

四川大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年1期

刘怡彤 穆学文

本文提出了一个神经网络算法,以求解二阶锥变分不等式 (SOCCVI) 问题. 该算法利用一个光滑化Fischer-Burmeister(FB)函数处理问题对应的KKT条件,将其转化为一个无约束优化问题. 利用Lyapunov方法本文证明,在给定的条件下,该神经网络Lyapunov稳定,渐近稳定且指数稳定.数值模拟验证了该神经网络的运算效果.

神经网络; 二阶锥; Fischer-Burmeister函数; Lyapunov稳定


A neural network for solving the second-order cone constrained variational inequality problems

LIU Yi-Tong, MU Xue-Wen

(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University, Xian 710126, China)

A neural network is proposed to solve the second-order cone constrained variational inequality (SOCCVI) problems. In this method, a smoothed Fischer-Burmeister (FB) function is used  to deal with the KKT conditions corresponding to the problem, and then the KKT conditions are further transformed to an unconstrained optimization problem. The Lyapunov method is applied to show the Lyapunov stability, asymptotic stability and exponential stability of the neural network under given conditions. The effectiveness of the neural network is verified by numerical experiment.

Neural network; Second-order cone; Fischer-Burmeister function; Lyapunov stability


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