打 招 呼


英语世界 2023年1期


“打招呼”的第一个意思是“问候”。英语名词可以译为greeting。英语动词可以译为to greet sb、to say hello to sb。例如:

1.“打招呼”是社交最重要的方面之一。每种文化都有其独特的打招呼方式。Greeting is one of the most important aspects of socializing.Each culture has its unique way of greeting people.

2.看见熟人打招呼是一种普通礼节。It is a common courtesy to greet people you know.

3.女主人微笑着向宾客打招呼。The hostess greeted the guests with a smile.4.我请约翰替我问候彼得。I asked John to say hello to Peter for me.

“相互打招呼”或“互致问候”,英语可以译为to greet each other、to say hello to each other、to exchange hellos 或to exchange greetings。例如:

5.这对冤家相互打招呼,勉强微笑了一下。The two opponents said hello to each other and forced a smile.

6.这两个邻国元首互致问候后,坐下来开始会谈。After the heads of state from the two neighbouring countries exchanged greetings, they sat down and began to talk.

人们打招呼,常用言语交流方式(verbal means of communication)。英语最简便的用语是Hello 或Hi。例如:

7.当你遇见熟人时,用“哈罗”来打招呼。Hello is used as a greeting when you meet someone you know.

8.嗨!汤姆,你好吗? Hi! Tom! How are you?

在不同的时段,英语分别用Good morning(早上好)、Good afternoon(下午好)、Good evening(晚上好)和Good night(晚安)表示问候。

在我国,人们早晨上班时相遇,来不及寒暄,就简单说一声“早”。英语国家的人们会简短地说Morning,甚至Ning。上个世纪80 年代初,我在英国爱丁堡大学教书时,早晨上班时常听见师生们匆忙擦肩而过说一声Ning。

英语国家的人们也用Good morning 和Good night 作为告别时的用语。上个世纪90 年代初,我在加拿大访问一位大学教授。约定中午12 点在他下课后见面。我们谈话两个钟头。告别时,他对我说Good morning。我愣了一下,心想:“怎么下午两点了,还说Good morning?”忽然明白,他还没有吃午饭。对他来说午饭前意味着morning 尚未过去。午饭前都可以说Good morning。

我走出大学校门,搭乘公交返回住处。下车时,司机对我说Good night。我看了一下表,才两点半,心想:“怎么晚上还没到,他就提前说Good night?我的 afternoon 和evening 哪里去了?”又一想,我恍然大悟,他以为我下班回家,是当天最后一次见面。一天中的晚些时候,最后告别时可以说Good night。原来我们与英语国家的人们有如此大的文化差异。

人们打招呼,还用非言语交流方式(non-verbal means of communication)。不同的民族有不同的问候方式,常见的有“握手”(handshake; to shake hands with sb)、“鞠躬”(bow; to bow / to make a bow)、“把手放胸前”(to put one’s hand on one’s chest / to raise one’s hand to one’s chest / to hold one’s hand against one’s chest)、“拥抱”(embrace/hug; to embrace sb / to hug sb / to give sb a hug / to hold sb in arms)、“碰肘”(elbow bump; to touch, tap or bump elbows)、“碰鼻子”(nose-rubbing; to rub noses)、“亲吻面颊”(kiss on the cheek; to kiss sb on the cheek)、“合十礼”(namaskar)和“挥手”(to wave a hand)等。例如:

9.主人来到门口同客人握手表示欢迎。The host came to the door to welcome his guests with a handshake.

10.用右手握手是一种人们接受的和公认的习俗。握右手,过去通常表明此人没有携带任何兵器,向他人表示友善欢迎。Using the right hand to shake hands with someone is an accepted and recognized convention.The shaking of the right hand used to indicate that the person was not carrying any weapons, offering a friendly welcome to the other person.


1)The students greeted their math teacher with a polite bow.

2)The students politely bowed to their math teacher as a greeting.

3)The students made a polite bow to their math teacher as a greeting.


1)In Thailand and Indonesia, people put their hands on their chests as a greeting.

2)In Thailand and Indonesia, people raised their hands to their chests as a greeting.

3)In Thailand and Indonesia, people held their hands against their chests as a greeting.

13.当母亲看见她的小儿子时,她张开双臂,紧紧地拥抱了他。 When Mother saw her young son, she opened her arms and gave him a close hug.

14.碰肘是一种非正式的问候方式,两人轻触、轻击或撞击肘部。Elbow bump is an informal greeting where two people touch, tap or bump elbows.

15.碰肘受到普遍欢迎,是因为碰肘动作尊重几乎所有文化的隐私习俗,同时也具有极卫生的特点。Elbow bump has gained in popularity because it respects the privacy customs of nearly all cultures, and has excellent hygienic qualities.

16.这些外国游客在新西兰受到毛利人传统的碰鼻礼欢迎。These foreign visitors got a traditional nose-rubbing welcome from the Maori people in New Zealand.

17.法国以其浪漫的问候方式著称。他们碰触他人面颊,并发出亲吻的声音。France is famous for its romantic greeting method.They touch others’cheeks and make a kissing sound.

18.在印度,大多数人行合十礼作为问候,将手掌合拢放在面前或胸前,并微微鞠躬。In India, most people perform a namaskar as a greeting, which involves placing one’s palms together before the face or chest with a slight bow.

19.阿拉伯联合酋长国政府现在鼓励其公民简单地挥手表示对他人的热烈欢迎。The UAE governments now encourage their citizens to simply wave a hand to show a warm welcome to others.

“打招呼”的第二个意思是“事前或事后就某件事情或某项问题予以通知或关照”,没有“问候”的意思。英语可以译为 to notify、to let sb know。例如:

20.我已经给你们打过招呼。你们怎么还执意这样干?I have already notified you.Why should you insist on doing so?

21.如果您需要帮忙,尽管打招呼,别犹豫。Please do not hesitate to let me know if you want/need any help.□


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