

疯狂英语·初中天地 2023年1期


There are many people who love travelling to different countries.But if you want to go to foreign countries, you have to know how to 1 in different countries.

Many travelers enjoy meeting new people. But sometimes you might be rude __2__ saying anything. In Russia, you are not __3__ shake hands in a doorway. If you’re travelling in Thailand, please don’t touch people’s __4__ , even the child’s head that you like. When the Japanese meet strangers, they like giving business cards. You should read the cards __5__ . Don’t just put it in your bag.

In most European countries, people expect a lot of eye stare 6 you talk to them. But in many Asian countries, a lot of eye stare seems unfriendly. In South America, people usually stand quite close to each other when they talk. But in countries like the USA, you need to give people more __7__ space.

When in Germany, remember to eat up your food on the plate. In Chinese restaurants, you can leave a bit of food on your __8 . It’s OK to start smoking before other people finish eating in some countries.But in the UK you __9__ do it, or you will be punished. You should avoid __10__ empty bottles on the dinner table in Russia, because that’s bad luck.

When you’re travelling in Arab countries, if someone invites __11 to his home, don’t admire __12__ valuable because your host will feel he should give it to you as a present. If you visit __13__ Indian family’s home, don’t forget to take off your shoes when you arrive.

All in all, minding all kinds of __14__ may make you travel more enjoyably. After talking about so much, it’s not surprising that many people __15__ going on holiday in their own countries. Or you might just stay at home on vacation.

1. A. speakB. eatC. playD. behave

2. A. withoutB. withC. toD. in

3. A. used toB. supposed toC. invited toD. planned to

4. A. shouldersB. facesC. headsD. hands

5. A. happilyB. quicklyC. carefullyD. simply

6. A. thoughB. thenC. whenD. unless

7. A. directB. personalC. convenientD. traditional

8. A. handB. plateC. clothesD. bag

9. A. won’tB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. can’t

10. A. leaveB. to leaveC. leftD. leaving

11. A. herB. youC. himD. us

12. A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing

13. A. aB. anC. theD. /

14. A. mannersB. situationsC. conversationsD. backgrounds

15. A. wantB. hopeC. expectD. prefer



