

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年9期

广东 程志丽

深受家庭困扰,“我”的成绩一落千丈。 班主任贾斯廷夫人关注到“我”的变化,并从此走进“我”的生活……

1It was a most difficult period. Things at home were getting from bad to worse. Dad became frustrated and more silent, especially after he was told that he couldn't continue working. Mum was always temperamental (喜怒无常的) as she could not make ends meet with her low income as a factory operator. I had been an above-average student, but now I was doing poorly in school.

2I was very afraid of coming home after school.Dad would come home late and went straight into his room, refusing to communicate with Mum and I. When he fell asleep, I would often hear Mum's repeated helpless sighs. I could do nothing to ease the depressing situation at home and this realization caused me a great deal of pain and frustration.

3It was at this point that Mrs Justin entered my life. A soft-spoken woman in her late forties, she was my class teacher. As alert as she was, she quickly noticed the change that had come over me. One day, during break, I was standing alone in one corner of the canteen when Mrs Justin spotted me. She gestured for me to follow her. We headed for the library where she signaled me to take a seat next to her. I sat with my head bent. “Helen,” she called. I lifted my head and looked at her. I saw the warmth, the love, and the compassion in her lovely eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried my best to hold them back. However, I could not. They started flowing down my cheeks. She held my hands and waited. When I had finished,she asked me if I wanted to tell her my problem. I told her. She listened in concentration with the patience of a saint. At the end of my story, she gave me a lesson on life and its ups and downs. As I heard her talk, my admiration for this woman grew. Something in me changed. Before this meeting, I had felt I was a failure. However, as the meeting progressed, I felt different. I knew Mrs Justin cared about me.

Reading Check


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

In the days that followed, Mrs Justin helped me a lot.________________________







Paragraph 2:

After the exam, Mrs Justin announced that I was the top student in the class._____










Who I, once an 1. ___________student but now doing 2. ____________in school;Mrs Justin, my class teacher, a 3. ____________and 4. ___________woman in her late forties;Dad, out of work, frustrated and more silent;Mum, earning a low income, always temperamental and sighing at night.When In a most 5. ____________period for me Where 6.____________What 7. ____________days with my teacher beside Why Because Mrs Justin 8. ____________me and helped me a lot and I got improved and learned a lot from her.


What is the text about? And what does the author want to tell us through her experience?




Expressions Chinese meaning 1. make ends meet 2. an above-average student 3. do poorly in 4. cause sb a great deal of pain and frustration 5. spot sb 6. gesture for sb to do/signal sb to do 7. head for/to 8. sit with one's head bent 9. lift one's head and look at sb 10. Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried my best to hold them back.11. Tears started flowing down my cheeks.12. listen in concentration with the patience of a saint 13. give sb a lesson on 14. care about


1. 状语从句

Dad became frustrated and more silent, especially after he was told that he couldn't continue working. (Para. 1)


Mum was always temperamental as she could not make ends meet with her low income as a factory operator. (Para. 1)


When he fell asleep, I would often hear Mum's repeated helpless sighs. (Para. 2)


I was standing alone in one corner of the canteen when Mrs Justin spotted me.(Para.3)


As I heard her talk, my admiration for this woman grew. (Para. 3)


However, as the meeting progressed, I felt different. (Para. 3)


2. 定语从句

As alert as she was,she quickly noticed the change that had come over me.(Para.3)


We headed for the library where she signaled me to take a seat next to her. (Para. 3)


3. 强调句型

It was at this point that Mrs Justin entered my life. (Para. 3)


4. and连接几个连续的动作动词

I lifted my head and looked at her. (Para. 3)


Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried my best to hold them back. (Para. 3)


She held my hands and waited. (Para. 3)



1. 随着时间的推移,约翰先生看起来更开朗了。 (使用状语从句)


2. 我妈妈会把我们能剩下的任何食物带给我们的新朋友。 (使用定语从句)


3. 正是在这个关键时刻,我想到了一个好主意。 (使用强调句型)


4. 女孩停止哭泣,往后退了退,然后开始唱歌。 (and连接连续的动作动词)




(对……)感到幸福/高兴 be/feel happy/glad/pleased/delighted/joyful/overjoyed/exhilarated...feel a surge of happiness/delight/joy喜出望外/欣喜若狂 (be) overcome/overwhelmed/consumed/wild with happiness/delight/joy对……笑 smile/grin/beam at sb幸福/高兴地 with (great) happiness/joy/delight幸福/高兴(通过动作体现)jump with joy; beam with pleasure; wear a broad/shining/bright smile(on sb's face); roar with laughter; dance with joy and happiness wag its tail furiously; leap into sb's arms and lick sb's face




1. 高兴极了,他们紧紧地抱住对方。

Overwhelmed with joy, they held each other tightly.

So joyful did they feel that they held each other tightly.

2. 她对我咧嘴一笑,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦和幸福。

She grinned at me, her eyes twinkling with joy and happiness.


3. 她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。 (比喻)

The smile on her face shone like a diamond.

4. 听到这个好消息,一股幸福感突然向她袭来。 (拟人)

Hearing the good news, a sudden surge of happiness took hold of her.

5. 人们对于幸福的感受在许多方面都有所不同。 (夸张)

People's feelings of happiness are differnt in a thousand and one ways.



根据续写第一段的段首句“接下来的日子里,贾斯廷夫人帮助了我很多”和续写第二段的段首句“考试结束后,贾斯廷夫人宣布我是班上的尖子生”可推测,续写第一段的内容应围绕贾斯廷夫人给予“我”帮助,以及“我”信心满满地迎接考试而展开。 写作时,可结合原文对贾斯廷夫人的描述——温柔、敏感等性格特点推测贾斯廷夫人可能给予的帮助。 具体情节发展,可根据以下问题链推测:

1. How did Mrs Justin help me?

2. How did I feel and what would I do?

3. What kind of change would I make?

4. How did I feel about the exam?


1. How did I feel?

2. Did our meeting that day continue? If so, what would Mrs Justin do?

3. What did I learn from Mrs Justin?

4. What did Mrs Justin mean to me?


产业遴选 谁是“尖子生”