Unit 4 Friends forever


时代英语·高一 2023年5期

Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas


单词拼写 根据首字母或汉语提示,用本部分所学单词的正确形式填空。

1.On Sundays my brother p________________ reading at home to going out to play with other children.

2. The smell is very f________________ to everyone who lives near a restaurant.

3. Ill order a special postman to have this important letter d________________.

4.At first, the students couldnt understand what the teacher said, so later he i________________ his lesson with pictures.

5. It is p________________ that the more you try, the more likely you are to achieve success.

6. There are no ________________ (显著的) differences between the two groups of students.

7. We have always ________________ (维持) good relations with our customers.

8.Recent ________________ (进展) in medical science have brought a lot of hope to people suffering from serious illnesses.

9. Think about the skills you have ________________ (获得), and how you can use them.

10. Ted bought a ________________ (数码的) camera online at a low price.

选择填空 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。

lose track of thanks to stay in touch with keep in mind

throw the baby out with the bathwater

1. His plan is not reasonable, but we shouldnt _____________________ because the plan is still good in part.

2. Wherever you are, you should always _____________________ that you are Chinese.

3. _____________________ your timely help, we finished the task just before the deadline.

4. We used to be friends, but _____________________ each other afterwards.

5. With the phone in hand, I can do what I like and _____________________ my parents and friends.


How would you feel if moving to a new town meant ___1___ (lose) track of your friends? What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters that ___2___ (take) ages to be delivered? Thanks to advances in technology, how we make friends and communicate with them has changed ___3___ (significant).

Nowadays, we can stay ___4___ touch with friends no matter where we are. Besides, the digital age also enables us ___5___ (find) people who share our interests. But, can we make real friends with people online? It depends. If we share true personal information online, these friendships can be real and ___6___ (mean). However, we need to keep in mind that ___7___ we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person. On social media ___8___ (site), people tend to post only good things, ___9___ may hide real problems. Remember the ___10___ (say): on the Internet, nobody knows youre a dog.

Although technology has changed the way we are connected, the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same.

1. ________________  2. ________________  3. ________________  4. ________________  5. ________________

6. ________________  7. ________________  8. ________________  9. ________________  10. ________________



Two years ago I was very lonely and didnt talk with anyone about my feelings. At the time I didnt have many friends. I wanted someone to share my experiences and secrets with. I wanted someone to understand me. I started to imagine this friend. Often I imagined our conversations and what we would do, but I didnt give my imagination a face.

Some weeks later I started a new project in school and I was working with one of my schoolmates. We had never worked together before but we got along well. After the project we started to spend some time together in school. One day we decided to take a walk. Ever since that walk weve been friends. We listened to and really understood each other.

I had wished for a best friend, but the universe gave me so much more. I have met one of my soulmates (摯友). We can sense each other, and it just takes one look and we know what the other is thinking. I didnt think our friendship could grow much stronger. But now we have known each other for two years and our friendship is growing all the time.

It hasnt only been easy. We have gone through both easy and hard times. But Im thankful for the hard times, because they have forced me to grow and taught me a lot. My best friend has changed me. She has made me believe in myself. And I am now focusing on achieving one of my biggest dreams. Without her, I wouldnt even have realized what my biggest dream is.

I know there are soulmates out in the world for you. I am so thankful to have met one of mine. Believe in them, and your paths will cross.

1. What did the author do before meeting her soulmate?

A. She chose to stay alone. B. She spent time with other friends.

C. She told others about her feelings. D. She pictured a friend in her mind.

2. How did the author get to know her soulmate?

A. By taking a walk. B. By attending a party.

C. Through a school project. D. Through a friends introduction.

3. What can we learn about the author and her soulmate from Paragraph 3?

A. They have a strong friendship. B. They argue with each other sometimes.

C. They are trying hard to realize their dreams. D. They met each other three years ago.

4. Why is the author thankful for the hard times?

A. They have made her grow healthier. B. They have made her dream come true.

C. She has learned a lot from them. D. She focused more on her friendship.


Signs of Healthy Friendships

Since great friendships are priceless, you should always surround yourself with the kind of people who will lift your spirits, make you laugh, and remind you that you are loved. _____1_____ Here are characteristics that strong friendships share.


Friends make you feel comfortable with yourself, so you dont need to act like someone youre not. Your friends know your shortcomings and love you anyway. You are perhaps the “best version” of yourself when youre with your friends.

A healthy friendship includes plenty of gentle honesty. _____3_____ In a positive friendship, your friends wont lie to you, and they wont hurt your feelings either. As a result, youll know where you stand with your friends and wont be afraid to share your true opinions.

They argue in a healthy way.

One of the biggest misunderstandings about good friends is that they never fight. But lets face it: everyone fights. _____4_____ In fact, voicing your opinions freely will cause you to disagree from time to time and thats okay.

Healthy friendships mean you can be friends with someone else, too.

_____5_____ Thats why great friends will improve your relationship, yet still encourage you to meet people and try new things without them. A healthy friendship means that sometimes the two of you spend time apart, and thats okay.

A. Arguing isnt unhealthy.

B. Is your friendship as healthy as it can be?

C. Good friends dine out together from time to time.

D. Good friends are real and honest with each other.

E. True friends wont pretend just to avoid an argument.

F. With an unhealthy friendship, you know clearly that something is “off”.

G. Even if you have the best friend, it doesnt hurt to enlarge your social circle.

1. ________________  2. ________________  3. ________________  4. ________________  5. ________________

Section Ⅱ Using language


单句语法填空 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

1. The old man talked endlessly, but we listened to him with great ________________ (patient).

2. We have to distance ourselves ________________ these events in order to avoid trouble.

3. John has personal ________________ (quality) such as honesty and generosity.

4. The time we spent together is a ________________ (distance) and unforgettable memory.

5. Walking up and down in the room, he waited for Tom ________________ (anxious).

6. Frank packed ________________ what he might need during his journey and left home.

7. I was impressed by his ________________ (inspire) words, and decided to cooperate with him.

8. In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is ________________ (comfort) and cool.

9. My father bought a new bike for me ________________ price added up to more than 1,000 yuan.

10. The man is talking about the teachers and things ________________ encouraged him greatly in school.

單元语法填空 阅读下面短文,根据上下文语境,结合本单元所学语法知识完成短文。

A Girl Who Is Good at Drawing

Mary, ___1___ drawings were shown at the exhibition (展览) last month, is a model student ___2___ is often praised for her good works at school. As soon as we got into the exhibition hall, our eye was caught by a large picture ___3___ was hung on the wall in front of us.

The horse ___4___ was drawn in the picture was exactly like a real horse. The man ___5___ was riding on it looked like a living man.

It was the best picture ___6___ I had ever seen. I should say Mary is the best young painter ___7___ I have ever heard of. However, you will be quite mistaken if you think that Mary was born a good painter. One of her teachers told me that it had taken Mary thousands of hours to learn and practice drawing until she became the best young painter ___8___ has ever been heard of in her hometown. I really respect Mary, ___9___ has tried her best to improve her skills, and ___10___ spirits are worth learning from.

1. ________________  2. ________________  3. ________________  4. ________________  5. ________________

6. ________________  7. ________________  8. ________________  9. ________________  10. ________________



Nobody has a perfect life and you never know whats going on behind closed doors. The first person I told about feeling ___1___ was my best friend from school. We havent lived in the ___2___place since we were 17, but we have ___3___ a deep friendship by the phone and a ___4___ app for over ten years. Maybe it is her being removed from my everyday life that makes it feel ___5___ to tell. I first experienced depression (抑郁) in the ___6___ and my friend, who was in the same grade with me, brought it up to me after I ___7___ an exam spending a week in bed. When she first said “depression” to me, I felt that I was ___8___, because I had always thought of myself as a positive person. Mental health seemed a bit of a grey area to me too, as my mom ___9___ when I was 16. So the line between sadness and depression had become ___10___.

Last year, I felt separate from everyone, and after a(n) ___11___ bad work trip, I felt more isolated (孤独的) than ever. Having looked up “depression symptoms” on the Internet, I felt ___12___ and immediately screen-shot it and ___13___ it over to the same friend. Only she and my boyfriend knew my ___14___ for months.

Shortly after, I decided to ___15___ something about my mental health on social media. I was so ___16___ by the response. Besides public comments, I was also getting private ___17___ from friends, friends-of-friends and even some ___18___. A lot of the messages were about people saying how much it resonated (共鸣) with them, which looked like ___19___ a doctor weekly. They offered me time and space to feel all I was feeling, and ensured I went outside every day and ___20___ well at night.

1. A. excited B. difficult C. upset D. strange

2. A. same B. familiar C. similar D. noisy

3. A. wished B. maintained C. announced D. supported

4. A. communication B. music C. flight D. travel

5. A. closer B. funnier C. harder D. safer

6. A. factory B. workshop C. university D. hospital

7. A. prepared B. failed C. took D. missed

8. A. tired B. shocked C. worried D. relaxed

9. A. passed away B. came back C. hid away D. fell down

10. A. confusing B. real C. straight D. clear

11. A. anxiously B. typically C. particularly D. gradually

12. A. sharp B. scared C. curious D. embarrassed

13. A. sent B. passed C. repeated D. handed

14. A. condition B. idea C. plan D. behavior

15. A. buy B. share C. enjoy D. experience

16. A. impressive B. shocked C. frightened D. moved

17. A. papers B. gifts C. messages D. photos

18. A. roommates B. doctors C. classmates D. strangers

19. A. appointing B. seeing C. finding D. training

20. A. played B. learned C. slept D. spoke


Friends play a very important part in everyones life. Friendship ___1___ (usual) develops during childhood. New friends are made when you progress through school. The friends ___2___ you make as a student last long. A familiar opinion is “You can tell a lot about a person by ___3___ (know) who his friends are”. Friendship ___4___ (base) on common interests. If you like sports, most of your friends ___5___ (be) likely to be active. If you enjoy reading and shopping, most of your friends will do ___6___ same.

Some people call you their friends for the wrong reasons. These people are not really friends. ___7___ is easy to have many so-?called “friends” if you are rich. So you should be able ___8___ (recognize) your friends as the real or the “phoney” ones. True friends are most special. Sometimes they might not be easy to find, so you can consider yourself very ___9___ (luck) if you have one true friend. A true friend is someone you can talk to about any subject or problem. True friends support you, give you a great deal of ___10___ (encourage), take your side, and build up your confidence.

1. ________________  2. ________________  3. ________________  4. ________________  5. ________________

6. ________________  7. ________________  8. ________________  9. ________________  10. ________________


Recently, one of my friends have sent me a short message, say that true friends are hard to find. I thought a lot about that.

Nowadays, the word “friendship” has been used very often that it has lost its meaning. Some jokingly put it that friends are made to be taken advantage. In my opinion, true friendship doesnt mean that where you need your friends help, youll treat them to dinner. True friendship is the communication of the heart. True friends keep you in the mind, no matter where they are. Once you have found such true friends, do treasure him. With friendship, life proves happily and peaceful.

Section Ⅲ Developing ideas


单词填空 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.________________ by the forest, the village has beautiful ________________, which attract many visitors from ________________ areas. (surround)

2.I must arrive at his office at the ________________ time because I have had an ________________ with him. But I was ________________ to pick up a guest of our company to the airport. (appoint)

3.It was ________________ for them to make a ________________ by trading with foreigners. And more

________________ for them, they were supported by the government. (fortunate)

4.With more money made, they wanted to find a better ________________ for their company. Finally, they ________________ their office in London. (locate)

5.The novel is written from ________________ experience. The characters in it all have very different

________________. (person)

6.Although the ________________ were out of ________________, the nurse was still ________________ with her work and did it ________________. (patient)

7.Listening to his ________________ speech, we were ________________ to make greater efforts. It gave us not only hope but also ________________. (inspire)

8.The new medicine has great ________________ for the treatment of the disease. Medical science has advanced ________________ over the past few years. The results are ________________. (significant)

單句表达 根据括号内提示翻译句子。

1. 刚才我看到Jeff了,他不可能出国了。(couldnt have done)

2. 无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。(no matter what)

3. 你应该努力工作以达成你的目标。(ought to)

4. 当心,否则你会弄伤手的。(have sth done)

5. 如果她发现你把她的书弄丢了怎么办?(what if…)



wander recognize cold dark winter night lost and helpless lose contact with

laughing and talking Whats worse, …   … be surprised to…








We stopped to choose a cake for our daughter. Wed passed several other elderly customers but our daughter Norah seemed drawn to (被吸引) a man. Her face lit up like the sun and she waved excitedly saying, “Hi, old person! Its my birthday today!” “Hello, little lady! And how old are you today?” he asked. They chatted for a few seconds.

We said goodbye and carried on shopping. A few minutes later, Norah asked me, “Can I take a picture with the old man for my birthday?” I thought the old man couldnt have gone very far. So we quickly found him. “Excuse me, sir? Shed like to know if youd take a photo with her for her birthday,” I asked. He looked surprised and then happy. “A photo? With me?” he asked. “Yes! For my birthday!” Norah cheered. And so they posed together and then they hugged each other like they were long lost friends.

We thanked Mr Dan for sparing a few minutes of his day with us. He was moved to tears and said, “No, thank you. This is the best day Ive had in a long time. Youve made me feel so happy and valuable, Ms Norah.”

Now, Norah and Mr Dan often visit each other. While they dont, Norah makes sure to call him at least once a week. Norah worried about Mr Dan being alone and brought Mr Dan a dog on his 82nd birthday. Mr Dan said that his meeting with Norah helped to heal (治愈) his broken heart as he was having a difficult time before he met Norah that day. Sometimes talking to strangers turns into the most beautiful thing in the world.

1. How did Norah know Mr Dan?

A. By appointment. B. By telephone.

C. By meeting in a store accidentally. D. By taking a photo in a store.

2. How did Mr Dan probably feel about the authors request at first?

A. Nervous. B. Frightened. C. Surprised. D. Happy.

3. Why was Mr Dan moved to tears?

A. He saw a hope to live on. B. He found a true friend.

C. He no longer felt lonely. D. He felt he was valued.

4. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Everyone Wants to Make More Friends B. Congratulations on Your Birthday

C. From Strangers to Friends D. More Than a Photo Was Taken


There are many idioms (習语) or sayings in English that we use when we want to describe relationships between and among friends. Here are a few to practice with your friends.

The idiom “through thick and thin” is used to describe a friend who is loyal and supportive during bad times as well as good times. It most often describes a friendship that has been strong for a long time. Here are two examples: John and Lisa have been friends through thick and thin. My best friend and I stayed together through thick and thin.

If two people are “like two peas (豌豆) in a pod”, it means that they get along very well. They are two very good friends and they are very similar to each other. I have never seen Lola and Camille argue; they are like two peas in a pod.

Some friends are especially sympathetic (有同情心的) and easy to talk to. They are not judgemental or impatient. They are good at sharing our pain, which helps ease our pain. A friend like this is often called “a shoulder to cry on”. We can go to this person with a problem or sadness and he/she brings comfort to us.

“To hit it off” with someone means immediately liking or getting along with someone. This usually happens the first time two people are meeting. They often share interests, goals, and beliefs. This can also happen between friends who like each other at first sight. Carmen and Isabel hit it off at the party and are going to a movie together today. Mike and I did not hit it off on our first date but we are going to try once more.

5. Friends through thick and thin may __________.

A. be easy to deal with B. help reduce pain

C. often have fun together D. share a long friendship

6. Which idiom can you use when talking about two similar friends?

A. To hit it off. B. Two peas in a pod.

C. A shoulder to cry on. D. Through thick and thin.

7. What can a friend with a shoulder to cry on provide when we are in trouble?

A. Impatience. B. Advice. C. Judgement. D. Comfort.

8. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To introduce some English idioms. B. To explain what a good friendship is.

C. To teach readers how to learn idioms well. D. To tell readers how to use English idioms.


Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class. Yaser was an international student from Jordan. He was ___1___ to get to know an American. Yaser hoped that he and Steve would ___2___ good friends.

At first, Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser ___3___ before class. Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser. He even ___4___ Yaser to have lunch with him. But after the first term was over, Steve seemed ___5___. One day Yaser decided to call Steve. Steve didnt seem very ___6___ in talking to him. Yaser was hurt by Steves change of attitude.

Yaser is a little ___7___. He is an outsider to American culture. He doesnt understand the way Americans view ___8___. Americans view the word “friend” in a very ___9___ way. Americans have school friends, work friends, sports friends and neighborhood friends. These friendships are ___10___ on common interests. When the shared activity ___11___, the friendship may disappear. Now Steve and Yaser are no longer classmates, their friendship has ___12___.

In some cultures friendship means a ___13___ life-long bond (關系) between two people. In these ___14___ friendships develop slowly, since they are built to last. But American friendliness is not always a(n) ___15___ of true friendship. American ___16___ is one of those that changes rapidly. Studies show that one out of five American ___17___ moves every year.

People from the United States may at first seem friendly. Americans often chat easily with

___18___. They exchange ___19___ about their families, hobbies and work. They may smile warmly and say, “Have a nice day.” However, American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just quickly as well. So, its ___20___ to do as Romans do.

1. A. tired B. shocked C. excited D. worried

2. A. maintain B. become C. make D. exchange

3. A. anxiously B. nervously C. quickly D. warmly

4. A. invited B. appointed C. allowed D. advised

5. A. patient B. familiar C. distant D. normal

6. A. disappointed B. interested C. experienced D. inspired

7. A. ashamed B. fascinated C. relaxed D. confused

8. A. friendship B. ownership C. membership D. citizenship

9. A. nice B. simple C. general D. formal

10. A. impressed B. based C. treasured D. marked

11. A. cancels B. fails C. continues D. ends

12. A. changed B. developed C. come D. grown

13. A. recent B. usual C. strong D. final

14. A. parts B. cultures C. customs D. events

15. A. practice B. symbol C. way D. offer

16. A. society B. activity C. value D. dream

17. A. companies B. schools C. families D. governments

18. A. speakers B. strangers C. customers D. visitors

19. A. opinions B. words C. news D. information

20. A. necessary B. embarrassed C. positive D. responsible






1. 注意与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;

2. 情节设计要合理,续写的部分应该是故事的高潮和结尾部分, 所以不能有太多的旁枝;

3. 不能随意添加故事的人物;

4. 在读后续写中不宜过度追求标新立异。




Ella had two exams that day—physics and history. She really hated physics. It was her worst subject. Kim looked at her, and then looked away quickly. Ella thought Kim looked pleased, because she didnt have a problem with physics, she didnt have a problem with anything… Miss Perfect!

“I thought we were friends, but she hasnt spoken to me for two weeks now. She promised to help me go over for the physics exam too, but then shes forgotten all my calls and texts. And when I rang her house, her mom just told me she was busy,” Ella thought angrily. At that moment, Mr Reed asked all the students into the exam room.

Ella couldnt answer some physics questions. Suddenly she saw Kim sitting two rows in front of her. Ella couldnt believe it! Kim was holding her phone on her knee under the desk and reading from it. Is that how Kim always got such good grades? She felt really angry at Kim, and thought about telling the teacher, but… “Stop writing,” said Mr Reed and started to collect the exam papers. Oh no, Ella hadnt answered two of the questions. She was going to fail again!

Ella wanted to talk to Kim at lunchtime, but she couldnt find her anywhere. Ella went to the library to prepare for the history exam, which was her favorite. But she couldnt concentrate (專心). “Unfair! Kim was getting good grades by cheating all the time.” She thought about telling a teacher, but everyone would hate her if she did that. Just then, Mr Reed walked past her table. “Mr Reed…”

Ella was sitting behind Kim again in the history exam that afternoon. Mr Reed wanted her to look at Kim and agreed if she saw that Kim was cheating in the exam.


Paragraph 1:___________________________________________________________________________

She was working on the last question when she saw that Kim had her phone under the desk.

Paragraph 2:___________________________________________________________________________

Ella was walking toward the school gate when she saw Kim waiting for her there.



1. 根据Paragraph 1和Paragraph 2给出的“开头语”确定写什么;

2. 根据阅读文段的相关内容明确怎么写;

3. 注意人称、时态等方面的问题。


She was working on the last question when she saw that Kim had her phone under the desk. Ella nodded to Mr Reed. Mr Reed went to Kim quietly and picked up Kims phone. With all clear, Mr Reed asked her to leave the classroom. Kim walked out crying. Everyone was staring at her and Ella felt really relaxed.

Ella was walking toward the school gate when she saw Kim waiting for her there. “Ella, please wait,” Kim said. “Im sorry I havent answered any of your calls, but my dads been ill for two weeks and had a heart operation today. During exams I was reading texts from my mom to see how it was going. I have explained to Mr Reed and he asked me to take the exam again. Im sorry I didnt tell you what was happening.” Ella couldnt help crying. “You should have told me this earlier. Let me know if you have difficulties. We are true friends.”


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Scout could clearly remember the night when she had to leave her home in Poland. It was the beginning of the Second World War and her family needed to run away as soon as possible. She quickly packed a suitcase with a few pieces of clothing, her diary, and her most prized thing, a silk scarf. Scout and her best friend, Betty, had asked their parents to buy them matching scarves, which they took as a symbol of their friendship. Scout didnt know she was going to America and would not be returning.

Scout kept that special scarf for many years. One day she decided to give it to her granddaughter, Eliza, to wear to her first job interview for good luck. But she was afraid that Eliza would lose the scarf, but her granddaughter reassured (使安心) her, “Dont worry, Grandma. Nothings going to happen to your scarf. Youll see that its going to bring both of us luck.” And with that, Eliza kissed her grandmother on the cheek. Then, Eliza left for the interview.

Leaving the interview, Eliza felt confident that she had got the job so she decided to celebrate by going to a restaurant. Sitting at her table, Eliza felt an elderly woman staring at her for a long time. “Im sorry. Do I know you?” Eliza asked.

“Im sorry, dear, but you remind me of my best friend,” the old woman replied. “She looked like you and used to wear a scarf just like yours.” Eliza felt goosebumps (鸡皮疙瘩) travel up her arm. She had heard stories of her grandmothers best friend and knew the significance of the scarf. Could this woman be Betty, her grandmothers childhood friend?


Paragraph 1:___________________________________________________________________________

Then the old woman introduced herself,

Paragraph 2:___________________________________________________________________________

The old woman agreed.

Section Ⅳ Presenting ideas



1. ________________ 不了解……的情况

2. ________________ 归功于……

3. stay ________________ with 与……保持联系

4. ________________ tools 社交媒体工具

5. ________________ 由……决定

6. ________________ 数字化时代

7. ________________ 把……与……联系起来

8. ________________ 即使

9. keep in ________________ 牢记

10.________________ with the bathwater 不分良莠一起抛弃

11. pour… ________________ 将……倒进……

12.distance… ________________ 撇清与……的关系

13. ________________ 以……为背景

14. ________________ work 下班;请假

15. make ones ________________ 发财

16. ________________ 应该

17. ________________ 设法弄懂

18. ________________ 收到……的来信

19. be ________________ it ……是值得的

20. ________________(意外地或终于)出现

21. step ________________ 从……走出去

22. be ashamed ________________ 对……感到羞愧


1. What if…?

________________ (如果获取消息的唯一途径……会怎样) from faraway friends was writing letters that took ages to be delivered?

2. whatever引導让步状语从句

________________ (无论我们的爱好是什么), the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them…

3. couldnt have done

You ________________ (不可能硬拉Jimmy离开) New York; he thought it was the only place on earth.

4. no matter what

Well, we agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time, ________________ (不管我们的境况会如何) or from what distance we might have to come.

5. have sth done

We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to ________________ (弄清楚我们各自的命运) and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be.

6. be worth it

I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and ________________ (它是值得的) if my old partner turns up.



1. In my opinion, …

2. I think a few true friends are enough/well be happier with more friends… because…

3. As an example, …


弄清段落关系 按图索骥读文