杨小龙 李胜 江文斌
摘 要:为解决缫丝过程中给茧机内存在无绪茧且靠人工抓取的问题,设计了一种给茧机无绪茧自动抓取装置。传动部分由减速电机通过两个传动路线将动力传送至给茧机和横移滑轨机构。详细分析了横移滑轨机构所包含的曲柄滑块机构和齿轮齿条直线差动增倍机构运动特性,通过计算确定最佳抓取节点。最后介绍了末端抓取机构,并规划抓取后放置无绪茧和装置复位的时间节拍。分析表明给茧机无绪茧自动抓取装置结构合理可行,研究结果为给茧机无绪茧的处理提供一种新思路。
1 模拟平台传动部分
1.1 传动结构
1.2 传动关系
工厂中,给茧机运行速度为8.30~10.12 m/min,因此,模拟平台选用电机额定转速为1300 r/min,搭配速比i=50∶1的减速器。由上述传动路线不难得出,主传动轴转速n1为26 r/min。设给茧机运行速度为v1,mm/s,根据链传动线速度公式可得式(1):
式中:链轮齿数Z1=29,08B规格传动链节距p=12.7 mm。
2 横移滑轨机构
2.1 曲柄滑块机构运动分析
减速电机经过传动路线二将回转运动转变为周期性往返运动,将装置曲柄滑块机构简化如图3所示,曲柄AB和连杆BC均处水平位置,将该位置设定为运动起点[6]。曲柄AB沿逆时针方向以恒定角速度ω旋转,由式(2)可得ω=0.4 π rad/s。当曲柄AB转过角度θ到位置A1B1时,滑块C到达C1,设其位移量为xc,mm。
式中:AB为曲柄长度,AB=100 mm;BC为连杆长度,BC=690 mm;θ为曲柄旋转角度,rad。
2.2 齿轮齿条直线差动增倍机构运动分析
曲柄AB长度为100 mm位于两个极位时,末端距离即为滑块最大位移量200 mm。自动缫丝机相邻两个给茧机距离为400 mm。为减小装置体积,并获得增倍位移量。因此,在曲柄滑块机构末端采用齿轮齿条直线差动增倍机构[7],机构简化图如图4所示。
2.3 抓取节点分析
减速电机经过两个路线将动力分别传送到给茧机和横移滑轨机构,在横移滑轨机构位移达到最大值之前,给茧机与横移滑轨机构的位移相等时是装置抓取的最佳节点。因此,需要计算出θ在(0, π)区间内对应时间节点t,s。
式(5)是含有未知量θ的三角函数方程,即为超越方程[8]。超越方程的求解无法利用代数几何来进行。利用MATLAB编程计算得到方程在(0, π)范围内有且仅有一个解[9],即:
由计算结果可得:θ转换为角度制为100.8°,即当1.4 s,曲柄旋转100.8°时,给茧机与横移滑轨机构位移相等,此时是末端抓取机构抓取无绪茧的最佳节点。
3 末端抓取机构
3.1 抓取结构
3.2 抓取与放置
无绪茧抓取与放置原理如图6所示,抓茧斗结合件为左右对称结构,给茧机内部宽度为L=187 mm,保证其不干涉给茧机,且闭合状态下内部空间可以容纳2颗无绪茧1。在三维运动仿真软件中模拟机构打开状态到完全闭合,摆动齿轮轴旋转55°左右[11]。因此,取整后同轴的扇形齿轮同步旋转55°,与之啮合的移动齿条移动距离为s,mm:
式(7)中:m为扇形齿轮法向模数,m=1 mm;Z4为扇形齿轮全齿齿数,Z4=40。
由式(2)、式(6)可知,曲柄轴的工作周期为5 s,给茧机探索周期为2.5 s,即相隔一只给茧机完成一次抓取。自动缫丝机车头为对称分布,可在两侧车头各安装一套自动抓取装置完成所有给茧机无绪茧抓取。
无绪茧抓取流程如图7所示,在(0, π)范围内横移滑轨机构与给茧机动态跟随,即0~2.5 s内装置要完成抓取和放置无绪茧动作。横移滑轨机构在1.4 s时与给茧机位移相等,0~1.4 s期间升降步进电机带动抓茧斗结合件下降至给茧机内部,完成抓取无绪茧动作。抓取后,1.4~2.5 s期间抓茧斗结合件上升,同时,横移滑轨机构继续前进至不锈钢滑槽2上方后放下无绪茧。由于无绪茧为椭球状,不锈钢滑槽2有一定斜度,无绪茧会沿着滑槽下落至缫丝槽内,经捕集器收集后最终回到缫丝机车头。2.5~5 s期间,横移滑轨机构返回初始位置,装置各机构复位至初始状态。至此,完成一个周期抓取。
4 结 论
c)末端抓取机构采用步进电机带动移动齿条平移19.2 mm,带动与之啮合的扇形齿轮旋转55°,最终带动抓茧斗结合件抓取无绪茧。
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Abstract: The cocoon and silk industry is not only traditional national industry, important livelihood industry and international competitive advantage industry, but also a cultural symbol of China's diplomacy as a major country. At present, the development of the cocoon and silk industry is facing great pressure, mainly from the industry's low profits, high labor costs, and strong mobility of silk reelers, which brings great pressure to enterprises. In recent years, with the continuous progress of science and technology, most manufacturing industries have improved production automation, reduced manual participation production costs and improved production efficiency. In the 21st century, China has successively launched Feiyu 2000 Preferred, Feiyu 2000 New Era, and Feiyu 2008 Automatic Silk Reeling Machines. The degree of mechanization has been continuously improved, but thedegree of automation has been. The problem of grabbing cocoons without end in the supplier of correct end cocoons has not been solved effectively, which seriously affects the quality of raw silk.
In order to solve the problem that there are cocoons without end in supplier of correct end cocoons during silk reeling and the cocoons without end are grabbed manually, an automatic grabbing device for cocoons without end in supplier of correct end cocoons is designed. The transmission part transmits the power to the supplier of correct end cocoons and the transverse sliding rail mechanism through two transmission routes by the deceleration motor. The motion characteristics of the slider-crank mechanism and the linear differential doubling mechanism of gear and rack contained in the transverse sliding rail mechanism are analyzed in detail.The quantitative relationship between them is analyzed and the equation of motion is listed. The equation of motion is a transcendental equation containing an unknown trigonometric function and cannot be solved by algebraic geometry. MATLAB programming is applied to determine the best grasping node. Finally, the end-grabbing mechanism is introduced, and the characteristics of different types of end-grabbing mechanism are briefly introduced. The rotary structure is selected according to the characteristics of the cocoons without end solid liquid coexistence in the supplier of correct end cocoons.Through 3D simulation and calculation verification, the end-grabbing mechanism is fully closed when it is open, and the swing gear shaft rotates about 55°. Therefore, the concentric sector gear rotates 55° synchronously after rounding, and the moving distance of the moving rack engaged with it is 19.2 mm.According to the crank movement cycle and the supplier of correct end cocoons exploration cycle, the time beat of placing the cocoons without end and resetting the device after grabbing is planned. The analysis shows that the structure of the automatic grabbing device for cocoons without end in supplier of correct end cocoons is reasonable and feasible, which provides a new idea for the treatment of cocoons without end in supplier of correct end cocoons.
With the proposal of the 14th FiveYear Plan for the Development of Robotic Industry, robots are known as the "pearl at the top of the manufacturing crown", and their research, development, manufacturing and application are important signs to measure a country's technological innovation and high-end manufacturing level. At present, China's cocoon and silk industry is constantly reforming and developing. It is a general trend to improve the automation of silk reeling production and reduce labor costs. The automatic grabbing device for cocoons without end in supplier of correct end cocoons in this paper is a new idea. On this basis, the device structure can be further optimized to meet the production requirements of the factory.
Keywords: supplier of correct end cocoons; cocoons without end; slider-crank mechanism; linear differential doubling mechanism of gear and rack; end-grabbing mechanism