

果树学报 2023年7期

李宏建 王宏 于年文 宋哲 里程辉 张秀美 韩丽红

摘    要:【目的】了解以平邑甜茶為砧木、采用高位嫁接方式的丽嘎拉苹果幼树至结果树的树体结构和果实产量的形成规律,为辽宁寒地苹果密植园中该种栽培模式的推广应用提供理论依据。【方法】以丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶砧穗组合苹果树为试材,调查2011—2019年树体结构、枝类组成、果实产量的年生长动态变化,评价2种砧木果实产量的冠层空间分布特点和品质差异。【结果】2011—2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶苹果树高、主枝长和覆盖率等树体结构参数高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶。2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶苹果树冠覆盖率分别为74.70%和62.30%,两者间差异显著。2011—2019年丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶品种/砧木干径比值为0.90~0.83,树体表现为“大脚”现象;2011—2014年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶品种/砧木干径比值为0.87~0.77,树体表现为“大脚”现象,而2015—2019年为1.03~1.21,树体表现为“小脚”现象。2011—2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶树体总枝量高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶,丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶树体总枝量在2015—2017年快速增长,由37.39×104条·hm-2增加至96.70×104条·hm-2,2017—2019年趋于稳定,3年分别为96.70×104条·hm-2、95.10×104条·hm-2、93.05×104条·hm-2。2011—2014年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶苹果树长枝比例高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶,2015—2019年短枝比例高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶。2013—2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶果实产量高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶,7年累计产量分别为216 686.25 kg·hm-2和158 802.99 kg·hm-2。果实产量在冠层内的分布存在明显的差异性,丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶果实产量主要分布在冠层高度≥2.01 m的空间区域,占总产量的70.86%;而丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶为1.01~3.00 m,占总产量的76.11%。丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶果实单果质量、果形指数、硬度、果面光亮度和红色程度高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶,而可溶性固形物含量和固酸比低于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶。【结论】与丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶砧穗组合相比,以平邑甜茶为砧木,采用高位嫁接方式的丽嘎拉苹果树具有树高生长量大、主枝长、覆盖率高,总枝量多、短枝比例高、果实外观品质好、产量高等优势。


中图分类号:S661.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2023)07-1363-11

Formation characteristics of tree structure and fruit quality in Regal Gala apple on Malus hupehensis Rehd. with top grafting

LI Hongjian, WANG Hong*, YU Nianwen, SONG Zhe, LI Chenghui, ZHANG Xiumei, HAN Lihong

(Liaoning Institute of Pomology, Xiongyue 115009, Liaoning, China)

Abstract: 【Objective】 Apple stion combination of Regal Gala on Malus hupehensis Rehd. by top-grafting was used as the test material, and the formation patterns of tree structure and fruit yield from young stage to fruiting stage was investigated, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the application and popularization of this cultivation mode in high-density planting orchards in cold regions of Liaoning province. 【Methods】 The Regal Gala on M. hupehensis Rehd., and Regal Gala with the interstock of GM256 and understock of M. hupehensis Rehd. were used as the test materials, and the annual growth dynamics of tree, composition proportion of branches and fruit yield were investigated from 2011 to 2019. In 2019, the test trees were divided into 4 levels according to the canopy heights, and the differences in fruit yield at different canopy heights were compared. The differences in fruit quality between the test materials were compared. Measurement indicators included fruit mass, fruit shape index, firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, TSS/TA ratio, color difference value, etc. 【Results】 The tree growth of Regal Gala could be affected by the rootstock. The growth rate of tree height, coverage rate, scaffold limb length and trunk diameter of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. were higher than those of Regal Gala /GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. from 2011 to 2019. The rapid growth of tree height and coverage rate was conducive to increasing a number of branches, which provided guarantee for the formation of fruit yield at the fruit bearing period. The coverage rate in Regal Gala /M. hupehensis Rehd. and Regal Gala /GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. were 74.70% and 62.30%, respectively in 2019. By comparing the trunk diameter ratio of variety/rootstock, we found the Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. showed an overgrowth phenomenon “big foot” and the ratios of variety/rootstock were 0.90 to 0.83 from 2011 to 2019. Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. showed a “big foot” phenomenon from 2011 to 2014 and a “small foot” phenomenon from 2015 to 2019, and the ratios of variety/rootstock were 0.87 to 0.77 and 1.01 to 1.21, respectively. There was strong ground fixation of the rootstock of M. hupehensis Rehd., and the inclination and lodging phenomenon of tree has not been found in the cultivation and management. The growth rate of total branch number of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. was significantly higher than that of Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. from 2011 to 2019. A number of branches of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. increased rapidly and the numbers were 37.39 × 104 per hm2 to 96.70 × 104 per hm2 from 2015 to 2017, a number of branches tended to be stable and the numbers were 96.70 × 104 per hm2, 95.10 × 104 per hm2 and 93.05 × 104 per hm2 from 2017 to 2019. Compared to the composition of tree branches, the proportion of long shoots of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. was higher than that of Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. from 2011 to 2014, while the proportion of spurs of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. was higher than Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. from 2015 to 2019. From 2014 to 2016, the fruit yield showed a trend of rapid increase year by year, and the fruit yield tended to be stable from 2017 to 2019. The growth rate of fruit yield of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. was higher than that of Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. The cumulative yields of Regal Gala /M. hupehensis Rehd. and Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. were 216 686.25 kg·hm-2 and 158 802.99 kg·hm-2, respectively from 2013 to 2019, and there was a significant difference between them. By investigating the distribution proportion of fruit yield at different canopy heights, it was found there was significant difference in the distribution of fruit yield in different canopy between Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. and Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. The fruit yield of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. was mainly concentrated in the canopy area height greater than and equal to 2.00 m, while the fruit yield of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. and Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. was mainly concentrated in the heights from 1.00 to 3.00 m. They accounted for 70.86% and 76.11% of the total yield, respectively. The lowest proportion of fruit yield distribution in the canopy of Regal Gala /M. hupehensis Rehd. and Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. was at the canopy heights less than or equal to 1.00 m, greater than and equal to 3.00 m respectively. By comparing with the differences in fruit quality, it was found the fruit mass, fruit shape index, firmness, fruit surface brightness and red degree of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. were better than those of Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd., while the soluble solids content and TSS/TA ratio were lower than Regal Gala/GM256/M. hupehensis Rehd. Tree crown of Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. was higher, the fruit concentrated distribution area was the upper middle crown, the branches had a low degree of shelter to the fruit, the lighting conditions were much better and the fruit appearance quality was better. 【Conclusion】Taking M. hupehensis Rehd. as the rootstock and adopting the top grafting method, Regal Gala/M. hupehensis Rehd. showed that growth potential was stronger, coverage rate was larger, the number of total branches was larger, the proportion of spur was higher, exterior quality of fruit was superior and the yield was higher, which was suitable for popularization and application in high-density planting cultivation in cold regions of Liaoning province.

Key words: Apple; Rootstock-scion combination; Top grafting; Branch composition; Fruit yield; Fruit qualities



1 材料和方法

试验在辽宁省果树科学研究所苹果试验区进行,试验区地势平坦,土壤为轻砂壤土,土壤有机质含量(w,后同)1.33%,全氮含量0.64%,速效磷含量70.3 mg·kg-1,速效钾含量107 mg·kg-1。年降水量686 mm,无霜期178 d,年平均气温9.0 ℃,1月平均气温-9.2 ℃,极端最低气温-31.7 ℃。果园行间自然生草,灌溉采用微喷管灌系统,666.7 m2施腐熟有机肥3000~3500 kg。

1.1 试验材料

供试苹果品种为丽嘎拉,试验设2个处理,分别为丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶。2011年春,栽植丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶砧穗组合苹果苗木,苗木要求基砧平邑甜茶干径和长度分别为1.5~1.6 cm和10~11 cm,中间砧GM256干径和长度分别为1.3~1.5 cm和30~31 cm,无分枝,高度为90~110 cm。2011年春,采取“两头忙”建园方式,栽植丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶砧穗组合苹果半成品苗木。该组合苗木基砧为3年生平邑甜茶,基砧距离地面5 cm和40 cm处干径分别为1.5~1.6 cm和1.3~1.5 cm。将丽嘎拉接穗利用舌接法,高位嫁接到平邑甜茶砧木距离地面60 cm处。2种砧穗组合苗木定植株行距为2.50 m×4.00 m,南北行栽植,按照高纺锤形树形进行整形修剪。

1.2 试验方法

试验于2011—2019年进行,选择生长势基本一致、无病害的试验树30株,2011—2019年每年10月用游标卡尺分别测量品种和砧木嫁接口上部和下部5 cm处的干径。其中,丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶砧穗组合中砧木测量为GM256砧木的干径。利用钢卷尺分别测量树高、主枝长、冠径(东西),计算覆盖率(%)=冠径(东西)/行距×100;调查树体的主枝数、总枝量,统计短枝、中枝和长枝的比例。2013—2019年每年9月调查单株产量,折合公顷产量,统计7年累计产量;2019年9月按照冠层分格的方法,将试验树从地面到顶部分成4个冠层空间(<1.00 m、1.00~2.00 m、>2.00~3.00 m和>3.00 m),测定不同冠层内的果实产量,计算产量分布比例[14]。

2019年果实成熟期分别在树冠东南方向随机采摘大小均匀、成熟度一致的果实100个,用于测定果实相关指标。果实单果质量用百分之一天平测量;果实的纵径和横径用游标卡尺测量,计算果形指数;果实硬度、可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量分别用GY-1型硬度计、DR-103型电子糖量仪和酸碱滴定法测定,果皮色差值采用色差计(Konica Minolta CR-400,USA)测定[12]。

1.3 数据处理与分析

数据统计采用Excel软件,数据差异显著性分析采用SPSS 13.0分析软件。

2 结果与分析

2.1 树体干粗直径的生长动态变化


2.2 树高和树冠覆盖率的生长动态变化

由图1可见,2011—2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶苹果树高年生长量逐年下降,2011—2016年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶树高年生长量高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶,2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶树高分别为4.15 m和3.22 m,两者间差异显著(表2)。由此说明,幼树期丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶苹果树高年生长量的快速增加是丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶树高显著高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶的主要原因。


2.3 主枝长和数量的生长动态变化

由图3可见,2011—2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶苹果树主枝长年生长量表现为“前期快速增长,后期增长趋缓”的变化趋势。由表2可见,2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶苹果树主枝长分别为1.43 m和1.15 m,两者间差异显著。


2.4 枝类组成数量和比例的生长动态变化


2.5 果实产量和品质的动态变化

由图5可见,2013—2016年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶苹果树果实产量呈现快速增长的趋势,2017—2019年果实产量趋于稳定。2014—2019年丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶果实产量高于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶。统计2013—2019年苹果树累计产量(表4),笔者发现丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶和丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶苹果树7年累计果实产量分别为216 686.25 kg·hm-2和158 802.99 kg·hm-2,两者间差异显著。由此可见,丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶苹果树丰产性和稳产性优于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶。

为了明确砧木对丽嘎拉苹果树果实产量空间分布的影响,将树冠按照冠层高度分为4个区域,统计不同冠层高度内果实产量分布比例。由表5可见,丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶果实产量主要分布在冠层高度>2.00 m的空间区域,占全树总产量的70.86%;而丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶果實产量主要分布在冠层高度1.00~3.00 m的空间区域,占全树总产量的76.11%。由此说明,丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶树冠高大,树冠中上部区域光照和养分积累好,结果枝和果实产量主要集中分布树冠中上部区域;由于GM256中间砧对丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶树高生长的抑制作用,树冠上部的新梢和枝条萌发数量少,果实产量主要分布在树冠中下部区域。



3 讨 论



砧木影响果树冠层结构、树体产量和果实品质[14,25-26]。笔者在本研究中发现丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶苹果树丰产性优于丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶,7年累计产量分别为216 686.25 kg·hm-2和158 802.99 kg·hm-2。調查果实产量空间分布和果实品质,发现两者间存在明显的差异性。丽嘎拉/平邑甜茶树冠高大(树高4.15 m),树冠中上部光照充足,结果枝和果实产量主要集中在冠层高度≥2.00 m的空间区域。由于叶片光合效率高,养分积累多,因此,果实单果质量大和外观品质好。而矮化中间砧具有阻碍养分、激素、水分运输,限制嫁接品种生长发育的作用[27-31]。丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶树高为3.22 m,树冠上部区域枝条萌发数量少,新梢和枝条主要集中分布在树冠中下部区域,因此,果实产量主要分布在冠层高度1.00~3.00 m的空间区域。GM256中间砧对养分运输的滞阻作用,导致同化物进入矮化中间砧后不容易上下运转[21]。叶片光合作用制造的同化物主要用于地上部果实和枝条生长,而外运根的系数量较少,因此,丽嘎拉/GM256/平邑甜茶果实可溶性固形物含量和固酸比等内在品质较好。

4 结 论



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