The Stowaway偷乘者


中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年8期

Melanie Sequiera

Marco Puss, the famous cat explorer,arrived at the docks2 one day. It was allnew to him—the noise, the interestingsmells, the ship.

“A house on water,”he thought.“Howexciting! ”Tail in the air, he stalked3 upthe gangway4. When he was halfway up heheard a shout.

“Whose cat is that? Get it off theship! ”

Marco was booted5 off the ship. Hisdignity6 was hurt.

“Ill get on that ship somehow or myname is not Marco Puss! ”he vowed7.

A big basket lay nearby along withother baggage8. Marco hid in it. Soon aman came along and picked up the basket.Marco was carried up the gangway anddown a companionway9 till they reachedthe ships galley10. There the basket wasset down.

“Here you are, Cook,”said a voice.“The food you ordered.”

The cover was lifted. Marco jumpedout and ran through the doorway. Behindhim came shouts as others joined the cookin the chase11. The noise brought Captainon the scene.

“Whats all this hullabaloo12 about?”he asked angrily. “Cook! Why are yourunning about with a rolling pin13?”

Cook explained,“It was in the basket,sir! A dirty black cat! ”

“We cant wait for it to be found,”said Captain. “All hands to their posts. Ifyou come across the cat, just throw it intothe sea.”

Cook, kind at heart, now felt sorry thathe had made a fuss14. “Let it be, Captain,”he said.“Cats are good mousers, and if thereis one thing Im afraid of, its mice! ”

And a sailor15 put in timidly16,“Itsgood to have a cat on board, sir. They bringgood luck.”

“Pah! ”said Captain.“Not a black cat.Black cats always bring bad luck and I wonthave one on my ship. When you find it,drown17 it! ”

How afraid Marco was when he heardthe words! He hardly dared to breathe!“What am I to do?”he thought. “Im safeenough here for the moment, but sooner orlater Ill have to go out for food. Thankheavens! I had a good feed in the basket.”

There was a slight sound behind him.Turning around quickly, he pounced18. “Ah, arat! ”he said in surprise. “I dont eat rats as arule, but I guess youll come in handy19 on areallyhungryday.”

“Please, sir,”the mouse cried. Suddenlya wonderful idea struck Marco. His blue eyesbegan to shine.

Setting the mouse comfortably betweenhis paws, Marco explained,“Im going to letyou go, Mousie—but first youll have topromise to do me a little favour.

“Anything, sir, anything! ” promisedthe mouse.

“All right then, listen carefully...”

Just before supper-time that evening, Cookwas taking a huge pie from the oven20 whensuddenly something ran between his feet.

“A mouse! ”he screamed21, droppingthe pie all over the floor. “A mouse in mykitchen! Help! Help! ”

Captain hurried into the galley. Hefound Cook standing on top of the table,screaming over and over again.“Mouse!Help! I knew that cat should have beenallowed to run free. It would have caught themouse.”

“Nonsense22! ”said Captain. “We donot need a cat to catch a mouse. Set thetraps! ”

In their hiding place, Marco shook withlaughter.“Well done, little mouse!”he said.“Tomorrow at lunchtime, Ill send you outagain. Now listen. They are going to setcheese traps for you. You are not to go nearthe cheese, do you hear?”

The mouse looked unhappy. “I likecheese,”she said.

“Very well, then. I will eat you,”saidMarco. “For if you go near the trap theyllget you and youll be killed anyway! ”

The mouse backed away hurriedly.“Iwont go near the trap. I promise! ”

The next morning, Cook was mixing acake when suddenly the mouse ran across thetable. Cook had dropped the bowl.

The passengers were so angry that theyshouted at Captain,“Never again will wetravel on your ship! ”

Captain was angry and worried.

“This wont do, Cook,”he said.“Fortwo days running, the meals have beenspoilt23.”

The day of the great ship dinner arrivedand still the traps remained empty.

“I will not cook dinner! ”cried Cook.‘Iknow that mouse will come! ”

“Dont be silly, Cook,” Captain saidseriously. ‘You have to prepare something tocalm the passengers down. But Ill tell youwhat... Ill bring along some sailors whollkeep a watch here and catch that mouse if itappears. You go ahead with your cooking.”

“You heard that?”said the mouseworriedly.“Theyll be waiting for me! ”

“Then, now is the time to go,”decided Marco.“Lets go a little earlier.”

The mouse rushed through the doorlike lightning24, climbed up a table andgrabbed25 a piece of cake. BeforeCaptain arrived in the doorway the mousehad left safely.

Poor Cook jumped up with a scream.What a mess!

The news went around quickly.

“Its no ordinary26 mouse,”whis -pered27 the sailors fearfully.

“Get me off the ship,”cried Cook.“Put out a lifeboat! Im not staying amoment longer. The mouse is out to getme, I know! ”

It was at that moment that Marcodecided to make his entrance. Everyonestared in amazement as the cat stalkedin, tail waving gently in the air, proudand unafraid.

“Its the stowaway!”went up a whisper.

Marco sniffed28 at the ground with theair of a great detective. “Just like SherlockHolmes,”whispered someone in admiration.

Nose to the ground, Marco followedthe route29 that mouse had taken. Tenminutes later he returned and laid a pieceof cake at Cooks feet. Then, sitting down,he began to wash his face as though he hadjust had a most satisfying meal.

“It has caught it! It has caught themouse! ”cried Cook, hugging Marco.

“Caught it and ate it, looks like,”saida sailor.

“Well, Captain,”said another sailor.“Shall I take it now and throw itoverboard?”

Captain looked ashamed. “Let itstay,”he said, bending down and pettingMarco. “And see that its well lookedafter for the rest of the journey! ”

“Never fear, Captain,” said Cook.“Three good meals a day itll get, cookedand served by my own hands! ”

Later that night, Marco visited thehiding place he no longer needed. A smallanimal came out of the shadows andaccepted the piece of cake Marco hadbrought for her. Then she rubbed herselfagainst his leg.

“So youre no longer afraid of me, areyou?”said Marco.

The mouse looked at him cheekily30.“No, if you please, Mr. Puss. For if you fallout with Cook or Captain, youll be needingme again! ”



“那是谁的猫? 把它弄下船!”



























“ 那么好吧。我会吃掉你的。”马尔科说,“因为如果你靠近陷阱,他们会抓住你,你无论如何都会被杀掉!”






















“ 看起来像是抓住并吃了它。”一名水手说。









1. stowaway 偷乘者

2. dock 码头;船埠

3. stalk 高视阔步地走

4. gangway 舷梯

5. boot 猛踢;解雇

6. dignity 尊严;自尊

7. vow 立誓;发誓

8. baggage 行李

9. companionway 舱梯

10. galley  船上的厨房

11. chase 追赶;追逐

12. hullabaloo 喧嚣;吵闹声

13. rolling pin 擀面杖

14. fuss 大惊小怪

15. sailor 水手;船员

16. timidly  羞怯地;胆小地

17. drown 使……淹死

18. pounce 猛扑;扑过去抓住

19. come in handy 派得上用场

20. oven 烤炉;烤箱

21. scream 尖叫

22. nonsense 胡说;废话

23. spoil 破坏;糟蹋

24. lightning 闪电

25. grab 攫取;抓住

26. ordinary 普通的;平常的

27. whisper 低语;小声说

28. sniff 嗅;闻

29. route  路线

30. cheekily 厚脸皮地


黑猫钓鱼 边庆祝