The History of Thrift Stores旧物商店发展史


英语世界 2023年8期

卢睿 贺莺/译

The thrift shop1, which in the United Kingdom people call the “charity shop” and, in other places around the world, the “opportunity shop,” is a sales location for used goods of all kinds, including apparel, furniture, music, electronic equipment, and general merchandise.

thrift shop(旧物商店,直译:节俭商店),在英国称为charity shop(直译:慈善商店),在世界其他地区也有opportunity shop(直译:机会商店)的叫法,是销售服装、家具、唱片、电子设备、日用百货等各类二手商品的场所。

These stores are often run by non-profit agencies that accept donations of serviceable items and then sell them to the public at inexpensive prices.


Where did the idea come from?


An easy mistake to make is to assume that thrift stores were a purely benevolent outreach2 of Christian mission groups in the late 19th century. After all, the Salvation Army3 started collecting donations for its original stores in 1897 with its “salvage brigade,” which allowed that group to provide food and housing for the homeless men who pushed carts through the street soliciting cast-off goods.

人们容易将旧物商店误认为是19世纪晚期基督教传教团体的一种纯粹慈善服务。毕竟,救世军在1897年就开始通过 “救物队”为其最早的慈善商店募集捐赠——无家可归者推着小车走街串巷收集废弃旧物,以此换取食宿。

Methodist outreach workers started what is now Goodwill4 in Boston in 1902, not only collecting second-hand goods but providing unemployed workers for area residents who needed cheap labor.


As benevolent as these missions may have seemed, they were actually a response to another phenomenon that Christian leaders observed.


New immigrants to America, especially European Jews, had trouble finding employment. To earn money, they pushed carts through major cities streets, collecting and selling second-hand goods. Though they were scorned for this behavior, these new citizens also made good money.


Thus, when Christian leaders began to emulate this behavior, they did so to make money. These funds were raised to underwrite5 their mission work. Still, assuming that thrift stores were an outreach effort to the poor is backward. In America, these stores began as an effort to raise money—that could then be used to assist those living in poverty.


Its interesting to note that the social conditions which prompted the rise of thrift stores around the beginning of the 20th century parallel many of the social conditions that exist today.


Then, as now, new technology had transformed economies around the world; transportation advances made it possible for people to move around the globe faster than ever before; international hostilities and changing borders resulted in waves of immigrants coming to America—and not always receiving the warmest welcome. Then, as now, the thrift store is an adaptable, viable, environmentally sustainable response to many human needs.


What was the first?


Second-hand clothing bazaars6 were common as far back as Elizabethan England7. The first organization one might genuinely consider a “charity shop” was the Wolverhampton Society for the Blind in Staffordshire, England. Citizens donated used goods for sale, with the proceeds going to provide for the visually impaired.

早在伊丽莎白时代的英国,二手服装义卖就已经司空见惯。第一个真正被视作 “旧物商店”的机构是英国斯塔福德郡的伍尔弗汉普顿盲人协会。市民捐赠旧物出售,所得善款用于资助视障人士。

As noted, the Salvation Army began its thrift shop work in 1897. So effective were these shops that by 1929, half of the organizations income came from its thrift shop sales. Goodwill, which started its thrift shops seven years later, had a fleet of 1000 trucks by the 1920s. The organization gladly came to the homes of donors to pick up second-hand goods.


Oxfam8, a prominent charity supported by its charity store network, began its work in 1947 in Oxford, England. The organization, particularly known for its specialty bookstores, now has more than 700 outlets in England alone.


Consignment shops began to take hold in the 1950s as new synthetic fabrics created a demand for new fabrics and, simultaneously, created mountains of unwanted, used clothing. These stores gave consumers the ability to afford the latest fashion trends as second-hand goods at substantially reduced prices.


When did thrifting become popular?


In a sense, this is a trick question. Thrift shops were an idea whose time had come in the 1890s following the mass production of clothing made possible by the industrial revolution. Following the thrift stores birth, any number of historical developments only furthered the popularity of this type of shopping.


The extreme economic hardships of the stock market crash during the Great Depression (and then the Great Recession 80 years later), the lack of raw materials during World Wars I and II, the abundance of new technology and rapidly changing merchandise beginning in the 1950s with the expansion of department stores have all played a role in expanding the need for and the reach of thrift shops.


Later, the fast fashion industry began to produce goods cheaper and with a higher environmental and ethical cost. Thrift stores countered this trend, creating a real alternative to fast fashions ills. Thrifting, both online and in brick-and-mortar9 shops, has become a major global economic force.


Many consumers might know that eBay and Craigslist10 both debuted online in 1995. Most would not recognize, however, that these were worldwide thrift shops. In the 25 years since online sales of used goods took hold, the movement had exploded. In 2020, the online resale market value accounted for 56.1 billion U.S. dollars. The online market value of resale products in the United States is expected to surpass the offline channel by 2026.



1 thrift shop通过出售捐赠的衣物等募集慈善资金的商店。  2 outreach外展服务(在服务机构以外的场所提供的社区服务等)。  3 国际性的教会及慈善组织,参照军事建制命名其行政架构,以街头布道和慈善活动、社会服务著称。

4美国著名慈善机构,英文全称为Goodwill Industries International。  5 underwrite承担经济责任(包括支付特别费用或损失)。

6 bazaar(英、美等国的)义卖。7指英国伊丽莎白一世女王统治(1558—1603)期间的英国,历史学家常将这一时期描绘为英国历史的黄金时代。

8一个国际扶贫发展机构,旨在推动民众力量,消除贫穷。1942年成立,原名Oxford Committee for Famine Relief,自1965年起,改成以电报地址OXFAM作为名称。

9 brick-and-mortar(商店等)实体的。brick-and-mortar 与 online 或 virtual 相对,后者指网店。  10一个网上大型免费分类广告网站。


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