Logistics Innovation Reveals Emerging Technologies


英语世界 2022年7期

The major component driving the advancement of the logistics industry is the digital transformation.Emerging technologies offer new solutions to tackle existing challenges such as warehouse automation,last-mile delivery,and transportation optimization.For logistic companies striving to survive in this highly competitive industry,it is vital to innovate rapidly and integrate new solutions.


Automated guided vehicles (AGVs)


Considered the ground equivalent of drones in last-mile delivery,automated guided vehicles hold an even greater potential for disruptionin the logistics industry.Logistics companies willing to innovate in this area can draw from various use cases such as last-mile delivery,line-haul transportation,and warehousing operations.In warehousing,the main application,AGVs massively contribute to a new paradigmof material handlingby meeting full automation.In last-mile delivery,significant progress is made as well with automated guided vehicles even being ahead of drones as the regulatory system is more open towards them.


Robotics & automation


In less structured environments,robots are already capable of manipulating objects,therefore,supporting zero-defects logistics processes and massively supporting performance as well as improving sensing capabilities up to a point where they nearly substitute manual handling.These robots are either 100% automated or collaborate with people (“cobot”).A few of the use cases are remarkably conceivable: fully automatic solutions unload containers or palletize which establishes new application areas such as collaborative,pick& place,and shelving robots among many others.Whereas large companies focus on integration (building hardware and combining it with vision/tactilesolutions),cutting-edge startups tend to specialize on vision and tactile solutions,one of the biggest opportunities in the robotics area as they aim to solve challenges such as speed,picking from random,part quality vision,and color contrast.


Augmented reality (AR)& wearables


Wearable technology such as smart clothing,bionicarms or smart contact lenses act as a powerful support tool for the human workforce.Adding an augmented reality system such as wearable cameras or smart-glass displays unlocks additional value for logistics companies,e.g.gamification to train & onboardnew employees or the utilization of smart glasses for picking,positioning and scanning to empower employees to work hands-free.




Drones (akaunmanned aerial vehicles)begin to disrupt the industry by offering in- and outdoor use cases such as last-mile delivery,inventory management,security,inspection scanning,serving as collaborative tools for delivering items between employees inside the warehouse as well as certain material handling scenarios.Though drones are not expected to replace ground delivery entirely (see AGVs for reference),this technology has a significant impact on logistics processes.


Last-mile delivery


As the rise of ecommerce has reinforced the importance of customer preferences and demands,last-mile delivery has become a vital aspect for logistics companies.Through making use of smart lockers,a flexible courier workforce along with the power of the crowd,last-mile delivery acts as a key differentiator in terms of customer satisfaction.


Anticipatory logistics


Though anticipatory logistics is not yet very common in the industry,it is without a doubt that it will become a powerful asset.Implemented through software solutions,anticipatory logistics predict demand before it occurs.This enables logistics companies to substantially improve efficiency through reduced delivery time and better utilization of their transport capacity and network through predictive algorithms derived from big data.


Machine learning


Machine learning or,as it is sometimes called self-learning,is one technology bound to transform the logistics industry as we know it today.Because this form of Artificial Intelligence (AI)requires very little human intervention and adapts algorithms according to the data received,it becomes more efficient automatically.Some application areas for machine learning in the logistics industry include the optimization of algorithms for shippers to select carriers,route and do quality control,the use of natural language processing (NLP)to speed up data entries,as well as the optimization of storage,order picking,order validation and waste reduction in the warehouse.Ultimately,this results in process optimization and the automation of decision making in logistics.


Internet of Things (IoT)


Logistics companies are widely expected to take full advantage of the Internet of Things as it holds many promises.Some of the many application areas include smart objects taking part in event-drivenprocesses,asset tracking within the warehouse and in the delivery status,environment sensing (e.g.freshness monitoring),and fleet management.Overall,the IoT adds massive value across the entire supply chain including warehousing,last-mile delivery,and freight transportation.■

人们普遍认为物流公司会充分利用物联网,因为物联网潜力多多。物联网应用领域广泛,其中包括:参与事件驱动流程的智能物体、储存和交付状态下的资产跟踪、环境感知(如新鲜度监测)以及车队管理。总之,物联网为整个供应链带来巨大价值,惠及仓储、最后一英里交付及货物运输。 □


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