

中国建筑装饰装修 2023年1期



Kokaistudios是一家涵盖建筑及室内设计的事务所,在业界屡获殊荣,由意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani和Andrea Destefanis于2000年联合创立于威尼斯。自2002年公司总部设于上海以来,Kokaistudios已拥有60余位杰出设计师,并成长为一家多元文化背景的设计公司,与客户协同合作,完成了涵盖亚洲、中东、欧洲及北美洲的众多创新设计项目。Kokaistudios专注于发展文化、商业、酒店及零售等方面的项目,更广泛涉及城市更新与文化遗产再造的项目,旨在为项目所在的城市增添蓬勃生机。

1 俯视苏河湾万象天地的 “洞口”

1 总剖面图

About Kokaistudios

Kokaistudios is an award winning architecture and interior design firm founded in 2000 in Venice by Italian architects Filippo Gabbiani & Andrea Destefanis. Headquartered in Shanghai since 2002 we have grown into multi-cultural firm of 60 people working on a global scale with projects in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America. Kokaistudios partners with our clients to collaboratively develop innovative & ground breaking projects in diverse fields of design. Primarily focused on developing cultural,corporate, commercial, hospitality & retail projects we have also worked extensively on urban regeneration projects involving the requalification of heritage locations. Kokaistudios aims to develop projects that add positively to the built environment and social fabric of the cities and countries in which they are located.

Filippo Gabbiani

出生于意大利威尼斯一个艺术家和玻璃制造巨匠辈出的名门,自幼展现出对艺术和设计的多重兴趣。Filippo Gabbiani的事业起步于与其家族合作设计、制作艺术玻璃制品,他毕业于威尼斯建筑大学,其毕业成果是一项由欧共体资助的、关于建筑可替代性能源运用的创新性研究。在遇到合伙人Andrea Destefanis共同创立Kokaistudios之前,Filippo出于本能地对不同学科和多元文化充满好奇心,先后闯荡欧洲数国和美国,曾与数家世界知名的建筑、室内设计和工业设计等领域的事务所合作。在上海成立事务所后,Filippo肩负着Kokaistudios的使命常驻亚洲,致力于可持续性发展建筑的文化推广及亚洲遗迹建筑的保护和修复,并持续着对艺术玻璃设计的研究。

Founder Introduction:

Born in Venice, Italy, from a famous family of artists and glass makers, Filippo Gabbiani developed very early a multidisciplinary interest for art and design. Starting to cooperate with his family in designing and producing artistic glass he completed his studies at University of Architecture of Venice where he graduated with an innovative research sponsored by the European Community on usage of alternative energies in architecture. Following his instinctive curiosity for different disciplines and other cultures he worked in several European countries and in the U.S.A. cooperating with prestigious firms of architecture, interior and industrial design prior to the founding of Kokaistudios.

Andrea Destefanis

出生于意大利都灵的一个舞台艺术之家,很早就培养出了对视觉艺术和舞台布景的浓厚兴趣。在高雅的文化环境中成长并移居威尼斯,在那里完成了其在威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,Andrea 开始了同多个建筑事务所合作的职业生涯,开发了很多获奖的建筑和城市规划项目。受到对不同设计领域的个人兴趣的驱动,Andrea成立了以协同合作为概念的工作室,致力于研究计算机平面设计的创新方法。2000年他遇到了Filippo Gabbiani,由于两人有着共同的建筑理念和对遗迹修护和环境设计的浓厚兴趣,他们开始了深度的合作并最终成立了Kokaistudios,2002年Kokaistudios在上海成立事务所后,Andrea长期移居亚洲,在为事务所努力打拼的同时,继续其对社会和城市环境可持续发展工具的研究和推广。

Andrea Destefanis

Born in Turin, Italy from a family of theater artists, Andrea Destefanis developed very early a strong interest for visual arts and scenography. Growing up in a refined cultural environment he moved to live in Venice where completing his education at University of Architecture of Venice he started to cooperate with several architectural firms and developed award winning projects in architecture and city planning. Moved by his personal interest in different fields of design he founded a co-operative studio focused on research and developing early innovative architectural computer graphic design tools prior to the founding of Kokaistudios.







启幕时间:2022 . 10



2 一道“天桥”连通项目的东西地块


首席设计师:Andrea Destefanis、Filippo Gabbiani


建筑设计团队:秦占涛、Eva Maria Paz Taibo、张卫阳子、关博华、Anna-Maria Austerweil、王芮、蒋菁菁、丁乡、王晨昊、李冬吟、许万里、赵青、程子昱、姜新璐、Pietro Peyron




撰文:Frances Arnold

媒体联络:Jacqueline Chiang





景观设计(方案): Lab D+H shanghai



艺术品顾问:AllRightsReserved. Limited

艺术展顾问:UCCA Edge

标识顾问:GK Shanghai

写字楼建筑设计、室内设计:Foster + Partners Limited



3 地下商业与公共空间之间丰富的层次性


1 艺术装置与项目相结合,带来更多趣味


4 项目中设计了大量的公众座位





购物中心内有两处封闭的室内区域,在空间和视觉上均与苏河湾的重要文化遗产— 慎余里和天后宫相联系。位于正下方的商业空间与地面层的历史遗产,简洁咬合而成,把入口场地空间、轴线和地下公共中庭紧凑对位。Kokaistudios的室内设计团队从传统里弄住宅结构中提取元素,透入天光的玻璃顶窗与轻巧的木椽吊顶相结合,激发历史的哲思,以“商业与遗产对话”的文化特性设计,将保护建筑与商业公共空间完整地结合为空间技术的统一体。




In 2016, Kokaistudios was invited to participate in a competition for an underground shopping mall in Suhe Creek Green land. Instead, the design opted to present a brand-new public space in the city: a riverside green land with cultural and leisure facilities, incorporating a subterranean commercial area. Property developer CRLand preferred Kokaistudios’ vision for an ‘urban valley,’ the floor of which is a subterranean commercial space that merges into its green land surroundings through a series of stepped slopes.

1 室内空间中选取了古建筑的典型元素

Shanghai Suhe MixC World is located in 42,000 sqm of urban green land. According to the planning and design conditions, its above-ground buildings include the renovated and restored historical lilong group "Shenyu Li”, the only official Thean Hou Temple in downtown Shanghai. The newly planned four-storey gateway building in the northeast corner of the site and a 42-storey tower designed by Foster+Partners, which is the tallest landmark in the area, they together define the eastern boundary of the green land. The new development plan for the Suhe Creek area represents a prospect of the local government's plan to stitch up the two sides of the Suzhou River and revitalize the northern bank, which is an area of great significance as the meeting point of Shanghai's past, present and future. To correlate the waterfront and hinterland functions of Suzhou River, and to enhance the function complexity and intensive use of waterfront area, is the starting point for Kokaistudio’s design.

Taking a holistic approach to the project,Kokaistudio’s vision was that of an urban valley. The commercial space is locatedinside the valley; while its sides take the form of stepped access points. As well as a new 4-floor ‘gateway building,’ the project’s most important and unifying element is the aboveground green land itself. An attractive public space for local residents and visitors alike, it injects welcome greenery and fresh possibilities into this previously overlooked corner of Shanghai.

4 室内借鉴了古建筑双坡屋顶的形制

4 入口空间的通透性模糊了内外界限

2 地下商业空间天花透出的光线与慎余里建筑相结合

2 从“洞口”仰视

3 卫生间区域色调的一致性

3 与慎余里历史保护建筑的结合

Physical connections between the public green land and commercial space are made visible by six overground openings. Designed to merge with the ground-level green area so as to blur boundaries between above and below,their organic-shape curves incorporate planted steps transitioning down into the space.

The pebble-shaped openings incorporate entrances to the underground commercial space, and are located either side of the bisecting road. Partially planted and with occasional seating areas along their route,as well as coffeeshops, they recall the gentle slopes of a valley or stepped tea fields. With escalators alongside for accessibility, entrances merge with the surrounding landscape, with only their canopies visible from the green land above. Another entrance is via the new fourfloor commercial building. The structure is located next to the office tower, aesthetically uniting the site's recent phases of development through materials.

Physically connecting the site’s two halves is a new footbridge crossing Fujian North Road. The bridge boasts spectacular views across the Suzhou River, making it an attractive vista point for tourists. It is also the location of a primary access point to the mall below. An elevator transports visitors direct to the venues second basement level, and an adjacent open spiral staircase transports shoppers past the mall.

Further linking above and below is a pair of artworks by Hong Kong-based creative studio, AllRightsReserved, and German artist collective, Inges Idee. Family Orchestra, is a giant sculpture of two cartoon elephants gazing at each other, linking the ground-level green land with subterranean commercial area. Their curved the bodies, resembling a trumpet and a tuba, echo the shape of the openings. Striking a similarly playful tone, Up We Go! features a child seemingly mid-stride as he steps through the landscape and out of one of the green land’s openings. The character's elongated legs, which traverse both basement levels to emerge on the terraced slope above,create a connection between above and below.

Inside the mall, two enclosed areas have been designed to physically and visually connect with the site’s significant culture heritage, Shenyu Li and Thean Hou Temple.The commercial space located directly below is succinctly integrated with the historic heritage on the ground floor and compactly locates the entrance, axis and underground public atrium.Kokaistudios' interior design team extracted elements from the structure of the traditional lilong house and apply these to the design.The combination of the glass roof windows and the lightweight wooden rafters ceiling recalled the memory of history. Designed as “a dialogue between commercial and heritage”,they integrate the conservation building with the commercial public space as a spatial technology.

Shanghai Suhe MixC World is one of Kokaistudio’s most innovative shopping mall project. It is a public space for fun and relaxation. As transplanted trees grow, they will provide welcome shade for green land goers’ comfort and enjoyment. In a city as dense as Shanghai, and where a majority of residents do not have access to a private garden, green lands are of vital importance for recreation, wellbeing, and protecting the local environment.

The concept of "shared vitality and win-win value" between green land and commercial is based on the full collaboration among designers and various administrative departments of the government (landscape,planning, cultural protection, fire protection,etc.), the developer, commercial operators and engineers. In particular, the determination of the scale and shape of the “valley” requires rational calculation and dynamic balance of different elements, so as to maximize the comprehensive quality of urban public space and landscape environment, meanwhile to minimize the impact of urban infrastructure,equipment and evacuation route. The cities after the epidemic favor high-quality spaces built with green living in mind, which is also a catalyst for urban economy growth in the future.

The design concept of “Urban Valley”in Shanghai Suhe MixC World is a result of the demand for urban renewal. When this area called for a high-level green land to compensate for the lack of green in the neighborhood, the decision makers are immensely forward-thinking to further the corporation of commercial and green land through this “Urban Valley”. In the joint efforts of the government and the developer,the site is able to house urban infrastructures,metro transportation center, preserved culture heritage, office tower, public green land and commercial space through unified design and construction, which will further lead to comprehensive regeneration of the adjacent areas. Kokaistudios is honored to be one of the key participants in witnessing the design empowerment of this project.


大地彩画 古朴村庄 宜良县河湾村