目前,笔者所在城市为以一年级为英语学习起点升上来的学生加入了一套英语阅读教材,而以三年级为英语学习起点升上来的学生可以自由选择绘本阅读。但在教学实践中发现,乡村小学英语绘本阅读课的有效性有待提升。究其原因,一方面,乡村小学生的语言储备知识较少,教师会花费大量时间处理绘本中的生词,学生只能理解文本的表面意思,课堂浮于表面。另一方面,教师对课型的定位不准,容易满堂灌输知识,期望在一节课中实现所有教学目标。这导致深层次教学活动形同虚设、浅尝辄止,课堂上的分享展示不充分,学生阅读主观能动性没有得到充分发挥,绘本阅读课的有效性不高。如何在一节乡村小学的英语绘本阅读课中充分调动学生阅读的主观能动性,提升课堂有效性?人民教育家陶行知先生的“六大解放”教育思想给了我们灵感。我们可以解放学生的眼睛、头脑、双手、嘴、空间和时间,进一步提升课堂教学质量,真正让英语课堂服务于“双减”政策的开展。接下来,笔者以《跟上兔子》分级英语绘本四年级上册Can I Play with You?教学设计为例,浅议如何在“六大解放”理论的指导下,提升乡村小学英语绘本阅读课的有效性。
笔者在热身环节让学生站起来带着动作唱“Don't talk,Tom!”,这首歌是三年级下册学习的内容。在复习歌曲的过程中既激活了课堂氛围,又复习巩固了“want to”这一短语。这种用旧知导入新知的教学方式既解放了学生课堂上的时间和空间,又降低了学生学习新知的难度。
Step 1 Pre-reading
1.Sing a song
T:Hello,boys and girls! Don't talk! Let's begin our class! First,Let's sing a song!
T:Are you happy? I'm happy too. I want to play a game. Can you play with me?
头脑风暴是一个很常见的课堂热身环节,可以很好地激活学生的思维,让学生对本节课的学习有一个更好的思维准备。将头脑风暴和游戏相结合既解放了学生的大脑,激活了学生的思维,又激发了学生的学习兴趣,让学生产生表达欲望,解放了学生的嘴。所以,在本节绘本课中,笔者设计扫雷游戏让学生在一个个悬念中选择单词进行句型操练并得到奖励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃课堂氛围。同时,此处操练的句型均是四年级已学的三个单元的句型,学生易于进入英语学习氛围,掌握相关知识。此处讨论的单词均为动物类单词,与绘本故事的背景相呼应。在讨论动物的过程中渗透课文中的生词rude、polite,让学生根据图片理解含义,降低后面理解文本的难度。此外,由扫雷游戏引出elephant一词,自然过渡到绘本封面,和学生一起讨论绘本主人公little elephant,让学生不知不觉带着好奇进入绘本阅读。
2.Play a game
T:There are two mines under these words. You can choose a word and read it. Then,you can open it. If there is a number under it,you can get some stickers. If there is a mine under it,you get nothing.
T:Let's play! Ready go! Which one do you choose?
T:Do you have any dogs?
S:Yes,I do.
T:How many dogs do you have?
S:I have two dogs.
T:Great! Now,you can open it! The magic words?
T:Oh! You can get three stickers. Here you are!
S:Thank you!
T:Look! The dog is fighting with the chicken. Do you like this dog?
S:No,I don't.
T:I don't like it,too. Is it rude? Read it after me! “Rude!”
T:And what's behind the smiling face?
T:Lets open it!
S:Its an elephant!
T:Do you like the elephant? Why?
S:Yes,I do./ No,I don't. It is...
T:Anyway,someone likes it,and someone doesn't. Today,we will read a story about the elephant.Its title is“Can I Play with You?”Read it after me please.
针对一本绘本的阅读,可以按部就班地按顺序浏览,也可以不走寻常路。本课中,笔者以哭声导入故事,先给出故事的开头和中间的转折点,解放学生的眼睛,激发学生的阅读好奇心,引导学生带着疑问阅读前半部分。同时,通过四个问题“小象想要和哪些动物一起玩?”“这些动物在哪里?”“小象和这些动物一起玩什么?”“小象一开始是如何和这些动物一起玩的?”逐步梳理故事,找到小象没有朋友的原因。此时,再回到转折点“I have no friends. I want to play with you,but I don't know how”,围绕“But I don't know how”引导学生阅读后半部分,了解其他动物对小象的建议,找出小象如何有礼貌地和其他动物一起玩。最后,将小象的结局“I have many friends now”和中间部分的情节“I have no friends”作对比,教育学生要礼貌待人,解放学生的头脑。
Step 2 While reading
T:Listen!(幻灯片播放哭的声音) What's wrong with the little elephant? Let's read the story together. Ok?(幻灯片播放绘本,教师朗读绘本。)
T:Little elephant is naughty. He wants to play with other animals.
T:Oh! No! The page is missing. The page is missing too. And this page is missing.
T:Now,little elephant says,“I have no friends. I want to play with you, but I don't know how.”
T:Why does the elephant have no friend? Can you guess? Lets learn more about the story.
(1)Look and find
T:Please open your picture book,and read it by yourself and find out“What animals does little elephant want to play with?”Then put the correct pictures on the blackboard.
(2)Ask and answer
T:We know that the little elephant wants to play with the monkeys.
T:Look! Where are the monkeys?
S:They are in the tree.
T:Good! So we can say,“Little monkey,in the tree.”Read it in the correct rhyme!
(根据绘本内容改编四年级第一单元Rhyme time板块:“Little monkey,in the tree;Little duck,in the water;Little tiger,on the swing;Little elephant,want to play.”在朗读过程中复习巩固新授短语。)
(3)Read and complete
T:Little elephant,want to play. What does little elephant want to play? Open the picture book,read it again,then find out the answer.
T:OK! Now let's check the answer. What does little elephant want to play?
S:He wants to play ball games.
(4)Let's think
T:Are these monkeys happy?
T:How do these monkeys feel?
T:So these monkeys say,“What are you doing,little elephant? Go away!”Read it after me.
T:Then little elephant leaves sadly.Do you like this elephant?
T:Why does little elephant have no friends?
T:So the little elephant says,“I'm sorry for my rudeness.” What does rudeness mean? Guess!
(5)Listen and answer
T:Little elephant has no friends. He still wants to play with other animals,but he don't know how. His friends give him some suggestions.Listen!
T:Now Let's check the answer! How does the little elepanant play with other animals politely?
T:Now,the little elephant is polite and do you like it?
T:We all should be polite. The good meal not late,good words too slow.
Step 3 Post-reading
T:I know that you all like the story.Let's act it out! OK?
T:There are three scenes.You can choose one to act it out.
T:We should share good things.Now,your homework is making a recommendation card.