A to Z从A到Z


中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年7期

Terri Elders

“Well find something special to putbetween these,”Ken said, weighing thepair of heavy black A-and Z-shaped bookendsin his hands.“What a nice gift.”

The two of us toured the house,looking for a suitable place to display1 thisChristmas present from our youngest son.

“Maybe on top of the entertainment2center?”I asked.

I always followed my husbandsadvice on house decoration3. Id oftenthought that he was really good at it.

“Sure. We can put them there nowand find out what books theyll holdlater.”

A few months later, I received a noticethat one of my stories had been selected4to appear in an upcoming book. Later, Ireceived my copy—the first book Id everheld that contained one of my stories. Idsigned my name on the books I collectedmany times, but this was different. Thiswas a book contained my story! I handedit to my husband.

“Look inside where I stuck thebookmark. Its my story. I know its onlyone book, but can we put it between the Aand Z bookends?”

“Ive never heard of bookendsholding only one book,”Ken said with achuckle5.

“Oh, dont worry,” I replied.“Illsoon have more.”

I walked over to the bookends, putmy book between them, and stepped back.It looked a little lonely there, like anorphan6 in need of a family.

“How many books do you think wouldfit up there on top of the entertainmentcenter?”

Ken cast7 a professional eye inits direction.

“If theyre all paperbacks, thereseasily room for fifty. But even two or threewould look better than one.”

“Well, that ones pretty special,since its my first. But Ill conjure8 upsome of its companions9 soon. Fiftysounds about right.”

Ken raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

“Didnt you say they want truestories, things that have actually happened?Do you think you really have fiftystories to tell that people would want toread about?”

“I dont know. Ive got lots ofmemories Id love to share. Youre right,though. Fiftys a lot.”

“Baby, make it easy on yourself. Tryfor a dozen.”

“No... you said theres room forfifty.”

Ken shrugged10 and walked away as Ihunkered11 down at my computer.

So I wrote and sold a second story,and then a third. From time to time, Kenwould ask,“How many books have you gotup there now?”Sometimes Id overhearhim on the phone, bragging12 to friendsthat Id placed yet another story.

Id always read them to him before Isent them out.

Hed ask in wonder, “How do youremember every word your mother said toyou when you were six?”

“I dont,”I confessed13. “Its literary14license.”

“Arent they supposed to be true?”

“They are,”I insisted15. “But I writewhat I think sounds like what Mama or mybrother or you would have said.”

Ken smiled. Unable to recall muchabout his own early days, he liked hearingabout mine. So I continued to track downmemories I could translate into tales.

By June 2009, eleven books were putbetween the bookends.

As I write this, Ive lined up morethan fifty books, with several morescheduled16 to be published17 over theremainder of the year. Now Ive set mysights on seventy-five.

When Im feeling tired, it lifts myspirits to see the books between the A andZ bookends, and the bookmarks inserted18between the pages where my stories begin.I have used to begin my morning with acup of tea and a chat with Ken whilereading my books.

If I write an autobiography19, I doubtif Id find an interested publisher. Im notfamous. My names not a household word.However, Im lucky to have found a way topublish my lifes story, chapter by chapter,through these books.

A few months ago, I had aworkshop20 at my local library,“A Pennyfor Your Thoughts,”on writing. Sixteenpeople showed up, want to learn how toput their lives on paper.

“Nobody gets rich writing for lifestories,”I said. “But look at the otherthings you get. Writing puts zing21 intoyour days, zest22 into your life.”

“Yeah,”one man agreed, “and youvegot a published work! ”

Later, I received a note from thelibrarian. She wrote, “It was such a treat tohear you read your stories... Your tips andexperience in the field were so valuable! ”

Id read two of my stories—one aboutmy grandmother, and one about becoming agrandmother myself. When I finished, thepeople there applauded23. Even Ken,appreciative as he may have been, neverdid that.

What a wonderful gift those bookendsremain: A for applause24... and Z for zingand zest!

“我们会找到一些特别的东西放在这两者之间。”肯说。他用手掂了掂那对沉重的黑色A 形和Z 形书挡。“多么好的礼物啊。”






“看看里面我贴书签的地方。这是我的故事。我知道這只是一本书,但我们能把它放在A 和Z 书挡之间吗?”





















到2009 年6 月为止,有十一本书被放在了书挡之间。


当我感到疲倦的时候,看到A和Z 书挡之间的书,以及插在我的故事开始的书页之间的书签,我的精神就会振奋起来。我已经习惯早晨从一边阅读我的书,一边喝着茶和与肯聊天开始。


几个月前,我在本地的图书馆举办了一个关于写作的研讨会,名为“给你一便士,告诉我你在想什么”。16 个人到场,想要学习如何将自己的生活写在纸上。





那些书挡留下的礼物是多么美好:A 代表着掌声……而Z 代表活力和热情!


1. display 展示;陈列

2. entertainment 娱乐;娱乐表演

3. decoration 装饰;装饰品

4. select 选择;挑选

5. chuckle 轻声笑;暗自笑

6. orphan 孤儿

7. cast 将……视线;目光;投向

8. conjure 变魔术;使……变戏法般地出现、或消失

9. companion 同伴

10. shrug 耸肩

11. hunker  蹲下;盘坐

12. brag 吹牛;自夸

13. confess 承认

14. literary 文学的;文学上的

15. insist 坚称

16. schedule 安排;预定

17. publish 出版;发行

18. insert 插入;嵌入

19. autobiography 自传

20. workshop 研讨会

21. zing 活力;生命力

22. zest 热心;强烈的兴趣

23. applaud 鼓掌

24. applause 掌声;喝彩

