Public cloud to double to $ 90b by 2025 in nation
China' s next wave of cloud migration is expected to bespearheaded by critical industrial and manufacturing sec-tors, and the country' s public cloud market will more thandouble from $32 billion in 2021 to $90 billion by 2025, saidglobal management consulting firm McKinsey& Company.
According to the latest report from McKinsey, despite arelatively late start, China has made enormous progress interms of cloud migration speed and has become the world' ssecond-largest cloud market.
Over the next few years, the speed of cloud migration inChina will be broadly in line with the rest of the world, witha 19-percentage- point increase expected in IT workloadsshifting to the cloud between 2021 and 2025.
However, China differs from other countries in its highproportion of private cloud, which is expected to reach 42percent by 2025, compared with 36 percent for the publiccloud.
McKinsey' s survey suggested that only 11 percent ofthe companies surveyed plan to be mostly on the publiccloud. The remainder will continue to use a private cloudwith traditional servers or use a hybrid cloud.
"Cloud adoption is strongly correlated with digitaltransformation. By 2025, 78 percent of all IT workloads willbe on cloud in China," said Kai Shen, partner at McKinsey."But when we look across the cloud adoption of businessuse cases with P&L impact, we find that adoption rates aremuch lower at between 0 percent to 25 percent."
P&L is an indicator that can show a company's ability toincrease its profit, either by reducing costs and expenses or in-creasing sales.
"It demonstrates that Chinese companies still have enor-mous opportunities to develop, adopt and scale use of cloud,for example in dynamic pricing and personalization, digitaltwins and three-dimensional simulations, sales forecastingand inventory optimization," he said.
In terms of industries, the report also pointed out thatsectors with numerous tech-savvy and digital-native compa-nies, such as e-commerce and education, have already shift-ed a significant portion of their IT workloads to the cloud inChina.
Labor-intensive industrial and manufacturing sectors,on the contrary, have not done that. But that could quicklychange given the latest national policy guidance, it added.