




徐连勇1, 2, 3

(1. 天津大学材料科学与工程学院,天津 300350;2. 天津市现代连接技术重点实验室,天津 300350;3. 天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室,天津 300350)





1 极端复杂环境下材料的服役损伤微观机制

1.1 基于析出物微观演变的耐热钢高温蠕变、疲劳及交互作用下的损伤机制


图1 铁素体耐热钢焊接接头组织与Ⅳ型裂纹

图2 Laves相与M23C6相伴存在

图3 M23C6辅助Laves相形核与协同长大机制

图4 Ⅳ型蠕变裂纹形成机制


图5 焊接接头细晶区高拘束应力状态

图6 三晶粒交汇处微空穴与晶界变形交互作用

1.2 管线钢焊接接头大应变与抗应力腐蚀综合性能协同提升机制


图7 高应变带来的脆化与氢脆敏感性问题


图8 不同T8/5下的焊接热影响区组织

图9 不同T8/5下的焊接热影响区综合性能

2 焊接接头综合性能协同提升的组织调控原理


2.1 抑制Ⅳ型裂纹的铁素体耐热钢焊接接头组织调控原理



2.2 协同提升大应变与抗腐蚀综合性能的管线钢焊接接头组织调控原理


图11 二次调控焊接热循环

3 极端复杂环境下含缺陷结构寿命的精准预测理论


3.1 高温蠕变疲劳裂纹寿命精准预测模型与服役性能评价方法


图13 C*-Q*双参量法蠕变裂纹萌生预测模型

图14 C*-Q*双参量法蠕变裂纹扩展预测模型


图15 便携式微创取样机与超小型微创高温蠕变疲劳试验机

图16 分段计算微试样变形的改进锥模型

3.2 深海油气管道全寿期极端复杂工况下断裂评定精准模型与服役性能评价方法


图18 全尺寸管道大变形极限评价装置

4 结 语


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Long-Life and High-Reliability Welded Structures

Xu Lianyong1, 2, 3

(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China;2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Joining Technology,Tianjin 300350,China;3. State Key Laboratory of Engines,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China)

Progress in research on the design and forming manufacturing of modern equipment structures is often challenged by extremely complex environments and requirements of long life and safe service. The weakest points of welded structures are the welded joints. This work proposes a collaborative microstructural control principle to improve the comprehensive performance of welded joints in complex environments by considering the characteristics of thermal power steam pipes,deep-sea oil and gas pipelines,and other energy equipment in the main line. Common problems related to the service safety of main pipelines in extremely complex environments are addressed by examining the material micro-damage mechanism of pipeline failure. Accurate life prediction theory for pipelines with defects is presented,and the corresponding standards are established. Finally,a long-life and high-reliability welded structure design,forming technology,evaluation theory,and technical system that integrates material joint structures is demonstrated.

long life;reliability;welded structure;forming manufacturing;collaborative improvement







徐连勇(1975—  ),男,博士,教授.



Supported by the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China(No. 52025052),the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 51975405,No. 51575382,No. 51475326,No. 50975196,No. 50805103).

徐连勇,天津大学北洋讲席教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,长期从事长寿命高可靠性焊接方面的研究工作,发展了以长寿命为目标的焊接设计、成形制造及评价技术体系,解决了提高寿命预测精度、提升焊接接头综合性能等制约管道极端复杂环境长寿命服役的关键瓶颈问题,排名第一获省部级科技进步一等奖3项,牵头制定了我国电力行业第一个高温缺陷寿命评估标准.以第一发明人获授权发明专利35件(含美国1件)、软件著作权4项.以第一作者或通信作者在Acta Mater等期刊发表SCI收录论文150余篇,SCI他引1200余次.现担任中国焊接学会常务理事、焊接力学及结构设计与制造专委会主任和国际焊接学会IIW C-Ⅹ委员会中国代表,主持撰写《中国焊接技术路线图》、《中国焊接1994—2016》中“焊接结构”章节,连续3年负责撰写《IIW研究进展报告》“焊接接头性能与断裂预防(IIW C-Ⅹ)”和“压力容器、锅炉与管道焊接(IIW C-Ⅺ)”两个专委会的年度报告.

(责任编辑:田 军)

