

世界建筑 2022年11期


Design science is the scientific study and creation of artefacts as they are developed and used by people with the goal of solving practical problems of general interest. Tsinghua Design Science Conference,hosted by School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, and co-hosted byWorld Architectureon 28th and 29th, May, 2022, strived to establish platform for communication and exchange of design science among people engaged in design in different industries, conducted dialogues on design science around the common values of their respective majors, and shared knowledge and experience in the process of creative professional design. The conference was broadcast live. A total of more than 100,000 people watched online and the conference received positive responses extensively and continuously.


谨代表中国建筑学会向清华设计科学大会的召开表示热烈的祝贺。2020 年4 月,习近平总书记提出,“要更好推进以人为核心的新型城镇化,使城市更健康、更安全、更宜居,成为人民群众高品质生活的空间”。我国城市更新运动为建筑及相关学科的科技创新提供了理想的载体。近年来相关领域的快速发展,也让我们看到新的科技成果为建成空间设计问题的解决提供了思路与方法。在这一趋势之下,设计科学有希望成为一个关键性的交叉学科领域,将最新的科学技术成果、观念与思想引入传统的设计学科之中,拓展出能够应对当前与未来挑战的重要手段。


谨代表清华大学欢迎各位出席“清华设计科学大会”。此次大会的主题——以建成空间为载体的设计科学,旨在聚焦全球人类聚居环境的共性问题,关注工程学科与创意学科在当代技术文明下的学科交叉前沿。它是清华大学文理融汇传统的延续,也是清华大学全球胜任力培养的体现。围绕设计科学的学科交叉为我们带来了一个可能的新增长点。2021 年,国务院学位委员会印发《交叉学科设置与管理办法》,希望各高校聚焦重大科学问题和关键领域,用好学科交叉融合的“催化剂”,协同开展复合型创新人才培养。清华大学既有坚实的综合工科基础,又有深厚的创意工科与艺术学科积淀,在设计思维与科学思维兼收共荣基础上,设计科学的探索将会结出丰硕的果实。

XIU Long Chairman, the Architectural Society of China

My sincere congratulation to the conference on behalf of the Architectural Society of China. In April,2020, President XI has pointed out "to better promote a new type of urbanisation with people at its core, making cities healthier, safer and more livable, and becoming high-quality living spaces for the people". The urban regeneration movement of China provides an ideal platform for the technological innovation of architecture and its relative disciplines. In recent years, the rapid development of related areas has also shown us that new adventures of technologies offer ideas and methods for design problems in built spaces. With this background, it is very hopeful that Design Science will become a key interdisciplinary field, which invites the advanced technologies, concepts and thoughts into traditional design discipline, developing important tools meet the current and future challenges.

YANG Bin Vice President, Tsinghua University

Welcome everyone to attend Tsinghua Design Science Conference, on behalf of Tsinghua University.The topic of the conference - Design Science in built space, focusing on the common problems of the global human habitat, and the interdisciplinary frontiers of the engineering and innovation in the context of contemporary technological civilization. It is a continuation of Tsinghua University's tradition of integrating arts and science, and a reflection of Tsinghua University's global competency development. The intersection of disciplines around design science has opened up a possible new growth area. The Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council issued theMeasures on the Establishment and Management of Cross-disciplines, hoping that universities would contribute to major scientific problems and key areas, use the "catalyst" of cross-disciplinary integration, and cultivate innovative talents. Tsinghua University has a solid foundation in integrated engineering as well as in creative engineering and arts, and its exploration of design science, based on the coprosperity of design and scientific thinking, will bear fruit.

ZHANG Yue Secretary of the Party, Professor,School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

I would like to welcome everyone to attend this "Tsinghua Design Science Conference" on behalf of the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. In this brief speech, I will review two important conferences in Tsinghua's history, to introduce why we promote this Design Science Conference. The first conference is in April, 1947, when Mr LIANG Sicheng participated in the Princeton University conference "Planning Man's Physical Environment" with prestigious architects around the world.Three month later, he published the firstDraft Academic Programme Planof School of Architecture,Tsinghua University onThe Shanghai Mercury, proposing a revolutionary approach to cross-scale,anthropomorphic environmental design thinking and the integration of science and art in "Ying-Jian" (architecture) disciplines. The second conference is the UIA Congress in 1999. As Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Congress, Academician WU Liangyong drafted, with the Tsinghua Team, and read at the Congress a cross-century manifesto for global architects: "The Beijing Charter:The Future of Architecture". In the document, Academician WU Liangyong referred the methodology of Walter Gropius, perhaps also today's definition of design science with architecture as the starting point. Our search for answers to the science of design is far from over, and we hope that today's conference will bring us enlightenment.

WANG Guangqian Academician, the Chinese Academy of Science Vice President, Professor, Tsinghua University

Hydrosphere Dynamics and the Prevention of Extreme Rainstorms in Cities

Firstly, Academician WANG takes the July 20's Zhengzhou extreme rainstorm as an example,to introduce the main causes of extra-heavy rainfall as a regular urban problem, and proposes a systematic approach - hydrosphere dynamics theory to analyse the causes and modification of heavy rainfall with a global water cycle perspective. There are dynamic interactions between the hydrosphere and cities. Because of the complex flow of moisture within the hydrosphere, modelling its structure of the hydrosphere helps to understand the formation and then to achieve predictions of extreme rainstorm. Academician WANG also introduced an experimental storm modification technology -acoustic rainfall enhancement, which would be possible to induce precipitation in advance in the path of moisture transport of disastrous storms, thus achieving disaster prevention (Fig.1-4).


谨代表清华大学建筑学院欢迎各位出席本次“清华设计科学大会”。我将通过回顾历史上两次与清华有关的大会来阐述为什么要举办设计科学大会。一次是1947 年4 月,梁思成先生与全球众多大师一道,参加了普林斯顿大学主办的“人类体形环境规划”大会,并在那次会后3 个月于 《文汇报》上公开了清华建筑第一份《学制学程计划草案》,革命性地提出了全尺度、人类体形环境设计思维,以及科学与艺术相融贯的“营建”学科群;另一次是1999 年国际建筑师协会大会,作为大会的科学委员会主席的吴良镛院士在大会上宣读了和清华团队起草的全球建筑师的跨世纪宣言:《北京宪章:建筑学的未来》。其中,吴良镛先生引用的沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯的一段方法论,或许也正是今日以建筑学为起点的设计科学之定义。我们对设计科学的答案的寻求远未结束,希望今天的大会对于我们的追寻带来思想的启迪。




首先以7·20 郑州特大暴雨灾害为引,介绍了近年来特大暴雨成为城市常态问题的主要原因,并提出了系统研究该问题的方法——水圈动力学理论,用全球水循环视野分析暴雨成因与调控方式。水圈与城市之间存在动态相互作用,由于水圈内水循环过程复杂,将水圈的运动结构化,有利于解析水圈运动带来城市极端天气的原理,并有助于实现对强降水的预测。最后,王院士还介绍了一种处于实验阶段的暴雨防御调控技术——声波增雨,有望在致灾暴雨水汽输送路径上提前诱导降水,从而实现防灾的目的(图1-4)。

1-4 郑州7·20特大暴雨及水圈动力学分析







Thomas Vonier President, UIA, 2017-2021 President, the American Institute of Aarchitects

Digital Capture/Machine Learning

Firstly, Mr Vonier introduced today what artificial intelligence can learn and complete, like built environment recognition based on images, and how AI can simulate and predict the human behaviours in certain situations, such as behavioural patterns of people during a fire,or the migration of people after the urban flooding. In the classic design cycle, from design to construction, with the feedback on design through the operating, monitoring and reporting of AI,is a logic of POE that is the core of design science. At the end, he said he really looked forward to Tsinghua's future exploration in the theory of Design Science, by applying which those key urban problems could be solved (Fig.9-12).

9-12 人工智能建模与预测的可能性

NIE Jianguo Academician, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,Tsinghua University Director, Institute of Future Towns and Infrastructure, Tsinghua University Director, Academic Committee of Tsinghua University

Insights from Engineering Practice and Structural Design Innovation

Academician NIE started with the characteristics of structure force to introduce the basic methodology and design target of innovative structure design, and point it out a series of projects in the one-sided pursuit of novelty, the unreasonable structural selection and system. Academician NIE addressed that economical and rational structural innovation should be promoted, instead of blindly chasing masters'designs, which cause waste and at the same time bring safety hazards. Structure engineers should pay attention to the rationality of design, construction and maintenance in close cooperation with architects, so as to achieve the goal of high-performance structures with low whole-life costs. Finally,Academician NIE took a series of projects inchuding the New Civil Engineering Building as examples, to demonstrate the progress of innovative structural design in recent years (Fig.5-8).

Chris Williamson Vice Chair, RIBA

"What", "How", "Why"

Mr Williamson began with his experience with his partner Weston, from school to internship, from competition to projects, summerising the most considering urban problems and their solutions, such as wayfinding and dozens of subway stations design in London they've completed. Their most specialized urban infrastructure projects were also seen in Australia. In Mr Williamson's consideration, the process and methods of design was fascinating, while participation and cooperation was the main focus. They managed their team by rational and reasonable ways. For "Why", Mr Williamson addressed that the contrast between the world's changing climate, the rapid advancement of technology and the slow evolution of mankind has prompted them to think about how they can respond through design more positively, to a greener and more sustainable future for human beings (Fig.13-16).



演讲以个人与合伙人Weston 的共同经历出发,从求学到实习,从竞赛到实践项目,历数他们最关注的城市问题及其解决方案,例如为应对寻路问题在伦敦完成的数十个地铁站点的设计项目。他们最专长的城市基础设施项目由欧洲扩展到澳大利亚。在威廉姆逊的关注中,设计的过程和方式引人入胜,参与和合作是其主线,他们运用理性的方式来管理项目团队。而在“why”的问题上,威廉姆逊表示,世界的气候变化、科技的突飞猛进与人类的缓慢演进形成鲜明对比,促使他们去思考如何更积极地通过设计回应人们未来更绿色、更可持续的生活(图13-16)。



演讲从遗产再生的角度,以海口骑楼老街为例,辨析了如何借助价值判定和设计干预,来认知、识别这种混杂性的历史环境,直面取舍和整合难题的挑战,不仅要较好地完成一项工程设计,并且要为产生新知识而艰辛探索。报告人 30 年前率队测绘骑楼老街,与多年后的项目设计结缘。报告首先分析了骑楼老街与建筑的 3 种主要遗产特征,进而循证地采取检测、修缮、改良和再生等技术与设计的干预范式与方法,来实现形体空间的新旧拼贴,激活街区几近消弭的文化特质及其场景氛围。报告人将这一历史环境的干预方法称为“与古为新”,最终目标是将价高质低、趋于衰败的骑楼街区,转化为海口整个老城区经济社会复兴的文化驱动源(图17-20)。彼得·罗素代尔夫特理工大学建筑学院教授清华大学深圳国际研究生院未来人居研究院院长

17-20 海口南洋风骑楼老街区整饬与再生研究工作


演讲以一个设计四象限的理论框架展开,深入理解剖析了设计过程背后的基本原理。4 个象限由理念、表征、虚拟、现实构成。在演讲中,罗素教授通过假设一系列设计活动,解析了以下问题:例如设计传统是如何从一个象限发展到另一个象限的,信息模型如何最终成为今天的关键领域之一,数据和证据如何在设计的过程中得到应用,创作过程与分析过程之间是怎样的关系,当然还有艺术与科学如何在设计中和谐共存,等等(图25-28)。




CHANG Qing Academician, the Chinese Academy of Science Honorary fellow of the American Institute of Architects Professor, CAUP, Tongji University

A Regeneration Design of the Arcade Streets Area in Haikou, Hainan Province

From the perspective of the regeneration of built heritage, Academician CHANG took the Arcade Streets Area in Haikou as the example, to argue that how to identify and recognize the complex historical environment by its value, facing the challenge of trades-offs and integration by design intervention. The work consumed not only a better design solution, but also the hard exploration for new knowledge. Academician CHANG chaired the surveying and mapping work 30 years ago, and thus bonding with the project design years later. He first analysed 3 main heritage characteristics of the arcade streets and buildings, and then adopted evidence-based technical and design intervention paradigms and methods, such as detection, restoration, improvement and regeneration, to achieve a spatial collage of old and new and to retrieve the neighbourhood's nearly extinct cultural features and activate its scenic atmosphere. He called this design methodology on historical environment "Yugu weixin" (combining the new with the classic of past), whose main purpose is to transform the highpriced, low quality and decaying arcade streets area into a cultural drive force for the economic and social revival of the entire old city of Haikou (Fig.17-20).

Peter Russell Professor, School of Architecture, TU Delft Dean, Institute for Futuren Human Habitat Studies, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School

Design Science: During the Process of Design

Professor Russell's speech was based on a theoretical framework of the four quadrants of design,and provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals behind the design process. The four quadrants were Potential, Real, Virtual and Actual. Professor Russell made several arguments by making assumptions of a series of design activities, such as how design traditions have evolved from one quadrant to another; how information modelling eventually became one of the key areas today;how data and evidence are being used in the design process; how the creative process relates to the analytical process; and of course, how art and science can co-exist in harmony in design; Russell concluded to describe how this applies to the life-cycle of each building (Fig.25-28).

25-28 设计过程四象限分析

ZHUANG Weimin Academician, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Professor, School of Architecture,Tsinghua University Dean, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University

A Study on Test and Training of Spatial Ability of Architecture Students

Academician Zhuang attempts to uncover the science behind design by taking a close look at the architectural design education. Based on his postgraduate student TANG Renjie's research, his speeach started with one question: how to measure students' design ability when teaching them skills of design? And his hypothesis was that there is a positive correlation between spatial ability and architectural design skills. Based on current research in cognitive psychology, Academician Zhuang decomposed spatial ability and designed a set of spatial ability testing methods in an attempt to establish the correlation between spatial ability and design skills through this experiment, with a view of guiding the reform and renewal of current architectural design education (Fig.21-24).

David Hogue Director of UX Design in Google

Design Science

Mr Hogue's speech started with "Scientist-Practitioner Model", a clever introduction to the iterative system of knowledge accumulation in design science - how to move from the learning of theoretical



演讲从“科学家—实践者模型”切入,巧妙地介绍了设计科学的知识迭代积累体系——如何从理论方法的学习和应用转向针对问题进行研究并形成更好的实践范式,从而影响下一个阶段理论方法的学习内容。此外,霍格先生还给出了清晰的设计科学的定义、起源,过去60 年的发展,以及设计过程与科学过程的异同比较。霍格先生在建成空间设计领域,结合个人的用户体验设计经验与思考进行了拓展与联想,并深刻地提示了信息系统设计、虚拟空间与真实空间之间可能的合而为一(图29-32)。

29-32 设计科学的知识迭代积累体系



演讲从文化多样性的意义、城市空间与文化多样性、文化多样性可持续发展问题、空间基因的发现与提出,以及空间基因的科学研究设计应用5 个部分展开。在段院士的介绍中,“空间基因”理论跳脱了主观形式分析的局限,通过对空间要素的组合规律的循证研究,跨越了视觉审美意义解读的阻隔。“空间基因”理论揭示了建成空间中具有普遍规律性基础模式的存在,为城市规划与设计提供了一种强有力的设计科学工具(图33-36)。

卡罗·拉蒂麻省理工大学教授MIT 可感知城市实验室创始人、主任


演讲题目来自“设计科学”的提出者巴克敏斯特·富勒的著作《乌托邦还是被遗忘:人类的前景》,拉蒂教授从当今时代的最大挑战——气候变化出发,检视设计所能扮演的重要角色。他围绕城市可持续、数据支持设计,分别介绍了近年在研究城市中所做的3 个项目:赫尔辛基无碳供暖、HubCab 出租车数据平台及哥本哈根自行车轮设计,总结了通过设计科学成功干预的必要因素:由全球共性问题驱动的设计任务、多部门合作、定义明确的数学模型,以及强有力的设计整合(图37-40)。


本次大会的举办,或许可为我们的学科未来发展带来一些乐观与信心。我们从中获得了设计科学背景下一个关于未来前景的拼图,从最人文的关怀,到最具实验性的工程技术,他们都可以通过某种循证的方式,各自通过自己的渠道,校正、增进传统的设计进程。传统学科里的美和诗意不会改变,我们抵达它的方式可能会变得更加精确、更加强有力。□methods and their application to researching and developing better paradigms of design in response to problems, and thus influencing the next stage of learning theoretical methods. In addition, Mr Hogue gives a clear definition of design science, its origin, its development over the past 60 years,and a comparison between the design process and the scientific process. Mr Hogue also explored and associated his personal experience and thoughts in the field of built space design with his own UX design, and suggested the possible merge of information systems design, virtual space and real space with great insigh (Fig.29-32).

DUAN Jin Academician, the Chinese Academy of Science Professor, the Southeast University

Space Gene: Sustainable design for cultural diversity

Academician DUAN's speech was consist of five parts: the meaning of cultural diversity, the relationship between urban space and cultural diversity, the sustainability of cultural diversity, the discovery of space gene, and the scientific research and design intervention of space gene. In his introduction, the theory of "space gene" get rid of the limitation of subjective formal analysis, and go beyond the barrier of interpreting visual aesthetic meaning through an evidence-based study of combination patterns of spatial elements. The theory of "space gene" reveals the existence of a universal pattern of regular foundations in built spaces, which provides a competing design science tool for urban planning and design (Fig.33-36).

Carlo Ratti Professor, MIT Founder, Director, Senseable City Lab, MIT

Utopia or Oblivion: Toward a "Nature-Positive" Design

The title of this speech came partially fromUtopia or Oblivion: the Prospect for Humanityby Buckminster Fuller who first promoted "Design Science". Professor Ratti started from the biggest problem of our present - Climate Change, to examine the important role that design could take today.He respectively presented three projects he has done in recent years in researching cities regarding urban sustainability and data-driven design: Helsinki Hot Heart, HubCab, and the Copenhagen Wheel. He summerised the necessary factors a successful design intervention should have: a design task driven by common global problems, multi-sector collaboration, a well-defined mathematical model, and a strong ability of design integration (Fig.37-40).

37-40 数据驱动型设计实践示例

ZHANG Li National Master of Engineering Design and Geotechnique Investigation Dean, Professor, School of Architecture,Tsinghua University

The holding of this conference may bring some optimism and confidence to the future development of our discipline. From this, we have obtained a puzzle about the future prospects in the context of design science. From the most humanistic care to the most experimental engineering technology,they can all correct and enhance our traditional design process in some evidence-based way, each through their own channels. The beauty and poetry of our traditional discipline will not change, and the way we arrive at it may become more precise and powerful.□

