《岩石学报》 2022年第38卷1~12期 总目次


岩石学报 2022年12期





杨立强 魏瑜吉 王偲瑞 张良 巨蕾 李瑞红 高雪 邱昆峰 (9)


田瑞聪 李大鹏 张文 田京祥 于晓卫 耿科 张岩 (23)


王栋 李红艳 王天齐 于洪 宿建恒 (41)


冯岳川 邱昆峰 王大钊 沙五金 李爽 (63)


郁凡 舒启海 曾庆文 马星华 牛旭东 马绍龙 李一昕 邢凯 (78)


沈关文 张良 孙思辰 宇天伟 李增胜 吴圣刚 陈俊辉 申颖 (91)


陈奇 王长明 祝佳萱 杜斌 段泓羽 石康兴 钱金龙 刘俐君 (109)


王潇逸 张静 边晓龙 佟子达 李登峰 (124)


唐鑫 陈福川 张鹏飞 李龚健 赵枫 陈威 (143)


陈福川 程晓林 韩润生 李龚健 刘金宇 常河 贾祯 程岩 (157)


赵鹤森 王庆飞 王彦宁 王廷祎 薛胜超 陈威 (172)


李发桥 唐菊兴 张静 宋扬 李海峰 林彬 王楠 (185)


冷秋锋 李文昌 戴成龙 张向飞 吴松洋 曹华文 (209)


刘洪 李光明 李文昌 黄瀚霄 李佑国 欧阳渊 张向飞 周清 (230)


崔晓琳 张琦玮 吴华英 宋志杰 张慧娟 戴荔果 (253)


于立栋 李胜虎 张静 何西恒 于学峰 单伟 迟乃杰 (267)


王瑀 邱昆峰 侯照亮 于皓丞 (281)


周统 邱昆峰 王瑀 于皓丞 侯照亮 (291)



赵正 陈毓川 王登红 李建康 刘善宝 陈振宇 郭春丽 王平安 (301)


熊欣 丁欣 李建康 李鹏 邓静仪 张珈铭 (323)


严清高 李建康 李超 陈振宇 熊欣 (341)


赵芝 王登红 邹新勇 (356)


郭娜欣 刘善宝 陈振宇 蒋胜雄 李宏伟 (371)


范飞鹏 肖惠良 陈乐柱 李海立 鲍晓明 (393)


岑炬标 凤永刚 梁婷 高景刚 何蕾 周义 (411)


凤永刚 梁婷 王梦玺 张泽 郝媛媛 岑炬标 董紫艳 (428)


李超 孙鹏程 孟会明 侯江龙 周利敏 赵鸿 赵令浩 屈文俊 (445)


韦春婉 许成 付伟 易泽邦 李卓骐 石爱国 范朝熙 匡光喜 (455)


于沨 于扬 王登红 高娟琴 王成辉 郭唯明 (472)


赵文 张怀瑾 (483)


郑瑜林 赵正 张长青 李宏伟 李彪 (495)


于志峰 赵正 王艳丽 祝新友 尹政 李宏伟 (513)


徐峣 张永谦 严加永 徐志伍 陈淼 王栩 陈昌昕 张文文 (529)


严加永 吕庆田 张永谦 刘卫强 王栩 陈昌昕 徐峣 刘家豪 (544)


张永谦 吕庆田 严加永 徐峣 林吉焱 皮娇龙 陈淼 张文文 (559)


张昆 吕庆田 满祖辉 兰学毅 郭东 陶龙 赵金花 (573)



唐源 陈丹玲 任云飞 王海杰 (585)


李源 颉颃强 董春艳 王世进 万渝生 (598)


王娟 张妍 宋传中 石永红 侯振辉 王智慧 彭春蕾 (619)


李诚浩 张宏福 陈安平 (639)


唐俊林 柯强 徐兴旺 康凯 李杭 谭克彬 董连慧 刘洋旭 (655)


连光辉 徐仲元 任云伟 冯帆 薛吉祥 (676)


吕鑫 于晓飞 杜泽忠 康凯 杜轶伦 王春女 (693)


白荣龙 虎金荣 赵甫峰 岳雅慧 周慧玲 (713)


程小鑫 吴鸿翔 孙大亥 黄伟康 陈汉林 林秀斌 朱孔阳 章凤奇 (743)


刘红 冯子辉 邵红梅 张君龙 张振伟 张亚金 卢曦 张光亚 (765)


陈雷 闫臻 付长垒 (777)


李冰 陈宣华 王增振 胡道功 孙玉军 (793)


张帅 王超 郝江波 李航 朱小辉 喻遵谱 孙晓奎 靳梦琪 (813)


杨智荔 张晓晖 高延龙 袁玲玲 薛富红 (830)


季根源 江思宏 张龙升 刘翼飞 张莉莉 (855)


夏磊 闫全人 向忠金 郑洪波 牛睿 (883)


尹锋 陈鸣 (901)


杜建国 仵柯田 孙凤霞 崔月菊 李静 王昌盛 (913)


高鹏 唐立梅 陈灵 田原 方银霞 (923)



马垠策 洪涛 刘善科 李杭 马华东 王威 徐兴旺 (943)


黄博宏 魏春景 季建清 (963)


孙美静 高红芳 李学杰 罗伟东 王哲 刘杰 赵明辉 (980)


白阳 张连昌 朱明田 黄柯 周伶俐 (993)


鞠东阳 庞润连 李瑞 杜蔚 (1025)


李瑞 刘建忠 庞润连 朱丹 鞠东阳 杜蔚 (1043)


章钰桢 姜兆霞 李三忠 王誉桦 于雷 (1063)


陈思雨 张波 张进江 王洋 张磊 李晓蓉 黄保有 闫岩 (1081)


谢皓 刘彩彩 张会平 詹艳 赵旭东 (1107)


殷桂芹 陈友良 张宝玲 顾孟娟 王勤 姚建 尹观 (1126)


严松涛 朱利东 吴青松 李虎 代雪健 (1149)


孙晓奎 王超 李航 郝江波 喻遵谱 张帅 马得青 李雪 (1169)


姚卫华 蔡小碧 孙大亥 龙香月 朱孔阳 李献华 (1189)


王琦崧 王林均 孙思辰 周家喜 钟昌悦 (1202)


郭娜 王先广 胡正华 刘新星 龙沱江 袁珊 连敦梅 魏德贤 (1219)


王宇昊 杜志伟 焦学尧 马锦龙 (1237)


霍宁 郭谦谦 陈艺超 宋东方 (1253)


杨家英 张琼 赵永红 李杨 KOHLSTEDT David L (1280)



纪伟强 吴福元 (1285)


姜禾禾 (1302)


张少华 纪伟强 陈厚彬 (1313)


初旭 周振昊 (1328)


李继磊 高俊 黄高风 马智佩 王信水 (1345)


蒋昌宏 杜德宏 王孝磊 (1360)


刘平平 薛泽润 王点兵 田伟 张晓冉 郭正府 (1375)


宗克清 何德涛 陈春飞 陈唯 虞凯章 刘勇胜 (1389)


周金胜 王强 (1399)


贺振宇 颜丽丽 褚平利 向华 蒋子堃 (1419)


杨浩 葛文春 纪政 井佳浩 董玉 景妍 (1443)


陈璟元 杨进辉 张吉衡 周夏冰 杨志国 (1460)


张吉衡 郑向雪 孙金凤 陈璟元 杨进辉 (1481)


陈厚彬 纪伟强 张少华 (1499)


刘盛遨 (1512)


兰春元 陶仁彪 张立飞 郭顺 (1523)


赵文斌 郭正府 李菊景 马琳 刘嘉麒 (1541)


刘威 万博 晏圣超 (1557)



许继峰 储著银 李杰 王桂琴 李超 刘俊杰 王庆飞 王长明 龚小晗 (1565)


王长明 段泓羽 李超 祝佳萱 石康兴 陈奇 刘俐君 钱金龙 (1577)


李超 孙鹏程 孟会明 王登红 周利敏 李欣尉 赵鸿 屈文俊 (1595)


孙胜玲 李杰 许继峰 王桂琴 (1605)


刘俊杰 李杰 田辉 许继峰 (1621)


张维骐 刘传周 刘通 (1630)


杨振 王桂琴 徐玉明 曾玉玲 (1655)


刘书琪 祝禧艳 苏文博 赵太平 仇一凡 何雨婷 张华锋 (1667)


王晓曼 薛胜超 王庆飞 王路阳 王亚磊 李钰 许继峰 (1685)


沈安江 李杰 龙晓平 胡安平 刘俊杰 殷启春 龚赞 (1702)


左鹏飞 祝禧艳 郑德顺 孙风波 王世炎 (1713)


许晓杰 李超 王庆飞 翁玮俊 陈家浩 曾瑜山 (1727)


何雨婷 祝禧艳 仇一凡 李杰 赵太平 (1741)


张钊 黄丰 许继峰 曾云川 张丽莹 杨旭立 张蔓 (1756)


段泓羽 王长明 (1771)


吴福元 刘强 田恒次 (1795)


李秋立 刘宇 李金华 陈意 李献华 (1804)


陈意 王则灵 原江燕 贾丽辉 张迪 李晓光 杨蔚 李秋立 李献华 (1811)

Apollo 11月壤样品中太阳风成因的水及其意义

田恒次 郝佳龙 徐于晨 杨蔚 胡森 张驰 林杨挺 李献华 吴福元 (1823)


蔡书慧 秦华峰 邓成龙 刘双迟 陈意 贺怀宇 潘永信 (1832)



李晓峰 韦星林 (1843)


饶灿 王汝成 车旭东 李晓峰 王琪 张志琦 吴润秋 (1848)


李晓峰 吴福元 韦星林 车旭东 饶灿 陈振宇 葛文春 朱艺婷 (1861)


张文兰 汤志敏 胡欢 车旭东 靳文楷 谢磊 (1879)


胡欢 王汝成 车旭东 靳文楷 汤志敏 谢磊 陶湘媛 (1890)


陈振宇 李胜利 李晓峰 潘硕 张兴康 李建康 孙艳 朱艺婷 (1901)


吴浩然 杨浩 葛文春 纪政 王可勇 井佳浩 景妍 (1915)


王核 高昊 王赛蒙 闫庆贺 王振宏 黄亮 秦艳 (1937)


刘志超 袁梓昭 (1952)


王威 杜晓飞 刘伟 李永 陈正乐 马华东 邱林 肖飞 (1967)


赵俊兴 何畅通 施睿哲 秦克章 余可龙 邱骏挺 李真真 周起凤 (1981)


朱明田 董志国 张连昌 (2003)

花岗-伟晶岩型锂矿床围岩变质沉积岩中锂富集的关键因素: 以松潘-甘孜构造带东部可尔因地区为例

胡方泱 吴福元 陈国辉 杨雷 (2017)


余勇 李祖福 白令安 徐恒 张岐能 梁吉 (2052)


李光来 龙伟康 罗武平 杨永乐 刘晓东 邬斌 韦星林 李成祥 (2067)


崔燚 温汉捷 于文修 罗重光 杜胜江 凌坤跃 徐飞 杨季华 (2080)


陈谋 王核 张晓宇 闫庆贺 高昊 (2095)


袁玲玲 王祎帆 刘建平 邵拥军 刘忠法 李斌 郑旭 丁涛 张天栋 (2113)


白洪阳 王核 闫庆贺 王赛蒙 王振宏 张晓宇 高昊 秦艳 (2139)


周威 谢磊 王汝成 吴福元 田恩农 刘晨 刘小驰 (2153)


中亚造山带东段构造演化研究进展: 前言

陈井胜 刘正宏 刘永江 冯志强 张立东 汪岩 (2175)


刘建峰 李锦轶 赵硕 张进 郑荣国 张文龙 吕前露 郑培玺 (2181)


陈井胜 李崴崴 时溢 李斌 赵春强 张立东 (2216)


董玉 王锶淼 于倩 陈井胜 杨浩 葛文春 毕君辉 井佳浩 (2249)


杨晓平 马江水 庞雪娇 杨雅军 江斌 付俊彧 (2269)


时溢 石绍山 陈旭 桓凤明 (2292)


张诺 王长兵 刘正宏 徐仲元 李刚 玄雨菲 高煜 王晨 (2323)


张超 权京玉 张丽 葛锦涛 张立东 (2345)


李斌 时溢 杨帆 刘淼 吴振 (2364)


景妍 葛文春 杨浩 董玉 张彦龙 纪政 (2397)


马永非 刘永江 秦涛 冯志强 杨晓平 (2419)


玄雨菲 董晓杰 王长兵 刘正宏 张诺 王晨 高煜 李梦琪 (2442)


杨帆 姜艳艳 陈井胜 韩兴 (2467)


韩伟 冯志强 刘永江 周建波 李小玉 张铁安 范修山 (2489)


张丽 刘永江 张超 刘晓燕 李伟民 葛锦涛 梁琛岳 赵英利 (2510)



张光亚 黄彤飞 刘计国 李曰俊 杜业波 余朝华 张新顺 喻志骅 (2539)


黄彤飞 史卜庆 窦立荣 张光亚 姜虹 郑凤云 李早红 (2554)


冯志强 郭丰涛 张忠民 殷进垠 田纳新 苏玉山 郭荣涛 吴高奎 (2565)


刘计国 郑凤云 毛凤军 姜虹 李早红 吕明胜 刘邦 袁圣强 (2581)


刘小兵 王兆明 贺正军 刘祚冬 范兴燕 陈瑞银 汪永华 (2595)


罗贝维 尹继全 张兴阳 王欢 王自剑 段海岗 张宁宁 杨沛广 (2608)


朱奕璇 张忠民 张德民 (2619)


周慧 李曰俊 陈志勇 文磊 黄理力 刘亚雷 郑多明 李程 (2634)


刘亚雷 高永进 张君峰 白忠凯 程明华 张远银 杨有星 (2665)


林会喜 宁飞 苏皓 张奎华 (2681)


刘海涛 于海涛 孙雨 姜文亚 杨光达 王名巍 王建伟 (2697)


杨雷 高成 刘小驰 王佳敏 周梁杰 刘志超 吴福元 (2709)


王秉璋 付长垒 潘彤 李青 逯永卓 金婷婷 (2723)


李功宇 周建波 李皓东 陈卓 王红燕 王斌 (2743)


那福超 伍月 宋维民 马永非 刘英才 张广宇 (2762)


张渝金 张超 马永非 杨涛 刘艳 杜继宇 赵英利 张建坤 (2781)


吴新伟 张超 邵军 郭威 李林川 张广宇 刘宝山 宋万兵 (2811)


施璐 唐振 钱程 张渝金 杜继宇 (2829)


赵兵 刘希军 李政林 时毓 招传 覃显著 (2848)


王勇剑 聂江涛 林锦荣 庞雅庆 王正庆 秦克章 (2865)


李圣卉 刘建忠 刘敬稳 王俊涛 张敬宜 傅泽华 张珂 (2889)



范宏瑞 徐亚 杨奎锋 张继恩 李晓春 张丽莉 佘海东 刘双良 徐兴旺 黄松 李秋立 赵亮

李献华 吴福元 翟明国 赵永岗 王其伟 杨占峰 刘云 闫国英 刘占全 崔凤 刘峰 (2901)


李晓春 展云翔 范宏瑞 杨奎锋 (2920)


仲歆 王浩铮 冯林峰 张华锋 陈小宇 JOHN Timm 张丁丁 翟明国 (2933)


邹屹 陈俊行 吴佳林 赵磊 李秋立 翟明国 (2949)


马玉波 张勇 李立兴 沈宏飞 (2971)


卜涛 王国强 黄博涛 董增产 过磊 (2988)


陈彦 甘立胜 吴泰然 王兴安 张文 (3003)


李宇 李文庆 孙金龙 (3021)


谢其锋 董云鹏 蔡元峰 翟明国 肖爱芳 张红 包志安 (3037)


徐林刚 孙凯 闫浩 袁彭 付雪瑞 (3052)


谭侯铭睿 黄小文 漆亮 高剑峰 孟郁苗 谢欢 (3067)


李杭 洪涛 杨智全 刘善科 王学海 马垠策 牛磊 徐兴旺 (3085)


潘鸿迪 申萍 李昌昊 冯浩轩 马华东 武阳 郭新成 张建收 (3104)


张新 董志国 彭自栋 张连昌 张帮禄 王长乐 (3125)


高永伟 李向民 辜平阳 马中平 庄玉军 郭周平 赵辛敏 (3143)


陈有炘 朱生强 裴先治 王盟 周海 李佐臣 李瑞保 (3165)


窦莎 李世超 赵哲仁 杨小鹏 王洪涛 贾金峰 任祚霆 魏虹羽 (3191)


李旭平 陈燕平 李增胜 李洪奎 陈莉 陈妍蓉 孔凡梅 (3209)


姜欢 郗爱华 于晓飞 葛玉辉 赵明峰 王伟 赵宝金 (3231)



滕霞 张建新 毛小红 路增龙 周桂生 武亚威 郭祺 (3247)


郭祺 毛小红 张建新 路增龙 周桂生 滕霞 武亚威 (3259)


高利娥 曾令森 严立龙 赵令浩 李广旭 邸英龙 王亚莹 王海涛 (3281)


唐渊 秦雅东 王冬兵 李勇 巩小栋 王保弟 任光明 (3302)


陶再礼 尹继元 袁超 肖文交 陈文 陈岳龙 王雅美 杨帆 (3321)


段雪鹏 孟繁聪 张帮禄 王宗起 于晓飞 (3341)


陈希节 贠晓瑞 雷敏 张盛生 蔡志慧 刘若涵 李振宇 何碧竹 (3359)


李观龙 刘飞 杨经绥 穆小平 张承杰 薄容众 章奇志 (3375)


曹楚奇 杨经绥 杨胜标 董玉飞 陈晓坚 熊发挥 卢雨潇 (3391)


王维 薛传东 杨天南 谢志鹏 董猛猛 向坤 刘靖坤 (3411)


牛晓露 冯光英 刘飞 徐向珍 杨经绥 (3435)


刘飞 杨经绥 冯光英 牛晓露 李观龙 张超凡 (3455)


董猛猛 杨天南 信迪 梁明娟 (3484)


王宇 薛传东 杨天南 梁明娟 刘靖坤 (3503)


信迪 杨天南 梁明娟 廖程 董猛猛 王维 刘靖坤 (3515)


薛力鹏 薛传东 刘靖坤 王维 王宇 吕思猛 (3531)


郑勇 李海兵 王焕 司家亮 张蕾 李成龙 张佳佳 (3542)


李春锐 李海兵 司家亮 王焕 吴琼 张进江 (3559)


李振宇 贠晓瑞 何碧竹 张新远 蔡志慧 郑孟林 刘若涵 陈海锋 (3578)



周新华 (3597)


郑建平 戴宏坤 熊庆 陈明 周翔 李一鹤 刘为先 (3609)


杨进辉 梅清风 (3621)


夏群科 刘佳 张宝华 李佩 顾笑龑 陈欢 (3631)


郭锋 (3647)


黄方 于慧敏 南晓云 古晓锋 吴非 肖子聪 白瑞霞 方林茹 (3659)


汤艳杰 英基丰 (3673)


赵新苗 贾喜良 易春霞 张兆峰 朱祥坤 (3683)

实时在线氧校正205Pb-233U-236U稀释剂单颗粒锆石ID-TIMS U-Pb高精度年龄测定方法

储著银 许俊杰 凌潇潇 张普 程海 郭敬辉 周新华 (3695)


陈立辉 曾罡 刘建强 王小均 张超 (3703)


刘传周 杨阳 刘博达 刘通 (3712)


英基丰 汤艳杰 (3735)


苏本勋 王静 李晓春 朱明帅 (3747)


刘卉 张宏福 (3760)


徐荣 刘勇胜 张艳飞 邹宗琪 张军波 (3771)


张慧婷 张宏福 (3785)


许瑶 张宏福 (3799)


王景丽 张宏福 (3819)


包亚文 张铭杰 徐文博 王新博 徐琦 胡沛青 林阿兵 (3835)


周宝全 孙金凤 杨进辉 (3853)


2022 Vol.38 No.1~12



Spodumene: The key lithium mineral in giant lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatites

Groves DI, Zhang L, Groves IM and Sener AK


A preliminary study of reserve estimate and resource potential assessment of critical elements in the Jiaodong gold deposits, China

Yang LQ, Wei YJ, Wang SR, Zhang L, Ju L, Li RH, Gao X and Qiu KF


The mixing of Mesozoic crust-mantle magma is the key to the source of large amounts of gold deposits in the Jiaobei uplift, China

Tian RC, Li DP, Zhang W, Tian JX, Yu XW, Geng K and Zhang Y


Zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotope characteristics of Late Jurassic granites in eastern Jiaodong Peninsula and their constraints

on metallogenetic tectonic setting of gold deposit

Wang D, Li HY, Wang TQ, Yu H and Su JH


Forming conditions of tellurides and their constraints on gold enrichment in Linglong gold district, Jiaodong gold province

Feng YC, Qiu KF, Wang DZ, Sha WJ and Li S


Chemical composition of garnet from the Xintianling skarn W deposit in southern Hunan and its geological significance

Yu F, Shu QH, Zeng QW, Ma XH, Niu XD, Ma SL, Li YX and Xing K


Textures of gold-bearing sulfides and gold precipitation mechanism, Wangu gold deposit, Jiangnan Orogen

Shen GW, Zhang L, Sun SC, Yu TW, Li ZS, Wu SG, Chen JH and Shen Y


Advances in research of the time scales of porphyry deposits: A case study of the Yulong porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in the eastern


Chen Q, Wang CM, Zhu JX, Du B, Duan HY, Shi KX, Qian JL and Liu LJ


LA-ICP-MS in-situ U-Pb dating and composition analyzing on the garnets from Machangqing Cu-Mo deposit in Yunnan Province

Wang XY, Zhang J, Bian XL, Tong ZD and Li DF


The C-O and Zn isotopic compositions of the Laochang Ag-Pb-Zn ore bodies in the Changning-Menglian suture zone, and its

geological implications

Tang X, Chen FC, Zhang PF, Li GJ, Zhao F and Chen W


The fractionation of iron isotope and its constraints on the sources of ore-forming materials in the Jinchanghe skarn polymetallic

deposit in Sanjiang region, Southwest China

Chen FC, Cheng XL, Han RS, Li GJ, Liu JY, Chang H, Jia Z and Cheng Y


Geochronology and petrogenesis of the Shuizi pyroxenite at Danba, western Yangtze Craton

Zhao HS, Wang QF, Wang YN, Wang TY, Xue SC and Chen W


Discovery of late Early Cretaceous diorite porphyrite from the Shamuluo Formation in the Gaize area, Tibet: Response to the

northward subduction plate rollback event of Bangongco-Nujiang Tethys Ocean

Li FQ, Tang JX, Zhang J, Song Y, Li HF, Lin B and Wang N


Genesis and tectonic setting of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous granites in Nachatang area, Central Lhasa Terrane: Constraints

from geochemistry, chronology and Hf isotopes

Leng QF, Li WC, Dai CL, Zhang XF, Wu SY and Cao HW


Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the late Early Cretaceous Kong Co A-type granite in the northern margin of Central

Lhasa Subterrane, Tibet

Liu H, Li GM, Li WC, Huang HX, Li YG, Ouyang Y, Zhang XF and Zhou Q


Formation of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Sn-rich granites in the Tengchong block: The magma origin and differentiation


Cui XL, Zhang QW, Wu HY, Song ZJ, Zhang HJ and Dai LG


Experimental study on the effective measurement of the total homogenization temperature of high internal pressure CO2-rich

fluid inclusions in orogenic gold deposits: A case study of the Yufeng gold deposit, Eastern Tianshan Orogen

Yu LD, Li SH, Zhang J, He XH, Yu XF, Shan W and Chi NJ


Quartz Ti/Ge-P discrimination diagram: A machine learning based approach for deposit classification

Wang Y, Qiu KF. Hou ZL and Yu HC


Apatite Eu/Y-Ce discrimination diagram: A big data based approach for provenance classification

Zhou T, Qiu KF, Wang Y, Yu HC and Hou ZL



Transformation of Mesozoic dynamic systems and superposition of metallogenic series of W-Sn-Li-Be-Nb-Ta-REE mineral

deposits in South China

Zhao Z, Chen YC, Wang DH, Li JK, Liu SB, Chen ZY, Guo CL and Wang PA


Metallogenic process of the Jiajika Li-Be deposit in West Sichuan: Constraints from fluid inclusions of No.308 pegmatite

Xiong X, Ding X, Li JK, Li P, Deng JY and Zhang JM


The geochemical characteristics and their geological significance of apatite from the Zhawulong-Caolong granitic pegmatite-hosted

rare metal deposit in Sichuan and Qinghai provinces, West China

Yan QG, Li JK, Li C, Chen ZY and Xiong X


The genesis and diversity of ion adsorption REE mineralization in the Zhaibei deposit, Jiangxi Province, South China

Zhao Z, Wang DH and Zou XY


Mechanism of Nb and REE enrichment in the Tiemuli alkali-feldspar granite, Chongyi County, Jiangxi Province

Guo NX, Liu SB, Chen ZY, Jiang SX and Li HW


Deposit geology, geochronology and metallogenic model of Liangyuan Nb-Ta-Rb-W deposit in northern Guangdong Province

Fan FP, Xiao HL, Chen LZ, Li HL and Bao XM


Implications of muscovite composition on the genesis of Li-rich and Be-rich pegmatites: A case study of the Kalu’an

rare-metal pegmatite ore-field

Cen JB, Feng YG, Liang T, Gao JG, He L and Zhou Y


Geochemistry of tourmaline from granitic pegmatites in East Qinling and its implications for mineralization

Feng YG, Liang T, Wang MX, Zhang Z, Hao YY, Cen JB and Dong ZY


A new age determination technique for rare metal deposits: In situ Sm-Nd dating

Li C, Sun PC, Meng HM, Hou JL, Zhou LM, Zhao H, Zhao LH and Qu WJ


Research advances in experimental petrology and geochemistry of rare earth elements in magmatic and hydrothermal systems

Wei CW, Xu C, Fu W, Yi ZB, Li ZQ, Shi AG, Fan CX and Kuang GX


Application of Li isotope in geothermal fluid-rock interaction: A case study of modern Li-rich geothermal water in western


Yu F, Yu Y, Wang DH, Gao JQ, Wang CH and Guo WM


Geochemical characteristics of skarn minerals and causative granites of the Xianglushan tungsten skarn deposit, Jiangxi,

South China

Zhao W and Zhang HJ


Genetic relationship between the two-period magmatism and tungsten mineralization in the Yangchuling deposit, Jiangxi

Province: Evidence from biotite geochemistry

Zheng YL, Zhao Z, Zhang CQ, Li HW and Li B


Characteristics and evolutions of ore-forming fluids in the Yaogangxian skarn-type scheelite deposit, Hunan Province

Yu ZF, Zhao Z, Wang YL, Zhu XY, Yin Z and Li HW


The upper mantle velocity structure beneath the Wuyishan metallogenic belt and its adjacent areas: Implications for the

Yanshanian magmatism and mineralization

Xu Y, Zhang YQ, Yan JY, Xu ZW, Chen M, Wang X, Chen CX and Zhang WW


The deep boundaries of Jiangnan orogenic belt and its constraints on metallogenic: From the understanding of integrated


Yan JY, Lü QT, Zhang YQ, Liu WQ, Wang X, Chen CX, Xu Y and Liu JH


Crustal structure of the middle segment of the Jiangnan Orogen and its implications on mineralization: Revealed by teleseismic

receiver functions along the Guangchang-Liuyang profile

Zhang YQ, Lü QT, Yan JY, Xu Y, Lin JY, Pi JL, Chen M and Zhang WW


Electrical constraints on the deep setting and process of magma-mineral system in the Middle-Lower Reaches of Yangtze

Metallogenic Belt

Zhang K, Lü QT, Man ZH, Lan XY, Guo D, Tao L and Zhao JH



Discovery of Early Paleozoic eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks in the western part of North Qinling Orogen and its

geological significance

Tang Y, Chen DL, Ren YF and Wang HJ


Source characteristics of Late Neoarchean diatexite in the Yishan area, western Shandong

Li Yuan, Xie HQ, Dong CY, Wang SJ and Wan YS


Analysis and application of yttrium element in garnet by electron micro-probe analyzer: A case study of garnet-mica schist from

Foziling Group

Wang J, Zhang Y, Song CZ, Shi YH, Hou ZH, Wang ZH and Peng CL


Early Paleozoic metamorphic evolution of the East Kunlun Orogen recorded in Langmuri garnet-amphibolite

Li CH, Zhang HF and Chen AP


Magma evolution and mineralization of Longmenshan lithium-beryllium pegmatite in Dahongliutan area, West Kunlun

Tang JL, Ke Q, Xu XW, Kang K, Li H, Tan KB, Dong LH and Liu YX


Middle Paleoproterozoic tectonic setting of Khondalite Belt: Evidence from ~2.2Ga charnockite in Zhuozi

Lian GH, Xu ZY, Ren YW, Feng F and Xue JX


Late Devonian magmatic event in the South Beishan orogenic belt, Gansu: Constraints from zircon U-Pb chronology,

geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes

Lü X, Yu XF, Du ZZ, Kang K, Du YL and Wang CN


Genesis and tectonic magmatic evolution of Carboniferous granites in the Hongliuhecao-Yuejinshan area of Beishan orogenic belt

Bai RL, Hu JR, Zhao FF, Yue YH and Zhou HL


The Permian mafic intrusive events in the northwestern margin of the Tarim Basin and their tectonic significance

Cheng XX, Wu HX, Sun DH, Huang WK, Chen HL, Lin XB, Zhu KY and Zhang FQ


Application of U-Pb dating technique in the study of hydrothermal activities of dolomite reservoir: A case study on 3rd

member of Yingshan Formation in Gucheng area, Tarim Basin, NW China

Liu H, Feng ZH, Shao HM, Zhang JL, Zhang ZW, Zhang YJ, Lu X and Zhang GY


Sedimentary environment and tectonic setting of the clastic formation of the Tanjianshan Group in the Tuomoerrite area, North


Chen L, Yan Z and Fu CL


The Early Paleozoic intrusive magmatism and tectonic thermal evolution in the Hala Lake area, southern Qilian, NW China

Li B, Chen XH, Wang ZZ, Hu DG and Sun YJ


U-Pb geochronology, provenance and geological implications of Early Paleozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks in the Danghenanshan-

Muli area, Central Qilian belt

Zhang S, Wang C, Hao JB, Li H, Zhu XH, Yu ZP, Sun XK and Jin MQ


Late Carboniferous gabbro-granite suite from West Ujimqin of central Inner Mongolia: Petrogenesis and geodynamic implication

Yang ZL, Zhang XH, Gao YL, Yuan LL and Xue FH


Chronology and geochemical characteristics of the highly fractionated alkali feldspar granite from the Maodeng deposit in the

southern Great Xing’an Range

Ji GY, Jiang SH, Zhang LS, Liu YF and Zhang LL


Age and origin of tuffites from the Hekou Formation in the Napo basin, Southwest Guangxi and its tectonic implications

Xia L, Yan QR, Xiang ZJ, Zheng HB and Niu R


Petrography and shock-metamorphic features of impact breccias from the Xiuyan impact crater

Yin F and Chen M


Cryptoexplosive breccia: A genetic mark of the paleoearthquakes

Du JG, Wu KT, Sun FX, Cui YJ. Li J and Wang CS


Geochronology and geochemistry of the dioritic rocks from the Inexpressible Island, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica and

their geological implications

Gao P, Tang LM, Chen L, Tian Y and Fang YX



Types and genetic mechanism of chrysoberyl deposits

Ma YC, Hong T, Liu SK, Li H, Ma HD, Wang W and Xu XW


Tectonic framework and evolution of the Taiwan Orogen: A revisit

Huang PH, Wei CJ and Ji JQ


Cenozoic sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of forearc basin in Ryukyu Island Arc region

Sun MJ, Gao HF, Li XJ, Luo WD, Wang Z, Liu J and Zhao MH


Geological characteristics, sources and controlling factors of the Triassic gold deposits in the northern margin of the North

China Craton

Bai Y, Zhang LC, Zhu MT, Huang K and Zhou LL


The initial lunar mantle structure constrained by thermodynamic simulation

Ju DY, Pang RL, Li R and Du W


Advances in experimental petrology study on the evolution of the lunar magma ocean

Li R, Liu JZ, Pang RL, Zhu D, Ju DY and Du W


The process of oceanic peridotite serpentinization: From seafloor hydration to subduction dehydration

Zhang YZ, Jiang ZX, Li SZ, Wang YH and Yu L


Constraints of Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous materials (RSCM) and quartz fabrics of tectonites on orogenic belt

tectonothermal evolution: A case study on the North Himalayan Ramba Gneiss Dome

Chen SY, Zhang B, Zhang JJ, Wang Y, Zhang L, Li XR, Huang BY and Yan Y


Cenozoic evolution of the Altyn Tagh fault: Evidence from sedimentary records of basins along the fault

Xie H, Liu CC, Zhang HP, Zhan Y and Zhao XD


Zircon U-Pb chronology and Lu-Hf isotopic characteristics of the Pre-Sinian Wumaqing Formation and its intrusions in Yakou

area, Miyi County, Sichuan Province, and their geological significance

Yin GQ, Chen YL, Zhang BL, Gu MJ, Wang Q, Yao J and Yin G


Sedimentology, geochemistry and chronology of Jurassic in the Ganzi-Litang ophiolite mélange belt of Xinlong area, Sichuan

and its tectonic setting

Yan ST, Zhu LD, Wu QS, Li H and Dai XJ


Geochemical, geochronological and thermodynamic modeling of the Hamardaban plutonic complex in the Central Qilian belt:

Implications for deep arc crustal magma differentiation

Sun XK, Wang C, Li H, Hao JB, Yu ZP, Zhang S, Ma DQ and Li X


Depositional age of the Neoproterozoic Luojiamen Formation in the Fuyang area, northern Zhejiang

Yao WH, Cai XB, Sun DH, Long XY, Zhu KY and Li XH


Geochronology, geochemistry and isotopes of Zaibian diabase in the western margin of Jiangnan orogenic belt, China:

Implications for tectonic evolution

Wang QS, Wang LJ, Sun SC, Zhou JX and Zhong CY


Spectral introductions of typical minerals during the periods of skarn formation and evolution at Zhuxi tungsten polymetallic

deposit in Jiangxi Province

Guo N, Wang XG, Hu ZH, Liu XX, Long TJ, Yuan S, Lian DM and Wei DX


Metallogenic age and genesis of the Zhaishang gold deposit in Minxian, Gansu Province

Wang YH, Du ZW, Jiao XY and Ma JL


Provenance and tectonic setting of the Gudongjing Group in Beishan Orogen

Huo N, Guo QQ, Chen YC and Song DF


Experimental study of water solubility in iron rich olivine

Yang JY, Zhang Q, Zhao YH, Li Y and Kohlstedt DL



Volatile cycling and evolution of habitable environment on Earth

Ji WQ and Wu FY


From carbon source to carbon sink: Influences of magmatism and erosion in continental arcs on long-term carbon cycle

Jiang HH


Advances of driving mechanisms of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO): Constraints from the Linzizong volcanic

rocks in southern Tibet

Zhang SH, Ji WQ and Chen HB


Decarbonation in contact metamorphism

Chu X and Zhou ZH


Geochemical behavior and recycling of sulfur in subduction zones

Li JL, Gao J, Huang GF, Ma ZP and Wang XS


Degassing and environmental effect of intracontinental transcrustal magmatic system

Jiang CH, Du DH and Wang XL


Super-eruptions and their environmental impacts

Liu PP, Xue ZR, Wang DB, Tian W, Zhang XR and Guo ZF


The effect of the deep carbon cycle on environment and climate

Zong KQ, He DT, Chen CF, Chen W, Yu KZ and Liu YS


Magma dynamics in the crust and its resource and environmental effects

Zhou JS and Wang Q


Volcanological evolution and paleoenvironment of the Late Cretaceous Changyu volcano in the coastal SE China

He ZY, Yan LL, Chu PL, Xiang H and Jiang ZK


Phanerozoic magmatism and ocean-continent framework of northeastern China and their relationship with climate change

Yang H, Ge WC, Ji Z, Jing JH, Dong Y and Jing Y


The role of volatile in the evolution of high silicic magma: Insights from the Late Cretaceous granitoids in the coastal

area of southeastern China

Chen JY, Yang JH, Zhang JH, Zhou XB and Yang ZG


Dynamic mechanisms of the evolvement of crustal silicic magmas

Zhang JH, Zheng XX, Sun JF, Chen JY and Yang JH


The principles of diffusion chronometry and applications in magmatic systems

Chen HB, Ji WQ and Zhang SH


Tracking volatile cycling in subduction zones using metal stable isotopes

Liu SA


Carbon releasing mechanisms and flux estimation in subducting slabs: Problems and progress

Lan CY, Tao RB, Zhang LF and Guo S


Fluxes and genesis of deep carbon emissions from southern Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent regions

Zhao WB, Guo ZF, Li JJ, Ma L and Liu JQ


Pathways of carbon emissions to atmosphere due to skarnification

Liu W, Wan B and Yan SC



Progress, open questions and application prospects of analytical techniques for refractory elements and representative

radioisotope systems

Xu JF, Chu ZY, Li J, Wang GQ, Li C, Liu JJ, Wang QF, Wang CM and Gong XH


Research advance in geochronology of the Mississippi Valley-type Pb-Zn deposits: Debate on the metallogenic age of the

Jinding deposit

Wang CM, Duan HY, Li C, Zhu JX, Shi KX, Chen Q, Liu LJ and Qian JL


Interpretation of geological significance of Re-Os isotopic age of bitumen

Li C, Sun PC, Meng HM, Wang DH, Zhou LM, Li XW, Zhao H and Qu WJ


Advances in the analytical methods of metal sulfide Re-Os isotope dating

Sun SL, Li J, Xu JF and Wang GQ


Research progress and prospects for the Re-Os dating of petroleum systems

Liu JJ, Li J, Tian H and Xu JF


Compositions of cumulates in lower oceanic crust and implications for ophiolite studies

Zhang WQ, Liu CZ and Liu T


A review of the W isotope research for the Earth’s core-mantle interaction

Yang Z, Wang GQ, Xu YM and Zeng YL


Black shales of the Chuanlinggou Formation in the northern North China Craton and its constraints on redox state of seawater

during the Early Mesoproterozoic

Liu SQ, Zhu XY, Su WB, Zhao TP, Qiu YF, He YT and Zhang HF


PGE and Re-Os isotope geochemistry and their constraints on mineralization of the Tulaergen Ni-Cu sulfide deposit in the

East Tianshan

Wang XM, Xue SC, Wang QF, Wang LY, Wang YL, Li Y and Xu JF


Re-Os dating and oil-source correlation of the pyrobitumen in the Member 4, Dengying Formation of the Kangjiadong

paleo-reservoir, northern margin of the Sichuan Basin

Shen AJ, Li J, Long XP, Hu AP, Liu JJ, Yin QC and Gong Z


The study of Early Mesoproterozoic variegated shales in the southern North China Craton and its paleoenvironmental


Zou PF, Zhu XY, Zheng DS, Sun FB and Wang SY


Pyrite Re-Os isotope system of the Beishan MVT Pb-Zn depsoit in the Youjiang Basin and its significance for dating

Xu XJ, Li C, Wang QF, Weng WJ, Chen JH and Zeng YS


Geochemical evidence of shales in the Tieling Formation, North China Craton: Implications for Mesoproterozoic episodic

oxygenation events

He YT,Zhu XY,Qiu YF,Li J and Zhao TP


Discovery and geological implications of the Early Cretaceous basaltic andesites in SK2 borehole

Zhang Z, Huang F, Xu JF, Zeng YC, Zhang LY, Yang XL and Zhang M


Geochemistry and mineralization of a critical element: Thallium

Duan HY and Wang CM


How many lunar samples does China have?

Wu FY, Liu Q and Tian HC


Identification and new discovery to the Apollo 11 lunar soil using SIMS U-Pb analyses

Li QL, Liu Y, Li JH, Chen Y and Li XH


Tracing the source of Apollo lunar soil (E21): Petrological evidence

Chen Y, Wang ZL, Yuan JY, Jia LH, Zhang D, Li XG, Yang W, Li QL and Li XH


Solar wind-implanted water in Apollo 11 lunar soils and its implications

Tian HC, Hao JL, Xu YC, Yang W, Hu S, Zhang C, Lin YT, Li XH and Wu FY


Magnetic property and paleointenstiy study of the lunar regolith (E21)

Cai SH, Qin HF, Deng CL, Liu SC, Chen Y, He HY and Pan YX



The key scientific problems for the research on the rare metal lithium-beryllium deposits

Li XF and Wei XL


Metallogenic mechanism and prospect of key metal beryllium

Rao C, Wang RC, Che XD, Li XF, Wang Q, Zhang ZQ and Wu RQ


Metallogenic potential and prospecting prospect of volcanic-hosted beryllium-uranium deposits in eastern China

Li XF, Wu FY, Wei XL, Che XD, Rao C, Chen ZY, Ge WC and Zhu YT


Quantitative analysis of ultra-light elements beryllium by electron microprobe: Constraints of analysis conditions

Zhang WL, Tang ZM, Hu H, Che XD, Jin WK and Xie L


Research progress of in situ analysis technology of key metal element beryllium

Hu H, Wang RC, Che XD, Jin WC, Tang ZM, Xie L and Tao XY


Discovery and prospecting potential of volcanic beryllium mineralization in Kulongshan, northern Hebei Province

Chen ZY, Li SL, Li XF, Pan S, Zhang XK, Li JK, Sun Y and Zhu YT


Formation age and genesis of the Nasigatu greisen-type beryllium mineralization in the southern Great Xing’an Range:

Monazite chronological and geochemical evidence

Wu HR, Yang H, Ge WC, Ji Z, Wang KY, Jing JH and Jing Y


Zircon and columbite-tantalite U-Pb geochronology of Li-Be rare metal pegmatite and its geological significance in Muji area,

West Kunlun, China

Wang H, Gao H, Wang SM, Yan QH, Wang ZH, Huang L and Qin Y


Trace elemental characteristics and implications of the quartz from Ramba leucogranites in Himalaya

Liu ZC and Yuan ZZ


Geological characteristic and discussion on metallogenic age of the West 509-Daoban Li-Be rare metal deposit in the West

Kunlun Orogenic Belt

Wang W, Du XF, Liu W, Li Y, Chen ZL, Ma HD, Qiu L and Xiao F


Mineralogical characteristics of the leucogranite-pegmatite in the Yardoi Gneiss Dome, Himalaya, Tibet: Implication to the

rare-metal mineralization

Zhao JX, He CT, Shi RZ, Qin KZ, Yu KL, Qiu JT, Li ZZ and Zhou QF


Genetic discussion between the Triassic plutons and rare metal pegmatite in the Muji area from north section of the Western

Kunlun, China

Zhu MT, Dong ZG and Zhang LC


The critical factors of lithium enrichment in the metasedimentary wall rocks of granitic pegmatite-type lithium deposit: Insights

from the Ke’eryin area in the eastern Songpan-Ganzi Belt

Hu FY, Wu FY, Chen GH and Yang L


Metallogenic regularity and prospecting direction of pegmatitic rare-mental deposits in western Yunnan

Yu Y, Li ZF, Bai LA, Xu H, Zhang QN and Liang J


A detailed research on allanite in weathered sphere from the Xiajialing REE deposit in Xiangshan, Jiangxi, and its

metallogenic significance

Li GL, Long WK, Luo WP, Yang YL, Liu XD, Wu B, Wei XL and Li CX


Study on the occurrence state and enrichment mechanism of lithium in lithium-rich clay rock series of the Daoshitou Formation

of Lower Permian in Central Yunnan

Cui Y, Wen HJ, Yu WX, Luo CG, Du SJ, Ling KY, Xu F and Yang JH


Judgment of metallogenic potential of Kangxiwa pegmatite in Xinjiang: Evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry

and Lu-Hf isotope

Chen M, Wang H, Zhang XY, Yan QH and Gao H


Petro-geochemistry of Late Jurassic highly fractionated granites in the Xianghualing area of Hunan Province: Constraints on

petrogenesis and rare-metal mineralization

Yuan LL, Wang YF, Liu JP, Shao YJ, Liu ZF, Li B, Zheng X, Ding T and Zhang TD


Columbite-tantalite and cassiterite ages of Xuefengling lithium deposit in West Kunlun, Xinjiang and their geological


Bai HY, Wang H, Yan QH, Wang SM, Wang ZH, Zhang XY, Gao H and Qin Y


The study on the micas in the Gyirong leucogranite-pegmatite from Himalaya: Implications for the lithium enrichment

Zhou W, Xie L, Wang RC, Wu FY, Tian EN, Liu C and Liu XC



Recent progress in the tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of Central Asia Orogenic Belt

Chen JS, Liu ZH, Liu YJ, Feng ZQ, Zhang LD and Wang Y


Crustal accretion and Paleo-Asian Ocean evolution during Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic in southeastern Central Asian

Orogenic Belt: Evidence from magmatism in Linxi-Dongwuqi area, southeastern Inner Mongolia

Liu JF, Li JY, Zhao S, Zhang J, Zheng RG, Zhang WL, Lv QL and Zheng PX


Evolution of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China Craton in the Triassic: Evidence from the

geochronology and geochemistry of magmatic rocks in Kaiyuan area, North Liaoning

Chen JS, Li WW, Shi Y, Li B, Zhao CQ and Zhang LD


Late Paleozoic tectonic-magmatic evolution history of the northeastern China

Dong Y, Wang SM, Yu Q, Chen JS, Yang H, Ge WC, Bi JH and Jing JH


Reconstruction of Early Paleozoic trench-arc-basin system in Duobaoshan area, Heilongjiang Province, China

Yang XP, Ma JS, Pang XJ, Yang YJ, Jiang B and Fu JY


The extinction process of the paleo-oceanic basin in the eastern part of the northern margin of the North China Block:

Implications from the intermediate-mafic magmatic rocks in the northern Liaoning, NE China

Shi Y, Shi SS, Chen X and Huan FM


Tectonic evolution of the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic orogenic belt in the eastern segment of the northern margin of the

North China Block: Evidence from meta-volcanic rocks of Jianshanzi, northern Liaoning Province

Zhang N, Wang CB, Liu ZH, Xu ZY, Li G, Xuan YF, Gao Y and Wang C


Devonian extension of the eastern section of the northern margin of the North China Plate: Evidence from post-collision

magmatic rocks in Changtu area, northern Liaoning Province

Zhang C, Quan JY, Zhang L, Ge JT and Zhang LD


Middle Silurian-Late Devonian tectonic evolution in the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China Plate:

Evidence from magmatic rocks in Gongzhuling area

Li B, Shi Y, Yang F, Liu M and Wu Z


The Early Paleozoic granites in the Mohe region of northern Great Xing’an Range: Response to post-collision extension of

the Erguna-Xing’an blocks

Jing Y, Ge WC, Yang H, Dong Y, Zhang YL and Ji Z


Closure mechanism of the Nenjiang Ocean: Constraint from the deformation pattern and age of the Yinder Complex in

Jalaid Banner area, SE Inner Mongolia, China

Ma YF, Liu YJ, Qin T, Feng ZQ and Yang XP


Evidences from zircon U-Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Hf isotope of Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks

in Baishan area, southern Jilin Province: Constraints on destruction of the North China Craton

Xuan YF, Dong XJ, Wang CB, Liu ZH, Zhang N, Wang C, Gao Y and Li MQ


Chronology and geochemistry of Carboniferous-Permian intrusive rocks in Zhuanshanzi mining area, Chifeng, middle part

of the northern margin of the North China Craton: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean

Yang F, Jiang YY, Chen JS and Han X


Geochronological and geochemical constraints from the Yuejinshan Complex and its implications for the tectonic evolution

of Northeast China

Han W, Feng ZQ, Liu YJ, Zhou JB, Li XY, Zhang TA and Fan XS


Geochronology and geochemistry of the Early-Middle Permian metamorphic volcano-clastic rocks, northern Liaoning Province:

Implications for the tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China Craton

Zhang L, Liu YJ, Zhang C, Liu XY, Li WM, Ge JT, Liang CY and Zhao YL



Formation and evolution of West and Central African superimposed rift basins

Zhang GY, Huang TF, Liu JG, Li YJ, Du YB, Yu ZH, Zhang XS and Yu ZH


Discovery of strike-slip faults and their evolution on Trakes Slope, Termit Basin in Niger

Huang TF, Shi BQ, Dou LR, Zhang GY, Jiang H, Zheng FY and Li ZH


A transform margin: Review of genetic types of the Niger Delta Basin

Feng ZQ, Guo FT, Zhang ZM, Yin JY, Tian NX, Su YS, Guo RT and Wu GK


Reservoir characteristics and its controlling factors of the Paleogene Sokor1 Formation in Termit Basin, Niger

Liu JG, Zheng FY, Mao FJ, Jiang H, Li ZH, Lü MS, Liu B and Yuan SQ


The lithofacies paleogeography of the Arabian Plate and its control on the hydrocarbon accumulation

Liu XB, Wang ZM, He ZJ, Liu ZD, Fan XY, Chen RY and Wang YH


Structural and sedimentary features of Oman foreland basins and its influences on hydrocarbon accumulation

Luo BW, Yin JQ, Zhang XY, Wang H, Wang ZJ, Duan HG, Zhang NN and Yang PG


Sedimentary environment and genesis of the Early Cretaceous microbial carbonates in Santos Basin, Brazil

Zhu YX, Zhang ZM and Zhang DM


The syn- and post-collision structures related to the Tarim-Qaidam collision: Results of seismic interpretation in the Tarim Basin

Zhou H, Li YJ, Chen ZY, Wen L, Huang LL, Liu YL, Zheng DM and Li C


New understanding of tectonic characteristic of the Wensu salient in Tarim Basin

Liu YL, Gao YJ, Zhang JF, Bai ZK, Cheng MH, Zhang YY and Yang YX


The genetic mechanism and petroleum significance of Chepaizi-Mosuowan paleo-uplift in the central Junggar Basin

Lin HX, Ning F, Su H and Zhang KH


Formation and differential enrichment of oil and gas on multiple types of slopes in rifted basins: Taking the Bohai Bay Basin

as an example, China

Liu HT, Yu HT, Sun Y, Jiang WY, Yang GD, Wang MW and Wang JW


The slip history of the South Tibetan Detachment System in the Cho Oyu region: Constraints from leucogranite geochronology

Yang L, Gao C, Liu XC, Wang JM, Zhou LJ, Liu ZC and Wu FY


Early Paleozoic magmatism in the Saishiteng area, North Qaidam and their constraint on tectonic evolution

Wang BZ, Fu CL, Pan T, Li Q, Lu YZ and Jin TT


The transition of the Late Paleozoic tectonic regime in eastern Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces: Constraints from the double

accretionary complex and island arc magmatic rock belts in the Jiamusi-Khanka Block

Li GY,Zhou JB, Li HD, Chen Z, Wang HY and Wang B


Geochronology, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications of Early Paleozoic intermediate-basic complex of East Ujimqin Banner


Na FC, Wu Y, Song WM, Ma YF, Liu YC and Zhang GY


Closure time of the eastern Paleo-Asian Ocean: Constraint from Permian-Triassic strata and detrital zircon geochronology at

southern Great Xing’an Mountains, Inner Mongolia (China)

Zhang YJ, Zhang C, Ma YF, Yang T, Liu Y, Du JY, Zhao YL and Zhang JK


The Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic magmatic events in Longjiang area and Ulanhot area: Constraint on the attribute of

Precambrian geological units in western Songnen massif

Wu XW, Zhang C, Shao J, Guo W, Li LC, Zhang GY, Liu BS and Song WB


Tectonic attributes of the northern Solonker-Linxi suture zone: Constraints from the Shoushangou Formation metamorphosed

sedimentary rocks and its andesite lenticle in northern Jarud Banner, Inner Mongolia

Shi L, Tang Z, Qian C, Zhang YJ and Du JY


Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes and platinum-group elements characteristics of the Maxiong diabases in western Guangxi: Implications for

magmatic evolution and sulfide mineralization

Zhao B, Liu XJ, Li ZL, Shi Y, Zhao C and Qin XZ


Mineralization characteristics and geochemical elements migration during alkali metasomatized hydrothermal process of Yunji

deposit in Xiangshan uranium ore field

Wang YJ, Nie JT, Lin JR, Pang YQ, Wang ZQ and Qin KZ


Identification and chronological analysis of ejecta in Von Kármán crater: Chang’e-4 landing site region

Li SH, Liu JZ, Liu JW, Wang JT, Zhang JY, Fu ZH and Zhang K



Intrusive style, three-dimensional morphology of carbonatite and REE potential resources in the Bayan Obo giant deposit,

Inner Mongolia

Fan HR, Xu Y, Yang KF, Zhang JE, Li XC, Zhang LL, She HD, Liu SL, Xu XW, Huang S, Li QL, Zhao L, Li XH,

Wu FY, Zhai MG, Zhao YG, Wang QW, Yang ZF, Liu Y, Yan GY, Liu ZQ, Cui F and Liu F


The REE mineralization and remobilization history of the giant Bayan Obo deposit, Inner Mongolia, China: Constraint from

in-situSm-Nd isotopes of REE minerals

Li XC, Zhan YX, Fan HR and Yang KF


The geological application of elastic geo-thermobarometry: Example of quartz-in-garnet (QuiG) barometry

Zhong X, Wang HZ, Feng LF, Zhang HF, Chen XY, John T, Zhang DD and Zhai MG


Diffusion in metamorphic geology: Principles, applications, and problems

Zou Y, Chen JX, Wu JL, Zhao L, Li QL and Zhai MG


Orogenic to post-orogenic transition of the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt: Constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of

the granites in the Qingchengzi area

Ma YB, Zhang Y, Li LX and Shen HF


Neoproterozoic A-type granites in northern Beishan Orogenic Belt: Early response of the Rodinia supercontinent break-up

Bu T, Wang GQ, Huang BT, Dong ZC and Guo L


Zircon geochronology and geochemistry of the Permian granitoids in the northern Alxa area and its implications for an

extensional setting

Chen Y, Gan LS, Wu TR, Wang XA and Zhang W


Geochronology and geochemistry of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic granites in Moerdaoga area, NE China and its tectonic implications

Li Y, Li WQ, and Sun JL


The Early Cretaceous magmatism and geological implication of Shanzhuping deposit in Shanghang region, Zijinshan ore field,

Fujian Province, Southeast China

Xie QF, Dong YP, Cai YF, Zhai MG, Xiao AF, Zhang H and Bao ZA


Black shale-hosted nickel-cobalt deposit: Current understanding and outlook to future prospecting

Xu LG, Sun K, Yan H, Yuan P and Fu XR


Research progress on chemical composition of apatite: Application in petrogenesis, ore genesis and mineral exploration

Tan HMR, Huang XW, Qi L, Gao JF, Meng YM and Xie Huan


Multi-stage magmatism-mineralization and tectonic setting of the North Tugeman granitic pegmatite lithium-beryllium deposit

in the middle of Altyn Tagh

Li H, Hong T, Yang ZQ, Liu SK, Wang XH, Ma YC, Niu L and Xu XW


Discovery of iron orebodies in the Dahalajunshan Formation carbonate rocks in the Beizhan volcanic-hosted iron deposit,

Xinjiang and its genetic significance

Pan HD, Shen P, Li CH, Feng HX, Ma HD, Wu Y, Guo XC and Zhang JS


Sedimentary-diagenetic processes of the Carboniferous Shikebutai iron deposit in West Tianshan Mountains: Evidences from

petrography and mineralogy

Zhang X, Dong ZG, Peng ZD, Zhang LC, Zhang BL and Wang CL


The geodynamic setting of Triassic large-scale mineralization event in the West Qinling Orogen: Evidence from high-Mg andesite

in the Qiadong copper deposit

Gao YW, Li XM, Gu PY, Ma ZP, Zhuang YJ, Guo ZP and Zhao XM


The Early Paleozoic tectonic-thermal events in northern margin of Yili Block: Constraints from Toksai garnet amphibolite and

its surrounding rocks

Chen YX, Zhu SQ, Pei XZ, Wang M, Zhou H, Li ZC and Li RB


Late Triassic sedimentary record of southward subduction of Mongol-Okhotsk ocean plate: Constraints for tectonic background

and provenance

Dou S, Li SC, Zhao ZR, Yang XP, Wang HT, Jia JF, Ren ZT and Wei HY


Genesis of the Xiangshan iron deposit in Jiaodong: Petrography and mineral chemistry evidence from iron ore and host rocks

Li XP, Chen YP, Li ZS, Li HK, Chen L, Chen YR and Kong FM


Mineralogical study on pyrites from the micro-disseminated gold deposits in the Southwest Guizhou and its significance: A case

study of the Shuiyindong gold deposit

Jiang H, Xi AH, Yu XF, Ge YH, Zhao MF, Wang W and Zhao BJ



Cambrian metamorphism of the Qaidam block: Constraints from phase equilibrium modeling and monazite U-Pb dating

Teng X, Zhang JX, Mao XH, Lu ZL, Zhou GS, Wu YW and Guo Q


Granulite-facies metamorphism in the northern part of West Qinling: Constraints from phase equilibrium modeling and

in-situ U-Pb dating of monazite

Guo Q, Mao XH, Zhang JX, Lu ZL, Zhou GS, Teng X and Wu YW


Changes in the melt structure and enrichment of rare metals W-Sn-Nb-Ta in granitic magma: An example from the Xiaru

Early Paleozoic granites

Gao LE, Zeng LS, Yan LL, Zhao LH, Li GX, Di YL, Wang YY and Wang HT


Petrological and chronological characteristics of medium-high grade metamorphic rocks in Gonjo area, southeastern margin

of Qamdo block, eastern Tibet

Tang Y, Qin YD, Wang DB, Li Y, Gong XD, Wang BD and Ren GM


Petrogenesis of Late Ordovician intrusive rocks in the West Kunlun orogenic belt: Constraints on the subduction process of

the Proto-Tethys Ocean

Tao ZL, Yin JY, Yuan C, Xiao WJ, Chen W, Chen YL, Wang YM and Yang F


Constraints on the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean from the Elashan Formation andesites in Xiarihamu area, western

segment of East Kunlun

Duan XP, Meng FC, Zhang BL, Wang ZQ and Yu XF


Chemical and boron isotopic composition of tourmaline from the Gonghe Triassic intermediate-acid intrusive rocks, Qinghai

and its implications for evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal system

Chen XJ, Yun XR, Lei M, Zhang SS, Cai ZH, Liu RH, Li ZY and He BZ


Identification of different types of harzburgites and their lithofacies zonation in ophiolites: Evidence from the special

geological survey of Dingqing ophiolite

Li GL, Liu F, Yang JS, Mu XP, Zhang CJ, Bo RZ and Zhang QZ


The feature and tectonic setting of Dongqiao podiform chromitite in the central segment of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang suture

zone in Tibet

Cao CQ, Yang JS, Yang SB, Dong YF, Chen XJ, Xiong FH and Lu YX


Subduction of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean: Evidence from the Huimin Formation of Lancang Group in southwestern Yunnan

Province, SE Tibetan Plateau

Wang W, Xue CD, Yang TN, Xie ZP, Dong MM, Xiang K and Liu JK


Genesis of the titanian andradite in alkaline rocks and their petrological and mineralization significance: A study example of

the garnet from the Fanshan ultramafic-syenitic complex in North China Craton

Niu XL, Feng GY, Liu F, Xu XZ and Yang JS


Late Permian to Early Triassic subduction and retreating of the Paleopacific slab: Constraints from continental arc magmatism

in Hainan Island

Liu F, Yang JS, Feng GY, Niu XL, Li GL and Zhang CF


Crustal architecture of the oblique collision belt: Insights of the spatial variation in U-Pb ages and Hf isotope of inherited

zircons from the Eocene to Oligocene magmatic rocks

Dong MM, Yang TN, Xin D and Liang MJ


Sedimentary features of the Miocene strata of the Jinding Zn-Pb ore concentration area, the SE Tibetan Plateau: Fillings of

a peripheral foreland basin in the oblique collision belt

Wang Y, Xue CD, Yang TN, Liang MJ and Liu JK


Ore-controlling structural analysis of thrust-and-tear fault associations in the Baiyangchang copper deposit in western Yunnan

Xin D, Yang TN, Liang MJ, Liao C, Dong MM, Wang W and Liu JK


3D geological architecture and ore-controlling structures of the Paomaping Zn-Pb deposit at the Jinding ore field, Lanping

County, SE Tibetan Plateau

Xue LP, Xue CD, Liu JK, Wang W, Wang Y and Lv SM


Thermochronology of the Longmen Shan seismic fault and its implications for faulting activities

Zheng Y, Li HB, Wang H, Si JL, Zhang L, Li CL and Zhang JJ


Fluid behaviors from the seismogenic region of Longmenshan fault zone, eastern Tibetan Plateau

Li CR, Li HB, Si JL, Wang H, Wu Q and Zhang JJ


Macro fracture systems of the granites controlled by the tectonism: A case study of the Dangjiasi pluton in the northeastern

margin of the Gonghe Basin

Li ZY, Yun XR, He BZ, Zhang XY, Cai ZH, Zheng ML, Liu RH and Chen HF



Mantle geochemistry in China with a view from modern Earth system science

Zhou XH


Formation and evolution of cratonic roots and its bearing on the fate of continents

Zheng JP, Dai HK, Xiong Q, Chen M, Zhou X, Li YH and Liu WX


Chemical heterogeneity in the early Earth’s mantle and its geodynamic genesis

Yang JH and Mei QF


Water and partial melting in the Earth’s mantle

Xia QK, Liu J, Zhang BH, Li P, Gu XY and Chen H


Estimation of parent magma compositions of mafic cumulate at subduction zones: Methods and examples

Guo F


Ba isotope geochemistry of the mantle

Huang F, Yu HM, Nan XY, Gu XF, Wu F, Xiao ZC, Bai RX and Fang LR


Progress in Li isotopes of mantle peridotites from the North China Craton

Tang YJ and Ying JF


Progress in Fe, Ca and Mg isotopes of mantle xenoliths from the North China Craton

Zhao XM, Jia XL, Yi CX, Zhang ZF and Zhu XK



Chu ZY, Xu JJ, Ling XX, Zhang P, Cheng H, Guo JH and Zhou XH


The nature of the deep mantle chemical reservoirs: Perspective from continental intraplate volcanic rocks

Chen LH, Zeng G, Liu JQ, Wang XJ and Zhang C


Compositional heterogeneity of the asthenosphere: Advancement and implications

Liu CZ, Yang AY, Liu BD and Liu T


Complex composition and multi-stage juvenile accretion and reworking of the lower crust beneath Junan, East China’s

Shandong Province: granulite xenoliths revisited

Ying JF and Tang YJ


Characteristics, genesis and implication of crustal-derived carbonatites

Su BX, Wang J, Li XC and Zhu MS


Is the serpentinized peridotite in Chicheng, northern Hebei, a fragment of Archaean ophiolite

Liu H and Zhang HF


Carbonated eclogite in the mantle source of intraplate alkaline basalts

Xu R, Liu YS, Zhang YF, Zou ZQ and Zhang JB


Nature and evolution of the Phanerozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the northwestern North China Craton: Evidence from

peridotite xenolith

Zhang HT and Zhang HF


The origin of zoned clinopyroxenes from Early Cretaceous basalts of the Yixian Formation in western Liaoning Province

and its constraints on magmatic evolution

Xu Y and Zhang HF


Formation and evolution of lower crustal granulite terrane in the southern North China Craton

Wang JL and Zhang HF


The chemical compositions of the Ni, Co and platinum group elements beneath subcontinental lithosphere mantle in China

and their metallogenic significance: Evidence from mantle xenoliths

Bao YW, Zhang MJ, Xu WB, Wang XB, Xu Q, Hu PQ and Lin AB


In-situ apatite geochemical and isotopic insights into the petrogenesis of granitoids

Zhou BQ, Sun JF and Yang JH
