

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年2期








On a Sunday afternoon, Kiana French was having fun fishing with her father and heryounger sister, not knowing the next minute they would struggle not to sink in the freezingwater. Their 12footboat was taking in water little by little, and the wind was picking up.Her father, Gary French, hurried to operate the engine, while Kiana, 16, was in the middlewith Cierrah, her sister, frightened but still able to keep calm.

Kiana asked Cierrah to take off one of her cowboy boots, with which she got some ofthe water out. Hard as she tried, that little effort would not help stop the boat sinking. Momentslater, the unthinkable happened. The boat was full of water and then it flipped over.Kiana and her sister were dumped in the water. Their father, who had had surgery sixmonths ago, managed not to be thrown into the water but seemed to have great pain in the chest due to the sudden change.

Kiana quickly put on her life jacket and saw Cierrahs and her fathers life jacketsfloating away. She reacted quickly to get them back and held her sister onto the boat. Theywere so far out in the middle of the lake that they could not see the shore clearly. Whatsworse, it was getting harder to stay above the waves. Their father swam over and hugged histwo girls, Cierrah crying silently. Kiana heard her beloved sister murmur,“I cant feel myfeet. ”

Kiana knew the only thing to do was get to shore herself and find help. She looked upat her father, exchanging a concerned glance, turned round and swam as hard as she  couldtowards the shore.

Fighting against the strong currents and cold wind, she screamed for help at the top ofher voice every three minutes or so. A strong wind blew, and she looked back only to seeher sisters and fathers heads bobbing (浮动) in the water. She burst into tears, thinkingher sister and dad were dead, because she was taking too long.


Paragraph 1:

With desperate tears, she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it.__________




Paragraph 2:

Once rescued, they were rushed to shore, where a concerned group waited for their ar?






本文主要讲述了Kiana一家遇到翻船事故,惊险求生的故事。续写第一段中的afigure , 泛指新人物,由此可推测出他很有可能是救星,来拯救遇险的一家人。因此续写第一段的内容应重点描述Kiana一家遇险求生,且被成功救出(可根据续写第二段的they were rushed to shore推断出来)。我们来对比下面两个续写段落:

学生甲:With desperate tears, she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it.With great efforts, she swam as quickly as possible but tiredness seized her and draggedher down to the bottom. She was too exhausted to keep on swimming...

學生乙:With desperate tears, she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it.She waved and cried for help with all her strength to catch the mans attention. Luckily, theman yelled back and immediately came to help her. As the boat was approaching, Kianapointed to her father and her sister...

学生甲的续写基本上都是以Kiana (she)为中心而展开的故事情节,后两句的续写没有衔接首句的新人物(a figure),且忽视了文章的衔接与连贯,使得行文松散;学生乙的续写则捕捉到了续写首句新出现的人物(a figure),第二句描述了Kiana (she)大声呼救以获得新人物的注意,然后新人物开始施救的过程,故事衔接恰当流畅,衔接得更紧密。



(1)表示承接、递进:at the very beginning (首先)、whats more (另外)、moreover (此外)、to make things worse/whats worse (使得事情更为糟糕的是)。

(2)表示转折:but、however、otherwise (否则)、though、despite、in spite of (尽管)、onthe other hand (另一方面)、on the contrary (恰恰相反)、nevertheless (尽管如此)。

(3)表示时间:a few minutes later、not for a while (没过多久)、then、eventually、all ofa sudden (突然)、at the very moment、at the same time、without thinking twice/without asecond thought/without hesitation (毫不犹豫)、as soon as。

(4)表示总结:on the whole、in conclusion、in a word、to sum up、in short。

(5)表示伴随:with+n.(with great effort 吃力地、with hesitation 犹豫地、with greatease 很轻易地)我们来对比下面两个续写段落:

学生甲:With desperate tears, she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it.She tried her best to swim to the boat and yelled for help. The man on the boat heard her yelling and came to help. Kiana sighed with a great relief and pointed to her father and hersister, yelling,“They are in the water! Help!”She was soon picked up and taken to whereher father and her sister were. They were almost drowned. The man and Kiana quicklyhelped them get into the boat.

学生乙:With desperate tears, she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it.With great efforts, she cried for help to catch the mans attention. Luckily, the man yelledback and immediately came to help her. As the boat was approaching, Kiana pointed to herfather and her sister, yelling,“They are in the water! Help!”She was soon picked up andtaken to where her father and her sister were. Fortunately, they didnt drown but they werealmost on the verge of collapse. At the very moment, the man and Kiana quickly helpedthem get into the boat. What a narrow escape!



Paragraph 1:

With desperate tears, she suddenly spotted a boat with a figure walking on it. She wavedand cried for help with all her strength. It seemed like a century later when she heard someoneyelling back at her. As the boat was approaching, Kiana pointed to her father and hersister and screamed,“They are in the water! Help!”She was soon picked up and taken towhere her father and her sister were. Fortunately, they didnt drown but her father seemedto be giving out, with one hand holding tight onto the boat and the other holding Cierrah.

Paragraph 2:

Once rescued, they were rushed to shore, where a concerned group waited for their ar?rival. They gave clothes and blankets to the three poor people, and then the ambulance arrived.Kiana, her sister and her father were checked on the spot and finally sent to the nearesthospital. Later, when asked what gave her the strength and perseverance to continue,both in the cold water and in great fear, Kiana said,“I just wanted to save my family, and Ididnt want anything bad to happen to them. So I couldnt spare a second to worry or fear.”





During this past year, Ive had three instances of car trouble. Each time it happened, Iwas sick of the way most people hadnt bothered to help. One of those times, I was on theside of the road for close to three hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, bigsigns that said NEED A JACK (千斤顶), AND OFFER MONEY. Nothing. Right as I wasabout to give up, a Mexican family in a small truck pulled over, and the father bounded out.

He sized up the situation and called for his daughter, who spoke English. He conveyedthrough her that he had a jack but that it was too small for the Jeep, so we wouldneed something to support it. Then he got a saw (锯子) from the truck and cut a section outof a big log on the side of the road. We rolled it over and put his jack on top, and we were inbusiness.

I started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can believe it, I broke his tire iron.“Noworries.”He handed it to his wife, and she was gone in a flash down the road to buy a newtire iron. She was back in 15 minutes. We finished the job, and I was a very happy man.

The two of us were dirty and sweaty. His wife prepared a pot of water for us to washour hands. I tried to put a $20 bill in the mans hand, but he wouldn.t take it, so instead Iwent up to the truck and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I asked the little girl wherethey lived.“Mexico,”she said. They were in Oregon so her mommy and daddy could workon a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Then they would go home.


Paragraph 1:

When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.________________________






Paragraph 2:

After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.______________________________







本文主要讲述了在汽车抛锚时,“我”有幸获得墨西哥一家人的帮助的故事。续写第二段出现了特指名词the paper bag,阅读文本中没有出现此名词短语,因此可以推断续写第一段最后需要出现a paper bag,这样才能與续写第二段的the paper bag衔接。我们可以根据续写第一段的墨西哥女孩询问“我”用餐与否得知,“我”没用餐,然后他们用纸袋装了点食物给“我”。


Paragraph 1:

When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch. I told her I hadnt hadlunch because Id been waiting here for help for nearly three hours. The girl said they didnthave lunch either. She suggested to her parents that we have lunch together. There happenedto have some food and some things for the picnic in their truck. So we ate together ina vacant lot by the side of the road. During that time, I told them what had happened to meand how I felt. They shared interesting stories about their lives in Mexico and on fruitfarms. After lunch, the girls mother put a paper bag of fruit in my Jeep. I showed my gratitudeagain and we said goodbye to each other.

Paragraph 2:

After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag. There were some delicatefruits in the paper bag. I was surprised to find the money I had quietly left them. At thesame time, there was a note written by the girl, which read,“We are very happy to be ableto help you. We have encountered many difficulties and been disappointed. But we met alot of helpful people, which made us feel very warm. To help others with ones own ability is also a kind of lifting a finger. The beauty of life comes from the help. I hope you have agood life and a happy mood.”This made me very moved, and I would try my best to helpmore people in the future to make our world more beautiful and warmer.



It took place in a teachers family. One day, Ben was playing basketball in the livingroom after school, when he accidentally threw the ball at a vase sitting on the shelf. Thevase dropped to the floor and a large piece broke off. What made Ben more upset was thatthe vase was not a common decoration but an antique, which was handed down throughgenerations from the 18th century. It was also his mothers favourite possession. To coverhis terrible action, the terrified boy glued the pieces together hastily and put the vase backto its place.

As the mother herself dusted the vase every day, she naturally noticed the cracks (裂纹) that evening. To her surprise, the repair work was actually very good. At dinner time,she asked her boy if he broke the vase. Fearing punishment, the suddenly inspired boy saidthat a neighbours cat jumped in from the window and he couldnt drive it away no matterhow hard he tried. It jumped around the living room and finally knocked the vase off itsshelf. His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were closed beforeshe left for work each morning and opened after she returned. However, in the face ofher sons nervous eyes and the suspicious looks of the other family members, Bens motherremained calm. She realized she shouldnt just simply blame and punish her son for lying.She came up with another idea.

Before going to bed, the boy found a note from his mother in his room, asking him to goto the study at once. The boy thought he would now be punished but, as he had already lied,he was determined to deny everything to the end, no matter how angry his mum became.

In the study, calmly bathed in the light, his mothers face showed no sign of anger. Onseeing her son push open the door and cautiously enter, she took a chocolate box out of adrawer and gave him one.


Paragraph 1:

The mother said,“This chocolate is a reward for your imagination: a window?opening cat!”__________________________________________________________________________________________________






Paragraph 2:

Now with some chocolates in hand, the boys bad attitude disappeared.________________







1. 你续写的段落有没有根据续写第一段首句出现的新人物或者信息点来安排续写内容?



2. 你续写的段落有没有使用合适的衔接词?



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