

城市观察 2023年1期


Vol.83, No.1, 2023



Study on the Realization Path of Building a High-quality Development Model in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area     4

HAN Yonghui, MAI Weikun, SHEN Xiaonan

Abstract: Since the 20th CPC National Congress, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) has picked up a solid pace in building a high-quality development model. This paper analyzes three aspects including the cooperation between industrial chain and supply chain, the efficiency of coordinated innovation as well as the cooperation in medical services for human resources, clarifying the typical characteristics and challenges in the development of the GBA. In light of the high-quality development goal, seven targeted policy recommendations have been put forward including promoting alignment mechanism, sticking to innovation-driven development, strengthening industrial support, smoothing transportation links, invigorating market vitality, deepening cooperations and exchanges, and improving security, so as to promote deeper and more solid development of the GBA.

Keywords: the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; high quality development; regional coordinated development; industrial supply chain; facilitate circulation of factors

Analyzing the Problems of Guangzhous High-quality Industrial Development From the Perspective of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area     19

CHEN Gang, YANG Daiyou

Abstract: In recent years, the development of Guangzhou has entered a new phrase with the help of implementing the new development philosophy and deepening the supply-side structural reform as the main task. The city adheres to the principle of putting industries first and manufacturing industry as the fundamental of its economy, and strives to promote high-quality industrial development. On a preliminary basis, it has formed a high-quality modern industrial system featuring the mutually promoting signature industries, modern service industries, strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing industries. The quality of industrial development has been continuously improved, the industrial linkage with other cities in the GBA has been strengthened, and the staggered development among various manufacturing industries has been attained. However, in terms of functioning as the core engine of the GBAs high-quality industrial development, Guangzhou still faces some problems such as weak support of the real economy, slow transformation in industrial innovation, insignificant comparative advantages in innovation-driven industry and low concentration of financial and high-end human resources. It is suggested to speed up the improvement of Guangzhous function as a leading core engine by focusing on optimizing industrial stratification, deepening industrial basis, sticking to innovation-driven development, creating talent pools, and strengthening regional cooperation.

Keywords: the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; industrial structural transformation; innovation-driven industry; high-quality development; real economy


Chinas Urbanization Path Under the “Dual Carbon” Goal: Leading Thoughts     35

LIU Zhi, QIU Baoxing, ZHENG Siqi, HE Shenjing, LU Ming


Innovative Network Structure and Influencing Factors of Collaboration Within the Chamber of Commerce: A Case Study of Chamber of Commerce A in Province J      53

ZHU Yixin, LIU Xue

Abstract: Chamber of commerce, a social organization composed of businessmen, is a crucial platform for social capitals to function and a key promoter of economic relations and development among cities. In order to analyze the underlying law of innovative cooperation behaviors within the chamber of commerce and to put forward feasible suggestions for promoting its healthy development, this paper takes Chamber of Commerce A in province J for case study, uses social network analysis to build an innovative cooperation network among chamber members, and analyzes the overall network structure and individual position and role. The factors influencing the innovative cooperation behaviors among chamber members are verified via the second assignment procedure analysis based on relational data. Results show that differences between degree centrality and intermediate centrality among members positively promote the formation of innovative cooperation, but differences in enterprise age negatively affect the formation of innovative cooperation, while similarities in enterprise types and registration address positively promote the formation of innovative cooperation.

Keywords: chamber of commerce; social network analysis; centrality; innovation in cooperation; network spatial structure


How to Attain Leadership in Regional Collaborative Governance? A Case Study of the Integrated Demonstration Zone of Green and Integrated Ecological Development of the Yangtze River Delta     66


Abstract: Regional collaborative governance is one of the hot spots in the field of political science and public administration in recent years. Introducing the leadership theory into the topic of regional collaborative governance can provide new perspectives and ideas for clarifying the dilemma of regional collaborative governance and improving the performance of regional collaborative governance. By introducing Bolman and Deals four-dimensional leadership model, the role of leadership in the Integrated Demonstration Zone of Green and Ecological Development of the Yangtze River Delta is analyzed from four levels: structural frame, human resources frame, political frame and symbolic frame. This paper explains the leadership in regional cooperation in the context of Chinese governance, which will enrich the theoretical connotation of cross-regional leadership.

Keywords: regional collaboration; cross-regional leadership; collaborative performance; integrated demonstration zone; Green and Ecological Development of the Yangtze River Delta

Research on the Spatio-temporal Patterns and Characteristics of High-level Human Resources in the Yangtze River Delta Region: A Case Study of the Distinguished Professors of the Cheung Kong Scholars Programme     76

XUE Qixin, WU Ruijun

Abstract: As an important player participating in the international competitions, high-level human resources are critical to the innovation and talent-driven development process. Taking distinguished professors of the Cheung Kong Scholars Programme in the Yangtze River Delta region as the research object, this study establishes a high-level human resources database by means of CV analysis, and analyzes the spatio-temporal pattern and structural characteristics of high-level human resources. It is found that the features of high-level human resources in the Yangtze River Delta region have been changing over time. The specialty spectrum is gradually balancing; the national proportion of human resources from the Yangtze River Delta region is gradually decreasing. In terms of spatial distribution, the provincial concentration degree of human resources is related to the per capita GDP ranking and the number of first-class universities and disciplines of the world. Different provinces and cities have formed differentiated human resources pools. The high-level human resources in the Yangtze River Delta region are mainly specialized in engineering, science and medicine, which have been similar to the disciplinary structure on the national level. In terms of gender proportion, the number of male is higher than that of female. Therefore, the high-level personnel management system must constantly be improved  to accumulate new momentum and advantages for modernization and high-quality development.

Keywords: the Yangtze River Delta region; high-level human resources; Cheung Kong Scholars Programme; spatio-temporal pattern; the strategy on developing a quality workforce


A Study of Female-friendly City Construction in Shenzhen Under the Sustainable Population Policy    89


Abstract: For women of childbearing ages, their attitudes towards marriage and fertility are constantly changing in different eras. However, the high cost of raising children, the imbalance of family employment status, the lack of family support, the shortage of social supporting services and other problems related to the rapid urbanization process have all inhibited womens willingness to give birth to some extent. With the optimization and implementation of policies encouraging having more children, the construction of contemporary female-friendly social and urban environment has become an important means to lower the cost of giving birth, parenting and education, help female to achieve work-family balance and enjoy healthy family relationship. By analyzing the contributing characteristics of women of childbearing ages in Shenzhen, and summarizing the status-quo of Shenzhens efforts in constructing a female-friendly city, the paper puts forward, from the perspectives of architecture and urban planning, specific suggestions concerning the citys urban space and facilities such as community space, office space and public space. In terms of urban spatial planning, it is advocated to reduce fertility anxieties, improve the quality of female-friendly space and promote gender inclusion in order to build Shenzhen into a female-friendly city.

Keywords: give birth to and raise children; female-friendly; women in Shenzhen; urban space; population policy


Influencing Factors and Countermeasures of Hong Kong Youths Starting Businesses in Mainland Cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area    104

LIN Fengchun, LIANG Jingxin

Abstract: Based on the grounded theory analysis of qualitative data obtained from interviews with Hong Kong young entrepreneurs in mainland cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the managers of their business incubation, a model of influencing factors concerning Hong Kong youths starting businesses in mainland cities of the GBA is built. Results show that the entrepreneurial motivations (profit-making and self-actualization) directly affect Hong Kong youths starting businesses mainland cities of the GBA. Individual internal factors (individual characteristics of entrepreneurs) and the GBA environment (start-up environment and resources) are important boundary conditions for turning motivation into action. It is suggested to promote the integrated development of the GBA, enhance service quality for start-ups with new technologies, improve media coverage of the inclusiveness and favorable policies of the GBA, and meanwhile give momentum to high-quality development by means of the digital economy, so as to build the GBA into an attractive ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship for Hong Kong youths.

Keywords: the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Hong Kong youth; entrepreneurship; influencing factor; systematized thinking; triadic reciprocal determinism

A Study on the Construction Model of the New Social Network of Elderly Urban Immigrants     119

LUO Enli, MEI Shiwei, WU Kerui, WU Yifan, JIN Tian

Abstract: Chinas urbanization process and its aging population have given rise to a special group of mobile population, the elderly urban immigrants. On the basis of grounded theory, this paper uses NVivo 12 Plus to conduct qualitative analysis based on 28 in-depth interviews with the elderly urban immigrants. Starting from the current situation of the social network of elderly urban immigrants in different regions, and supported by the network composition type, a comparative analysis of the construction model and pathway of social network for is found that there exists four different types social network construction models including “Reed type”, “Moss type”, “Swallow type” and “Free bird type”. The construction paths include emotional network of micro-environment influence based on relational order regression, social network based on community and neighborhood, and policy support tool network based on field inclusion. The choice of passively returning home or actively staying reflects that the returning elderlies intentions to integrate into the social network lacked the support of network construction mechanisms and fund. Based on the above, corresponding optimization paths are proposed relating to the social security system, public facilities for the elderly, and adaptive community activities for elderly urban immigrants.

Keywords: elderly urban immigrants; social network; social integration; network construction; construction pathway


Decision Influencing Factors and Their Formation Mechanism of Pupils Parents Seeking After-school Tutoring Under the “Double Reduction” Policy      132

YU Hui, LI Rui, LIN Zizhen

Abstract: The governance effect of after-school tutoring depends largely on the remedial education decision of the parents. Viewed from the perspective of image theory, there are four new characteristics in pupils parents seeking after-school tutoring under the “double reduction” policy, and they are affected by the following factors: social mobility and employment pressure at the social level, conformity and grade anxiety at the psychological level, and the disadvantages of class teaching system and disputes on after-school services at the educational system level. In terms of the formation mechanism of parents remedial education decision-making, value image is the premise of decision making, track image the driving force, and strategy image the mediating factor.

Keywords: “double reduction” policy; after-school tutoring; shadow education; after-school services; image theory

New Features and Formation Mechanism of Educational Anxiety in Parents with Preschool Children Under the Influence of the “Double Reduction” Policy      143

CHEN Xinyu

Abstract: The “double reduction” reform has entered a new stage of extending to preschool education. Using the “education-society-market” analytical framework, this study conducts semi-structured interviews with 28 parents with preschool children to analyze the new characteristics and formation mechanism of their educational anxiety. The empirical study finds that there are four new characteristics: anxiety catalysis, anxiety generation, anxiety aggravation and anxiety relief. These anxieties are affected by five factors, namely, preschool education function, education diversion system, social culture, shadow education and social stratum. It also involves three main bodies including education, society and market. In this regard, it is suggested to form a joint force among the government, kindergartens, parents and the whole society, so as to give full play to the collaborative educational function of education, society and market.

Keywords: “double reduction”; urban families; parents with preschool children; educational anxiety; co-education

