胡 炼,王志敏,汪 沛,何 杰,焦晋康,王晨阳,李明锦
胡 炼1,2,王志敏1,汪 沛1,2※,何 杰1,2,焦晋康1,王晨阳1,李明锦1
(1. 华南农业大学南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室,广州 510642; 2.岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室茂名分中心,茂名 525000)
为解决基于全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)的农业机器人和自动驾驶农机在机库、大棚等卫星信号弱或无环境下定位精度低甚至无法定位的问题,该研究提出了基于激光感知的农业机器人定位方法。采用二维激光雷达和激光接收器设计了基于激光感知的机器人定位系统,通过二维激光雷达发射扫描激光获取机器人上激光接收器的点云,同时激光接收器感应扫描激光,融合感应扫描激光时间差和激光接收器点云特征,得到移动激光接收器(即农业机器人)的定位。以全站仪测量为参照在大棚内开展验证试验,结果表明,在激光雷达扫描范围内,机器人行驶速度为0.8 m/s时,直线行驶时最大偏差绝对平均值为4.1 cm,最大均方根误差为1.5 cm;曲线行驶时最大偏差绝对平均值为6.2 cm,最大均方根误差为2.6 cm,满足农业机器人在农机库等环境中自动导航所需定位精度要求。
0 引 言
全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)作为农业机械智能化技术中的一项关键技术,近年来已被广泛应用于农业生产各环节,其定位精度达到厘米级[9],基于GNSS的农业机械导航系统旱地作业直线路径跟踪精度优于±2.5 cm[4],水田作业直线路径跟踪横向偏差平均值为4.3 cm[10]。因此,智能农机依靠GNSS定位实现了大田高精度智能化无人作业[11],但在农机机库、农机转移行驶过程中经过树冠下和高架桥桥底以及温室大棚设施等场景时,存在GNSS卫星信号差或丢失的问题,难以实现导航定位,因此亟需其他定位方法融合补充。
Wi-fi、Zigbee、蓝牙和超宽带等无线通信技术[12]以及即时定位与地图构建(simultaneous localization and mapping,SLAM)技术是常用定位方法。无线通信技术中Wi-fi、超宽带信号定位易受环境因素干扰[12-13],Zigbee和蓝牙定位需要铺设大量设备[14]。SLAM指在没有环境先验信息下,通过使用各种传感器采集环境信息,在运动过程中构建环境地图,并估计机器人位置[15],目前,已经有许多解决SLAM问题的数学模型与理论基础[16]。SLAM技术包括视觉SLAM和激光SLAM,可以提供载体的相对位置信息,定位精度较高,已在物流、工业、医疗、安防、服务和农业等移动机器人以及无人驾驶领域广泛应用[17-21]。在农业机器人出库入库时,因库内外光照强度差异大,易导致视觉SLAM定位误差增大甚至无法定位,而且图像处理的运算量大、实时性较差[2,22]。此外,当环境中有较多移动物体时,视觉SLAM的环境地图构建偏差增大,定位精度降低[23]。相比之下,激光SLAM技术较成熟、定位误差更小[24],但激光SLAM构建的地图缺乏语义信息[25],对于大场景非固定地图仍需进一步研究[26],激光SLAM的地图构建可使用二维激光雷达和三维激光雷达,目前在物流和工业等领域主要使用成本较高的三维激光雷达[27]。
1 基于激光感知的农业机器人定位方法
1.1 基于激光感知的农业机器人定位原理
图1 基于激光感知的农业机器人定位原理示意图
1.2 基于激光感知的农业机器人定位算法
Note:is the length of the long side of the mobile laser receiver housing, cm;is the length of the short side of the mobile laser receiver housing, cm;0is the distance from the photosensitive module of the mobile laser receiver to the short side of the housing, cm;0is the distance from the photosensitive module of the mobile laser receiver to the long side of the housing, cm; theis the connection line between the receiver photosensitive module and the coordinate origin, the1is the fitting line of the receiver housing on long side , pointis the intersection of line1and line3,2is the connection line between the photosensitive module of the mobile laser receiver and point, the3is the fitting line of the receiver housing on short side,,1,2and3is the slope of the straight line,1,2and3, respectively;1is the intercept of the straight line1,1is the intercept of the straight line2,3is the intercept of the straight line3, thelis the closest laser radar scanning ray to the center of the photoelectric conversion module,θis the angle value of the polar coordinate corresponding to the scanning line of the laser radar rayl.
图2 激光接收器光电转换模块中心坐标几何关系示意图
Fig.2 Schematic diagram of the central coordinate geometric relationship of the photoelectric conversion module of the laser receiver
2 基于激光感知的农业机器人定位系统试验
2.1 系统介绍
基于激光感知的农业机器人定位(ARPLS)系统如图3所示,以东风井关T954拖拉机为试验平台。ARPLS系统硬件部分主要由移动端和固定端组成,移动端包括移动激光接收器,固定端包括激光雷达和固定激光接收器。激光接收器通过滤光模块、光电转换模块、信号调制模块将激光雷达发射的光信号转换成电信号[28],数据处理与通信传输模块将激光感应信号通过CAN总线进行传输,激光接收器外壳长边11 cm,短边6.5 cm。移动激光接收器安装在拖拉机顶部机体(沿机头方向)中心线上,离地高度3 m,激光雷达和固定接收器固定在华南农业大学增城教学科研基地农机库支撑柱上,且移动激光接收器和固定激光接收器均能够接收到激光雷达发射的激光射线。移动激光接收器和固定激光接收器的CAN总线通过PCAN-USB传输到处理器,PCAN-USB用于监听CAN 网络消息,时间戳的分辨率为42 μs。激光雷达的测量距离为40~20 000 mm,扫描范围为270°,角度分辨率为0.117 2°,扫描频率为10 Hz,误差为测量距离的1%。
图3 安装在拖拉机上的基于激光感知的农业机器人定位系统
使用Visual studio 2022通过C#编程语言编写系统软件,采用多线程数据事件触发的方式进行数据处理与分析,得到准确的激光雷达、移动激光接收器和固定激光接收器的数据响应时间戳,固定端数据发送到移动端进行分析处理,从而实时获得定位数据。
试验以全站仪和RTK GNSS系统的测量轨迹作为参考对象,且均采用WGS-84坐标系。全站仪自动跟踪安装在移动激光接收器上的棱镜,进行动态跟踪测量,全站仪为Leica Ms60,测量频率10 Hz,100 m范围内测量误差1 mm;RTK GNSS系统直接测量获取拖拉机定位,RTK GNSS板卡为K728,测量频率10 Hz,平面定位精度1 cm。
试验时拖拉机在激光雷达扫描范围内以0.3、0.5和0.8 m/s分别进行往复的直线运动和曲线运动,行驶距离9~20 m,每组试验重复5次,ARPLS系统、全站仪和GNSS三套定位系统同时采集定位数据,采集时长3~5 min,其中激光感知定位系统每次试验获得定位点2 000个以上。
2.2 坐标系转换与机器人中心定位
3 结果与分析
ARPLS系统、全站仪和GNSS测量的一组拖拉机以0.8 m/s速度直线行驶和曲线行驶的轨迹分别如图4和图5所示,其中直线行驶距离10 m、曲线行驶距离12 m。由图可知,ARPLS系统测量的拖拉机轨迹与全站仪和GNSS测量的轨迹基本重合,表明在试验行驶距离范围内,ARPLS系统提供了试验拖拉机在WGS-84坐标系下的定位。
ARPLS系统动态测量拖拉机以0.8 m/s速度进行直线行驶和曲线行驶定位与全站仪测量定位的偏差绝对值曲线分别如图6和图7所示。在相同速度下,直线行驶定位的偏差绝对值明显小于曲线行驶定位的偏差绝对值,因此,ARPLS系统动态测量直线运动定位精度高于曲线运动定位精度,测量直线运动定位偏差不大于7 cm,测量曲线运动定位偏差小于12 cm。
图4 拖拉机直线行驶轨迹
图5 拖拉机曲线行驶轨迹
图6 直线行驶的定位偏差绝对值曲线
图7 曲线行驶的定位偏差绝对值曲线
以全站仪测量定位为真值,各试验组次ARPLS系统相对全站仪测量定位的偏差绝对平均值和均方根误差如表1所示。表中试验数据表明,随着拖拉机速度越快,ARPLS系统定位相对全站仪定位的误差随之增大;行驶速度相同时,曲线行驶比直线行驶定位的误差大。0.8 m/s速度时,直线行驶时最大偏差绝对平均值为4.1 cm,最大均方根误差为1.5 cm;曲线行驶时最大偏差绝对平均值为6.2 cm,最大均方根误差为2.6 cm。
表1 激光感知定位相比全站仪定位误差
4 结 论
3)设计了基于激光感知的农业机器人定位系统,大棚内试验结果表明,在激光雷达扫描范围内,机器人行驶速度为0.8 m/s时,直线行驶时最大偏差绝对平均值为4.1 cm,最大均方根误差为1.5 cm;曲线行驶时最大偏差绝对平均值为6.2 cm,最大均方根误差为2.6 cm。
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Agricultural robot positioning system based on laser sensing
HU Lian1,2, WANG Zhimin1, WANG Pei1,2※, HE Jie1,2, JIAO Jinkang1, WANG Chenyang1, LI Mingjin1
(1.,,,510642,; 2.,,525000,)
In order to solve the positioning problem of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) based robots and autonomous agricultural machinery, which is low accuracy or even unable to locate under the environment of weak or no satellite signals such as hangars and greenhouses. This research proposes an agricultural robot positioning system based on laser sensing. The system is designed by using two-dimensional laser scanner and laser receiver, which obtains the point cloud of the laser receiver on the robot through the scanning laser emitted by the two-dimensional laser scanner , and the laser receiver inductively scans by the laser scanner, the location of mobile laser receiver (i.e. agricultural robot) is obtained by fusing the time difference of laser scanning induction and the point cloud characteristics of mobile laser receiver. The agricultural robot positioning system based on laser sensing consists of mobile laser receiver, processor, fixed laser receiver and two-dimensional laser scanner. The mobile laser receiver and processor are installed on the robot, and the fixed laser receiver and two-dimensional laser radar are fixed at the known geodetic coordinate position. According to the position relationship between the laser scanner coordinate system and the known geodetic coordinate system. The laser scanner scanning at a certain period to obtain a known number of fixed-order point cloud data. The fixed laser receiver senses the periodic irradiation of the laser scanner to generate the base station laser signal, and the serial number of the fixed laser receiver shell in the point cloud is known. The mobile laser receiver senses the periodic irradiation of the laser radar to generate the mobile laser signal during the movement of the robot. According to the trigger time difference between the fixed laser signal and the mobile laser signal, the angle between the laser rays that are irradiated to the mobile laser receiver and the laser rays that are irradiated to the fixed laser receiver can be obtained in a scanning period of the laser scanner. And the scattered point set of the mobile laser receiver in the laser radar point cloud can be found, and the center coordinate of the mobile laser receiver can be obtained by combining the point cloud feature matching algorithm. The robot positioning can be calculated by combined with the geodetic coordinates of the laser scanner and the position relationship between the laser scanner coordinate system and the geodetic coordinate system, the central coordinates of the mobile laser receiver under the geodetic coordinate system. The geodetic coordinates of the robot are calculated by the positioning algorithm based on laser sensing, and the geodetic coordinates of the robot without GNSS signal are supplemented without changing the positioning solution and control algorithm of the existing robot unmanned system. For example, when the robot leaves the hangar, it switches to the GNSS positioning system for positioning and navigation in the area with both the positioning signals of the robot positioning system based on laser perception and the GNSS signal. When entering the hangar, switch to the robot positioning system based on laser sensing for positioning and navigation in the area cover with both the positioning signal of the robot positioning system based on laser perception and the GNSS signal. The verification test is carried out with the reference of total station which shows that within the scanning range of laser radar, when the robot is at a speed of 0.8 m/s, the absolute average value of the maximum deviation of the positioning error in a straight line is 4.1 cm, and the maximum root mean square error is 1.5 cm; when the robot driving on a curve, the absolute average value of the maximum deviation of positioning error is 6.2 cm , and the maximum root mean square error is 2.6 cm. The result shows that this method can achieve accurate robot positioning and meets the positioning accuracy requirements for automatic navigation of agricultural robots in agricultural machinery warehouses and other environments.
robot; laser radar; laser sensing; positioning; intelligent agricultural machinery equipment
S24; TP273
胡炼,王志敏,汪沛,等. 基于激光感知的农业机器人定位系统[J]. 农业工程学报,2023,39(5):1-7.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202211144 http://www.tcsae.org
HU Lian, WANG Zhimin, WANG Pei, et al. Agricultural robot positioning system based on laser sensing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2023, 39(5): 1-7. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202211144 http://www.tcsae.org