

疯狂英语·新读写 2023年8期

山东 孙启禄

主题语境:科技 篇幅:373词 关键词:habitat,volunteers

1Four small rooms,a gym and a lot of red sand——NASA revealed its new Mars-simulation habitat,in which volunteers will live for a year at a time to test what life will be like on future missions to Earth's neighbor.

2Four volunteers will begin the first trial this summer, during which NASA plans to monitor their physical and mental health to have a better understanding of humans' courage for such a long isolation.With that data,NASA will have a better understanding of astronauts'“resource use”on Mars.

3“We can really start to understand how we're supporting them with what we're providing them,and that's going to be really important information to making those critical resource decisions,”said Grace Douglas,an expert,on a press tour of the habitat.“Such a distant mission comes with‘very strict mass limitations’,”she added.

4The 160-square-meter habitat is also designed to recreate environmental pressures that future visitors to Mars could face.Examples of this will be carrying out activities with limited resources,being isolated and experiencing equipment failures.

5Several pieces of equipment astronauts would likely use are scattered around the red sand-covered floor,including a weather station,a brick-making machine and a small greenhouse.There is also a treadmill (跑步机) on which the make-believe astronauts will walk suspended from straps to simulate the red planet's lesser gravity.

6Four volunteers will use the treadmill to simulate long trips outside to explore Mars,collecting samples,gathering data or building infrastructure (基础设施).The volunteers who will take part in the first experiment have not yet been named.NASA says the process of choosing the individuals will follow the same guidelines that are used to choose astronauts.The team members will be expected to have rich backgrounds in science,technology,engineering and math.

7The habitat has another special feature:it was 3D-printed.

8“That is one of the technologies that NASA is looking at as a potential to build habitat on other planetary or lunar surfaces,”Douglas said.

9NASA is in the early stages of preparation for a mission to Mars,though most of the agency's focus is on the upcoming Artemis missions, which aim to return humans to the Moon for the first time in half a century.



1.What does NASA want to do with the data to be collected at present?

A.To send volunteers to Mars to have the first trial.

B.To monitor volunteers'physical and mental health.

C.To better understand how astronauts use the resources on Mars.

D.To ensure that volunteers can adapt to the environment on Mars.

2.What is paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.Exercise of the volunteers. B.Equipment in the habitat.

C.Proper use of the treadmill. D.Lesser gravity of Mars.

3.What can we learn about the would-be volunteers?

A.They will be strictly chosen.

B.They each must have a degree.

C.They must be fond of running.

D.They must know the guidelines.

4.What can we infer about the mission to Mars?

A.It has a long way to go.

B.Habitats have been printed on it.

C.Volunteers need to be chosen now.

D.Full preparations have been made.


本文是一篇新闻报道,主题语境是人与社会,话题是太空探索。美国国家航空航天局发布了一个新的3D 模拟空间,为未来的火星任务做准备,以更好地了解长期隔离对人类健康的影响。




1.Four volunteers will begin the first trial this summer,during which NASA plans to monitor their physical and mental health to have a better understanding of humans'courage for such a long isolation.四名志愿者将于今年夏天开始第一次试验,在此期间,美国国家航空航天局计划监测他们的身心健康,以更好地了解人类在如此长时间的隔离中的勇气。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。Four volunteers will begin the first trial this summer是主句,during which NASA 是“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,to have a better understanding of...isolation是动词不定式短语作目的状语。

2.NASA is in the early stages of preparation for a mission to Mars,though most of the agency's focus is on the upcoming Artemis missions,which aim to return humans to the Moon for the first time in half a century.美国国家航空航天局正处于火星任务的早期准备阶段,尽管该机构的大部分重心是即将到来的阿尔忒弥斯任务,该任务旨在让人类半个世纪以来首次重返月球。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。NASA is in the early stages of...Mars是主句,though most of the agency's focus is...missions 是让步状语从句,which aim to return humans to...century是非限制性定语从句。




________________,we still lack enough knowledge about it.








Exploring Mars


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