10 Reasons Why You Should Buy Second-Hand Goods买二手商品的十个理由
Not long ago, thrift shopping and buying second-hand was not really considered a cool thing to do or talk about. It was often thought of for people who couldnt afford new clothes at retail stores. Today, buying second-hand clothing is well-known as a great way for individuals to help the planet and their budget.
In this article I would like to show you why you should buy used consumer goods in the future and avoid sparkling new goods as much as possible.
1. Buying second-hand is more sustainable
1. 购买二手产品更可持续
When you think about the resources that go into creating new products, it isnt just the labor and materials. Energy and natural resources go into creating the packaging that typically accom-panies the new product. Each product that is manufactured is responsible for some level of depletion of natural resources, whether thats excavating oil, mining metals, clearcutting forests, farming cotton, or pumping water.
Buying second-hand goods means that youre not creating a demand for new items that require additional energy or deplete even more natural resources. Less waste, less resource consumption, less pollution.
When you buy used youre giving those items a second life and saving them from being thrown out. By appreciating, repairing, and upgrading them, you make everyday life more sustainable.
2. Second-hand goods are always available
2. 二手商品随处可寻
Whether in the second-hand store, flea market or on the Internet, there are now so incredibly many places to go for really cool, used stuff! Just stroll through the flea market on Sundays or get inspired directly in the store. If you like it comfortable, then click through the various platforms for second-hand products. Either way, the offer today is simply greater than ever!
3. Buying second-hand saves money
Used clothing, furniture or books are simply so much cheaper. For the price of a new sweater, you can usually get two or three pieces of clothing in a second-hand store.
4. Going second-hand is the best option for kids clothes
4. 二手货是买童装的最好选择
When it comes to kids clothes, it doesnt make much sense to spend money on brand-new garments that your kids will outgrow in a couple of years or even months. Going second-hand for kids clothes is not only more economical but it is also so much more beneficial for the environment, since kids need clothes more often than adults.
5. You can find more affordable high-end items
Despite the common belief, thrift shops can be quite inclusive. You can find famous high-end brands resting on the shelves of your local stores.
Moreover, there are some online platforms that specialize in second-hand luxury clothing.
The RealReal, for instance, excels in this field. They sell luxury jewelry and watches in addition to apparel. The best thing about them is their dedicated team of horologists, gemologists, and art curators who make sure you get the highest quality possible.
例如,The RealReal就在这一领域做得不错。除了服装之外,他们还出售奢侈品珠宝和手表。该平台最大亮点就是拥有一个专门的团队,包括制表师、宝石学家和艺术策展人,他们会确保你得到质量尽可能高的物品。
6. Buying second-hand helps the community
6. 购买二手商品有助于社区发展
Most thrift stores are extensions of non-profit organizations. This means that your money will go into improving one of the problems that face your local community. You may be helping to fund shelters, low-income individuals, or schools with your purchases.
7. Second-hand goods are of higher quality
7. 二手商品质量更高
Since stained, holey and strange-smelling garments are usually not offered in the first place, the probability to get hold of a still functional and beautiful part is quite high. In addition, older products and goods tend to have a higher quality, for example, a worn sweater retains its color even after countless washes.
Quality goods are durable—and that is exactly why it can be sold once again, even second or third hand.
8. Buying second-hand is healthier
8. 买二手产品更利于健康
Cheap textiles in particular often contain chemicals from the manufacturing process. Especially in childrens clothing, substances like dyes, microplastics or impregnating1 agents pose a wide range of health hazards. However, in used fabrics they are usually already washed out, so that the risk to your own health is significantly reduced.
9. second-hand goods are diverse
9. 二手商品种类繁多
In the past, people liked to claim that second-hand shopping is too exhausting and that you cant find what youre looking for. But nowadays with well-stocked online providers, whether premium brand or noname, whether books, clothes, furniture, computers or game consoles—you can buy it all used! And its an incredible amount of fun!
10. You can find rare and vintage2 garments
Todays fashion is great, but nothing beats a vintage piece from the 1950s!
If youre digging vintage, you probably wont find it in your local retailers selling only new items.
Online second-hand stores usually have a professional team of brand authenticators and fashion experts who can verify if something is truly genuine and sparkling vintage.
1 impregnate使(固体)吸收(液体);浸渍。
2 vintage一词最早出现在葡萄酒领域,义为“陈年的”“醇远的”,用来形容有年份的上等葡萄酒,后来此概念延伸到服装、家居等领域,特指 1920 年代以后、距今至少 20 年的物件。
Second-Hand Quotes
The best way to look stylish on a budget is to try second-hand, bargain hunting, and vintage.
—Orlando Bloom
Im really interested in fashion but at the same time I find it quite competitive. Second-hand stuff leaves you more open to whatever your own personal style is rather than feeling dictated to by shops.
—Sophie Ellis-Bextor