team 组建一支山地自行车队

compete against each other 相互竞争

go up against other schools 与其他学校竞争

increase one's enthusiasm 增加某人的热情

turn into a lifelong bike fan 成为一个终生的自行车迷

be good for 有益于



Although I was totally exhausted and every muscle in my body ached,I didn't care.尽管我筋疲力尽,浑身肌肉酸痛,但我不在乎。

【点石成金】本句中,Although 引导让步状语从句,强调主句内容。在该句型中,主句前不可以加but,这是一个易错点,写作中使用该句型时应多加注意。



I think everyone should have a hobby like this——something that is good for them and makes them happy.我认为每个人都应该有这样的爱好——使他们获益并让他们感到快乐的爱好。

【点石成金】本句用了一个that 引导的定语从句,用来说明人们应该拥有使他们获益并让他们感到快乐的爱好。由于先行词为不定代词something,所以关系代词只能用that 而不能用which。







1.词数80 左右;




Dear Mom and Dad,

Yours sincerely,

Your beloved son,Li Hua



本次的写作任务是写一封劝说信(persuasive letter)。学生需要表达自己非常想去参加山地自行车比赛的愿望,客观分析和阐释参加山地自行车比赛的益处并恳请父母支持自己热爱骑行的爱好,同意自己去参加比赛,并且需要使用让步状语从句或定语从句。这些写作要点和要求与所给语篇的主题语境是紧密相关的。我们可以通过整合同一主题的阅读材料的内容和语言,梳理写作思路和积累素材。




1.I feel a little upset to learn that you don't want me to take part in the mountain bike race.得知你们不想让我参加山地自行车比赛,我有点不开心。

2.Knowing that you don't allow me to participate in the competition,I am writing to express my own thoughts.得知你们不允许我参加比赛,我写信来表达我自己的想法。

3.I am writing to persuade you to allow me to compete in the mountain bike race.我写信是为了说服你们允许我参加山地自行车比赛。


1.There is no denying that good hobbies make life more colorful and enjoyable.不可否认,好的爱好使生活更加丰富多彩和快乐。

2.Biking as a kind of exercise will be an ideal opportunity for me to keep fit.骑自行车作为一种运动,对我来说将是保持健康的理想机会。

3.Although competing in a mountain bike race may be a bit dangerous,I am not scared at all.虽然参加山地自行车比赛可能有点危险,但我一点也不害怕。

4.The most important thing is that I will learn to protect myself.最重要的事情是,我会学会保护自己。

5.In addition,there is no need to worry about my safety at all as our coach will teach us about bike safety,and proper protection and safety measures will be done before each exercise.此外,你们完全不必担心我的安全,因为我们的教练会教我们关于自行车的安全知识,并且每次训练前都会做好适当的保护和安全措施。

6.As for my study,I am sure that I can keep a balance between study and training,which will be arranged during the time of after-class physical activities once a week.至于学习,我确信我能在学习和训练之间保持平衡。我们的训练每周一次,被安排在课外体育活动时间。


1.In a word,exercise is as useful and important as our study.总之,锻炼和学习一样有用且重要。

2.In conclusion,I would be more than happy if you could take my thoughts into consideration.总之,如果你们能考虑我的想法,我将会非常高兴。

3.Therefore,I really hope that you will be able to think in my position and allow me to take part in the race.因此,我非常希望你们能够站在我的立场上考虑,允许我参加比赛。



Dear Mom and Dad,

I feel a little upset to learn that...But I really want to go for it.Thus,I'm writing to...(引出问题+写作目的)

First of all,although competing in a mountain bike race may be a bit dangerous,...In addition,proper protection and safety measures will be done...Furthermore,I am sure...(阐述劝说的具体理由)

In short,I really hope that...(总结并表达期望)

Yours sincerely,

Your beloved son,Li Hua


根据以上提供的主题、主题表达和语篇结构,确定文章内容。第一段引出问题,表明写作目的;第二段结合问题,阐述劝说的具体理由;第三段总结个人观点并表达希望对方接受自己的想法。词数控制在80 左右。



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