Face Blindness May be More Common than Thought脸盲症可能比想象中的更常见
Do you find it difficult to remember faces? If so, you may have a form ofprosopagnosia1—or “face blindness”. This includes the inability2 to recognizefaces youve seen before, even those of friends or family.
It was believed that face blindness affected just over 2% of people in the worldbefore. But it may be more common than that, according to new research.
Researchers asked over 3,100 adult participants3 in the US questions abouttheir experiences recognizing faces in daily life. Then, they gave them two tests thatlooked at their ability to learn new faces.
研究人员询问了超过3100 名美国成年受试者关于他们在日常生活中识别人脸经历的问题。然后,他们对受试者进行了两个测试,看看他们识记新面孔的能力。
The study found that 31 of theparticipants had major4 prosopagnosia,while 72 had a milder5 form—so about 3%in total. They also found no clear dividebetween people with a good or bad ability torecognize faces—and people with majorprosopagnosia did not always score theworst on the tests. The results insteadshowed more possibility.
研究发现有31 名受试者患有严重的面孔失认症,而72 名受试者患有较轻的面孔失认症———所以他们总共约占 3%。他们还发现,在识别面孔的能力上,面孔识别能力强弱之间没有明显的分野———而且有严重面孔失认症的人在测試中的得分并不总是最差的。结果反而显示了更多的可能性。
The researcher said that many people may be told they dont haveprosopagnosia because very strict standards are used to diagnose6 it. Less strictstandards, he said, could help people understand more about the prosopagnosia,including its milder forms, and how to weaken its negative influences. Theresearchers said different tests should be used for diagnosing prosopagnosia: one formajor forms and another for milder forms.
1. prosopagnosia 面孔失认症
2. inability 无能;无力;不能
3. participant 参加者;参与者
4. major 严重的
5. mild 不严重的;轻微的
6. diagnose 诊断;病症