文、图/赵东山 江浩
康复课上,谢小华正在对孩子们进行手指训练。In a rehabilitation class, Xie Xiaohua guides children in finger training.
谢小华在语言训练课上教孩子们发音。Xie Xiaohua teaches children pronunciation in a language training class.
谢小华在情绪宣泄室帮助孩子调节情绪。Xie Xiaohua helps children to regulate their emotions in the catharsis room.
谢小华指导孩子进行感知训练。Xie Xiaohua guides children in sensory training.
帮助孩子进行肢体训练是谢小华每天要做的事情。Helping children to perform physical movement is Xie Xiaohua’s daily work.
谢小华将一名肢体障碍孩子背进教室。Xie Xiaohua carries a disabled child on her back to take her to the classroom.
两名孩子在课间争相与谢小华拥抱。Two children compete to hug Xie Xiaohua at break.
训练特需孩子的精细动作,需要谢小华付出极大的耐心和细心。Xie Xiaohua needs great patience and care to train the fine motor skills of children with special needs.
谢小华像疼爱自己的孩子一样,照顾特需孩子们的起居。Xie Xiaohua takes care of children with special needs as if they were her own.
Xiaohua, “Mother” of Children with Special Needs
Xie Xiaohua, a teacher at Yiyuan County Special Education School, Zibo City, has been engaged in special education for 26 years. She takes care of those children needing special care in a motherly fashion, thus the teachers and students in the school affectionately call her “Mother Xiaohua”.
Since her first day as a special education teacher in 1996, she has been well aware of the difficulties faced by these students in study and life, and fully understood the love of their relatives and families and their hope for them. For this reason, Xie Xiaohua has been respecting and valuing their differences in her teaching process, taught them according to their aptitude, and of-fered individualized education and special care from pronunciation, utterances, literacy and study to eating, drinking, and toilet training.
谢小华通过沙盘对孩子进行心理疏导。Xie Xiaohua uses a sand table to give children psychological counseling.
In 2013, the school established a rehabilitation center, where Xie Xiaohua specialized in the rehabilitation training of children with special needs. To achieve scientific, accurate and effective training, Xie Xiaohua has worked out a detailed and feasible rehabilitation plan for every child. In the past 26 years, she has helped more than 120 children with special needs to obtain both physical and mental compensation in an effective manner. She said that accompanying every special child with love was her greatst happiness and pursuit in life.