

英语世界 2023年1期

文/阿瑟·C.布鲁克斯 译/茹丘延 审订/陈秀

Do you believe in true love? Probably so: 94 percent of Americans say they do, according to one 2019 survey by the data-collection company Statista.

2True love isn’t too controversial, I think.But a large portion of Americans also hold some even more romantic—and less realistic—beliefs about love.According to a 2017 survey run by the dating site Elite Singles, 61 percent of women and 72 percent of men believe in love at first sight.Back in 2011, a Marist poll asked, “Do you believe in the idea of soul mates, that is two people who are destined to be together?”To this question, 74 percent of men and 71 percent of women answered “yes.”

3To many of those who believe in them, these widespread, almost magical notions of romance might be the essence of true love.Others might say that a more earthbound approach to romance is better—that true love over the long haul is a combination of good luck,free will, and hard work.The evidence shows that the latter group is correct.What’s more, engaging in fanciful ideas about romantic love can make it harder to find and keep.

你相信这世上有真爱吗?可能你会说有。德国数据统计互联网公司Statista 2019 年的一项调查显示,94%的美国人就这一问题给出了肯定的回答。

2我认为真爱并不会引起很大争议,但很大一部分美国人仍然对爱情持有一些过于浪漫而不太切合实际的观点。美国交友网站“单身贵族”2017 年的一项调查显示,61%的女性和72%的男性相信一见钟情。早在2011 年,马里斯特民调中心的一项调查就问道:“你相信灵魂伴侣的存在吗?也就是说,你相信两个人命中注定会在一起吗?”对于这个问题,74%的男性和71%的女性给出了肯定的回答。


4Many studies have shown that popular culture and media tend to portray love and romance unrealistically,leaning disproportionately on love at first sight and living happily ever after.Research on Disney’s animated movies,for example, shows that the majority of them rely on exactly these themes.These films may, in turn, influence children’s and young adults’ views about romance.


5Despite its popularity in stories and movies, love at first sight has little to do with reality.Researchers have found that what people describe as “love at first sight” has no connection to the real hallmarks of true love, including passion, intimacy, and commitment.


6Even though it’s a fantasy, believing in love at first sight is relatively harmless for couples.That’s because it’s a retrospective narrative, not one that sets expectations about the current relationship or the future.Other idealistic but unrealistic beliefs can do a lot of damage.Take the idea of romantic destiny,or “soul mates”—the belief that two people are deliberately brought together by unseen forces.Research on hundreds of college students has shown that such expectations are correlated with dysfunctional patterns in relationships,such as the assumption that partners will understand and predict each other’s wishes and desires with little effort or communication because they’re a cosmically perfect match.In other words,a belief in destiny leads to a belief in mind reading.


7This wreaks havoc on relationships.For one, it hinders forgiveness after a fight (“You should know what bothers me without me having to tell you!”),which in turn increases distress and escalates the severity of conflicts.Researchers have also found that people who believe in destiny are more likely to end a relationship via “ghosting,”in which one partner abruptly cuts off contact, leaving the ghosted partner to suffer a breakup with no explanation.

8The opposite of “destiny beliefs” is a conviction of free will—the view that partners decide whether they should be together, and thus, that they are responsible for the relationship’s success.

9If you’re searching for the right relationship, you can avoid the pitfalls of destiny beliefs in three ways.

10First, remember that Hollywood doesn’t have your love interests at heart.When you indulge in a romantic comedy, consider its source.According to the U.K.-based Marriage Foundation,“A-list” screen stars have a divorce rate of 52 percent within the first 16 years of their first or subsequent marriages, more than 10 points higher than the rate after the same length of time among even the divorciest cohort of Americans, who wed for the first time in the 1970s; more than 20 points higher than Americans who wed for the first time in the 1960s;and 21 points higher than the U.K.average.Not even the creators of the movie can achieve the standard they are promoting.Enjoy the occasional romcom as entertainment if you must, but do so in the way you do science fiction,because it is about as unrealistic.



9如果你正在寻找一份合适的爱情,有3 种方法可以让你避免陷入“命中注定”的圈套。

10首先,要记住好莱坞对你的爱情并不上心。当你沉迷于某部爱情喜剧片的时候,想想它幕后的故事。根据英国婚姻基金会的统计,“一线”影星在初婚或再婚的前16 年里,离婚率为52%。这一数据比离婚率最高的20 世纪70 年代初婚美国人,经过同等长度婚姻生活后的离婚率还要高出10%以上;比20 世纪60 年代初婚美国人的离婚率高出20%以上;比英国的平均离婚率高出21%。就算是电影的创作者也达不到他们所宣传的标准。所以,如果你一定要看爱情喜剧片,偶尔消遣一下倒也无妨,但要像对待科幻小说那样,毕竟,它们几乎一样不真实。

11Second, work deliberately to make sure that your romance grows beyond the white-hot flame that characterizes new love.Maintaining passionate love forever after is not only an unrealistic goal, but one that wouldn’t make you happy even if it were possible.On the contrary, the most joyful, enduring romances are those that are able to evolve from passionate to companionate love—which still has plenty of passion, but is fundamentally based in deep friendship.To increase the odds of success, as your romance progresses, don’t ask yourself,“Is our passion as high as it was?” but rather, “Is our friendship deepening?”



12Finally, ask any potential partners about their destiny beliefs right from the start.Someone who says he is looking for his “soul mate” or who confesses to believing in love at first sight might seem wonderfully romantic at the outset, but a few weeks or months down the line, he’ll be disproportionately likely to be unable to forgive you for not reading his mind, or to suddenly become unreachable by voice, text, DM1= direct message 私信。,or email.Looking for a realist is a better bet.

13Enduring love is not some kind of cosmic switch, turned on once and for all by mysterious forces.Rather, it is a dial that we can turn up over time by the commitments we choose to make and keep to one another.Romantic love is very much like any other important pursuit: Success comes from our ongoing effort; satisfaction from a job well done.

14“Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,” Shakespeare wrote in his 116th sonnet, “But bears it out even to the edge of doom.” True love goes on and on, along sometimes bumpy roads.Challenges and low points are not evidence that partners are not meant to be together; rather, they are inevitable, and opportunities for growth.Long-term romance is such a sweet adventure precisely because it is not destiny.■


14莎士比亚在他的第116 首十四行诗中写道:“沧桑轮回,爱却长生不改,巍然矗立,直到末日的尽头。”爱情之路时而崎岖不平,真爱之人必会一路前行。挑战和低谷并不意味着两人不般配;相反,挑战和低谷是不可避免的,也是两人成长的机会。正因为爱情不是命中注定的,长久的浪漫才会是一场甜蜜的冒险。 □



离婚率逐年攀升 是什么让婚姻变得脆弱