

疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年9期



Reading Check

1~3 ACB


Reading Check

1~4 CABD


Reading Check

1~4 BDAC


Reading Check

1~4 DADB


Reading Check

1~3 CAB


Reading Check

1.three 2.nutrition 3.also 4.exercise

5. happier


A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among children. Take myself for example.

A year ago, I got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food. Besides, I spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and did little exercise. As a result, I put on so much weight, which made it difficult for me to climb the stairs.

So I decided to change the unhealthy lifestyle.Not only did I begin to have a balanced diet, but I also took an active part in various sports, such as swimming, skating,running and playing basketball. Months later, I became as fit as before. I will keep on exercising and have a healthy lifestyle.



Reading Check

1~4 BCBA


Reading Check

1~4 BCAB


Reading Check

1~4 CDAC

Language Study

I was watching TV when suddenly the power was off.


Reading Check

1~4 DBAB


Reading Check

1~4 ABDC


Reading Check

1~4 DABC


Reading Check

1~4 BACA


Reading Check

Simple words from the author's music teacher at elementary school changed the author.




Reading Check

She wants her son to be treated gently.


Reading Check

They can tour a historical museum, a temple and an academy of classical learning.


Reading Check

The school is not only about dancing but also an opportunity for young people to be inspired to develop their career paths and life goals.


Reading Check

It's an adventure that is short, simple, local, cheap—yet still fun, exciting,challenging, refreshing and rewarding.



1~4 ABDD



1. It was not long before a helicopter arrived

2. The Great Wall is so well-known that


A cross-country running race

Last Sunday, a three-kilometre crosscountry running race was held in my school, which drew about 100 students and teachers. Liu Yang, Zhang Tao and Zhao Ming participated in the race, representing our class.

The participants stood on the starting line in the school stadium, excited and energetic. Hearing the gunshot, all of them dashed off. With people cheering along the way, they all felt encouraged. It wasn't long before they got to the turning point and they made their way back. When the first runner set foot on the tracks in the stadium, everyone cheered. In the end, all the runners succeeded in passing the finish line.

The race not only enriched our school life, but also made us realize the significance of persistence. We all look forward to the next race!



1~4 CDBC



1. where we had met for the first time

2. along with other famous poets

3. adapted from/based on a real-life incident


My sports story

I've been a sports nut since childhood. That's why when my PE teacher presented me with the idea of joining the swimming team, I realized that I ought to give it a shot. At first, I only regarded it as a hobby to enhance my physical fitness.But soon I found I became increasingly fascinated by it and persisted with practice on a daily basis. I even broke the school record in a competition, which proved that hard work pays off. I will keep on swimming, perhaps for the rest of my life. And my ultimate goal is to realize my dream of being a swimming coach and help more people benefit from it.




I used to be an unhealthy boy. I got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food.Besides, I spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and did little exercise.As a result,I put on so much weight,which made it difficult for me to climb the stairs.

Now I decide to change the unhealthy lifestyle. Not only do I begin to have a balanced diet, but I also take an active part in various sports, such as swimming, skating, running and playing basketball. Consequently, I become healthier. I will keep on exercising and live a healthy life. A healthy diet and regular exercise do make a difference.




1. above-average 2. poorly

3. soft-spoken 4. alert 5. difficult

6. At school 7. The happiest

8. cared about

(二)主题探索The text tells us that with the help and company of the class teacher, the author spent her happiest days at school and finally she got improved both in study and spirit, even though the author fell far behind in study because of the depressed and anguished atmosphere in her family.The author wants to tell us that life is a journey with ups and downs and we should work hard with a calm and warm heart.



1. 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计

2. 中等以上学生

3. 在……方面表现不佳

4. 给某人造成极大的痛苦和挫败感

5. 发现某人

6. 示意某人做某事

7. 前往;朝……去

8. 低头坐着

9. 抬头看某人

10. 泪水涌上眼眶,我尽力忍住。

11. 眼泪开始顺着我的脸颊流下来。

12. 以圣人般的耐心专心聆听

13. 给某人关于……的教训

14. 关心;在意

(三)即学即用1. As time went on, Mr John looked more cheerful.

2. My mother would bring over whatever food (that) we could spare to our new friends.

3. It was at the crucial moment that an excellent idea occurred to me.

4. The girl stopped crying, stepped back and then began to sing.


Paragraph 1:

In the days that followed, Mrs Justin helped me a lot. As I had been far behind in my study, she first made it a point to discuss my work at school with me. One day, after our discussion, she put forward that she would accompany me home. Surprised, I looked up at her for seconds and finally nodded to agree. She patted my hand and comforted me in her soft voice,“Don't worry.” Not trying to hold back the tears again, I let them flow, sensing the happiness of being loved. After that day,Dad didn't come home late and I seldom heard Mum's sighs. Though it only lasted for days, there was a profound change in me. I was confident that success would belong to me in the approaching exam.

Paragraph 2:

After the exam, Mrs Justin announced that I was the top student in the class. The whole world fell into silence except for my thumping heart. As I looked at her, a sudden surge of happiness took hold of me. At our meeting that day, Mrs Justin first congratulated on my success and then she stated that I had gone through one of my downs in my life and was welcoming my up for this period. Thanks to her, I learnt that life is a journey with ups and downs and what I should do is work hard with a calm and warm heart. For a very long time,it was one of the happiest days I had in school. For my whole life, Mrs Justin is a teacher that I admire and appreciate. It is she that brightened my past days and guides the direction of my life.



第一部分 单句语法填空

1. in 2. fitness 3. to tell 4. injured

5. with/against 6. pretended

7. Millions 8. to master 9. on

10. positively 11. stressful

12. Compared 13. difference 14. than

15. of

第二部分 完成句子

1. come along 2. Working out

3. make it 4. set an example to

5. fell apart/down 6. lose heart

7. never give up 8. seemed to be

9. make sense 10. Even if/though

11. get into a bad habit

12. make a difference

第三部分 阅读



本文是一篇应用文。 文章介绍了伦敦的四个有名的宾馆。

1~3 CAD


本文是一篇记叙文。 文章主要讲述了理查德·西尔斯专注于研究中国文化的故事。

4~7 BABD


本文是一篇说明文。 文章介绍了什么是竞走、竞走的好处以及竞走时的注意事项。

8~11 CCBA


本文是一篇说明文。 文章主要介绍了巴黎人的穿衣风格。

12~15 DBAB


本文是一篇说明文。 文章主要介绍了太极拳的一些好处。

16~20 BEAGF

第四部分 语言运用


本文是一篇记叙文。 文章讲述了作者通过刻苦训练赢得马拉松比赛的故事。

1~5 CDBDA 6~10 CACBB

11~15 ADBCD


本文是一篇说明文。 随着假期的来临,青少年应多进行体育锻炼,为新学期充电。 文章介绍了一些适合年轻人的体育运动。

16. is 17. helpful 18. from/against

19. To improve 20. choices

21. designed 22. that/which 23. are

24. fully 25. and

第五部分 写作


My favorite sport

Swimming has been my favorite sport since I was 5 years old. I like it so much and the reasons are as follows.

First, it is an excellent form of exercise to keep my body in perfect shape. In addition, it is also an effective way to relax. I swim with a very low effort, focusing on nothing but the rhythm of my stroke which helps me gain a feeling of well-being. Furthermore, swimming is a wonderful recreational activity. I took part in several swimming competitions and got top prizes.


Paragraph 1:

When it was finally time for Carl to sing, the music played on, and he froze.His little face grew pale, and we could see the panic in his eyes as the silence grew.The pianist started the music again but still nothing came out. The entire audience seemed to lean forward in expectation. The silence seemed enormous. The whole family of us were all staring at our little boy, hoping he would cheer up and act out his part. Then the pianist started over again, and a low voice filled the air,singing the song.

Paragraph 2:

Everyone turned to see who was singing, while I knew it was my brother.The color came back to Carl's face, and his eyes began to sparkle. He opened his mouth and began to sing along, his little voice growing stronger with each word. The show ended with thunderous applause,with the kids bowing dramatically, accepting their praise for a job well done. I turned to my brother with tears in my eyes.I knew at that time no words needed to be spoken—the understanding between us was louder than the applause that night.

