A Great Mistake


英语世界 2022年7期


An Italian kept a fruit-stand on a corner where he had good aim at the people who came down from the elevatedstation,and at those who went along two throngedstreets.He sat most of the day in a backless chair that was placed strategically.


2 There was a babe living hard by,up five flights of stairs,who regarded this Italian as a tremendous being.The babe had investigated this fruit-stand.It had thrilled him as few things he had met with in his travels had thrilled him.The sweets of the world had laid there in dazzling rows,tumbled in luxurious heaps.When he gazed at this Italian seated amid such splendid treasures,his lower lip hung low and his eyes,raised to the vendor’s face,were filled with deep respect,worship,as if he saw omnipotence.

2 距水果摊往上五段阶梯高的地方,住着一个穷苦的小男孩,在他眼里,这个意大利人是个了不起的大人物。小男孩早已打探过这个水果摊。在他的游历过程中,很少遇见能像这个水果摊一样使他兴奋的事物,仿佛世上最好的甘果都一排排陈列跟前,堆成大大的果堆,令人目眩。小男孩吃惊地张大了嘴,抬眼凝视坐在这堆绚丽瑰宝当中的小贩,眼中充满深深的崇敬,仿佛看到了万能的神。

3 The babe came often to this corner.He hovered about the stand and watched each detail of the business.He was fascinated by the tranquilityof the vendor,the majesty of power and possession.At times he was so engrossed in his contemplationthat people,hurrying,had to use care to avoid bumping him down.

3 小男孩时常来到拐角,盘桓在摊子周围,观察那里的每一处细节。在他看来,小贩就是拥有着权力和财富的君王,而小贩安详的神态吸引着他。有时,他浮想联翩,沉迷其中,赶路的行人不得不留心避开以免撞倒他。

4 He had never ventured very near to the stand.It was his habit to hang warily about the curb.Even there he resembled a babe who looks unbiddenat a feast of gods.

4 小男孩从不敢靠得太近,他总是小心翼翼地徘徊在路边。即使在那里,他仍然像个小娃娃,不由自主地望着这一席众神的盛宴。

5 One day,however,as the baby was thus staring,the vendor arose,and going along the front of the stand,began to polish oranges with a red pocket handkerchief.The breathless spectator moved across the sidewalk until his small face almost touched the vendor’s sleeve.His fingers were gripped in a fold of his dress.

5 有一天,正当小男孩又在路边眼巴巴瞧着的时候,小贩站了起来,绕到摊前,拿起红手帕开始擦拭橙子。小男孩一边屏气盯着,一边穿过人行道靠近水果摊。他的脸几乎能碰到小贩的衣袖,而他的手指则卷在外套的一处褶皱里。

6 At last,the Italian finished with the oranges and returned to his chair.He drew a newspaper printed in his language from behind a bunch of bananas.He settled himself in a comfortable position,and began to glare savagely at the print.The babe was left face to face with the massed joys of the world.For a time he was a simple worshipper at this golden shrine.Then tumultuousdesires began to shake him.His dreams were of conquest.His lips moved.Presently into his head there came a little plan.He sidled nearer,throwing swift and cunning glances at the Italian.He strove to maintain his conventional manner,but the whole plot was written upon his countenance.

6 意大利人终于擦完了橙子,坐回椅子上。他从一串香蕉后面抽出一份意大利报纸,舒舒服服地坐好,死死地盯着报纸看了起来。这样,小男孩就直面那成堆的诱人之物了。起初,他只是单纯地欣赏着这个金灿灿如神龛般的水果摊。接着,一股强烈的欲望袭上心头,他想得到水果,双唇咂动起来。此刻,他的脑中闪现一个小小的计划。他悄悄向前挪近,狡黠的目光飞快地投向意大利人。他竭力想表现如常,但整个计划都写在了脸上。

7 At last he had come near enough to touch the fruit.From the tattered skirt came slowly his small dirty hand.His eyes were still fixed upon the vendor.His features were set,save for the under lip,which had a faint fluttering movement.The hand went forward.

7 终于,小男孩近得可以够到水果了。他从破破烂烂的外套下面慢慢伸出脏兮兮的小手,眼睛仍然紧盯着小贩。除了下嘴唇微微抖动外,他的五官纹丝不动,而他的手继续向前探去。

8 Elevated trains thundered to the station and the stairway poured people upon the sidewalks.There was a deep sea roar from feet and wheels going ceaselessly.None seemed to perceive the babe engaged in a great venture.

8 列车在高架上轰隆隆地驶进车站,人流从阶梯向下涌上人行道。脚步声和车轮声杂沓,如同深海的轰鸣,似乎没人注意到这个正在冒很大风险的小男孩。

9 The Italian turned his paper.Sudden panic smotethe babe.His hand dropped,and he gave vent toa cry of dismay.He remained for a moment staring at the vendor.There was evidently a great debate in his mind.His infant intellect had defined this Italian.The latter was undoubtedly a man who would eat babes that provoked him.And the alarm in the babe when this monarch had turned his newspaper brought vividly before him the consequences if he were detected.But at this moment the vendor gave a blissful grunt,and tilting his chair against a wall,closed his eyes.His paper dropped unheeded.

9 意大利人翻了一下报纸。小男孩吓了一跳,不由地“啊”了一声,把手垂下。他的目光在小贩身上停留了片刻,内心显然正进行着激烈的斗争。在幼小的他看来,这个意大利人肯定会吃了那些胆敢招惹他的小孩。那个高高在上的小贩翻动报纸时带给小男孩的惊吓让他清楚意识到自己被发现将会面临的严重后果。然而此时,小贩惬意地哼了一声,让椅子斜靠着墙,闭上了眼睛,手中的报纸散落地上而毫无察觉。

10 The babe ceased his scrutinyand again raised his hand.It was moved with supreme caution toward the fruit.The fingers were bent,claw-like,in the manner of great heart-shaking greed.Once he stopped and chattered convulsively,because the vendor moved in his sleep.The babe,with his eyes still upon the Italian,again put forth his hand,and the rapaciousfingers closed over a round bulb.

10 小男孩不再迟疑,重新抬起手来,小心翼翼地伸向水果。他的手指像钩爪一样弯着,透露出惊人的贪婪。可他又停了下来,身体痉挛似的抖动,因为小贩在睡梦中动了一下。小男孩眼睛仍盯着意大利人,继续把手向前伸,手指贪婪地抓住一个球形水果。

11 And it was written that the Italian should at this moment open his eyes.He glared at the babe a fierce question.Thereupon the babe thrust the round bulb behind him,and with a face expressive of the deepest guilt,began a wild but elaborateseries of gestures declaring his innocence.The Italian howled.He sprang to his feet,and with three steps overtook the babe.He whirledhim fiercely,and took from the little fingers a lemon.■

11 意大利人就在这一刻睁开了双眼。他狠狠瞪着小男孩,眼神带着质问。于是小男孩立刻把攥着球状水果的手藏到身后,可却满脸愧疚,拼命做出一连串手势表明自己的清白。而意大利人怒吼一声,跳将起来,三步就赶上了小男孩,将他猛地扳过身来,从他的小手中夺下一个柠檬。 □


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