


尚晓进 顾怡燕

[摘 要] 江南是风景美丽,繁华的地方,是人间的天堂。它有那么多的美丽醉人的神话、传说和故事。文章主要应用许渊冲先生的三美策略,从花草树木、水、山、歌伎舞女和酒五个不同方面展示宋词中江南文化的翻译策略。

[关键词] 宋词;文化;翻译

[中图分类号]H315.9 [文献标志码]A




江南可译为south of the Yangtze River,或south of the Yangtze,或southern lands,或south of the low reaches of the Yangtze,或southeast of the Yangtze。笔者从五个方面分析翻译的策略。







Tune:Spring in the South of the Yangtze River

Without end the clear green waves flow and flow,

With affection sway and sway the tender willows.

By the lone village the grass with the scent of our love extends to the horizon,

In the setting sunlight the apricot blossoms fading like my face here and there fly.

I'm heartbroken in the south of the Yangtze River in the spring late,

Clover fern fills the shoal,but my dear has not been back to my bed.

“波渺渺”,意為绿波向着远方流呀流,没有感情。柳依依,意为柳枝不断摇曳,招手。此句没有明显显示感情。我们应采用拟人方法,显露情感,让译语读者了解柳树的深情。译者将“柳依依”译为“With affection sway and sway the tender willows”,增加了with affection(带着爱情)意为柳枝带着柔情不断地摇曳,招手。这与上句的“波渺渺”——绿波不断地向着远方流呀流形成对照,柔情依依不断招手的是女子,无情地越走越远的是他的爱人,王孙兮不归。







Tune:A Riverside Town

By the water over shops the streamers flutter in a breeze.

The rippling waves murmur in the clear winding stream,

The remaining red flowers fly high and low.

The quiet boat lies empty at the ferry alone,

The luxuriant weeping willows shed thick green shade.

I try to see all the mountains in the southern land in vain,

And I fail to see my intoxicating beauty anywhere,

I can only see the green like her skirt here and there.

Last year beyond the pavilion the sun set and dusk spread.

From her snow-like skin came the warm refreshing scent,

Her brows,the distant hills,were drawn lightly.

I recollect in those hours in last spring so clearly

We shared the fragrant pillow behind the screen colorful.

Tonight the moon shines on all the passes and mountains,

Even a thousand miles away it appears

As bright and pure like our love as here.

我們可用比喻描写这种幻觉。译者应用明喻,将“草连空”译为“the green like her skirt here and there.”我看到远远近近的绿草都像她的裙子,他闻到了醉人的清香。他不由自主奔了过去,拥抱裙子,狂吻裙子,他喃喃自语:你好香、好甜、好暖和。随后他躺在她身上,酣睡到太阳高升。译语读着会跑得更快,吻得更狂,睡得更香。







Tune:Watching the Tidal Bore

In the southeast,with the beauty of the scene,the most famous,

And as one of the largest cities in the Kingdom of Wu ancient,

Hangzhou since olden days has been the most flourishing.

The misty willows and painted bridges seem in paintings,

The bamboo curtains hang at the doors and windows,

There are more than hundred thousands of households.

Lining up on the banks of the Qiantang River trees are lost in the sky.

In the broad river the huge waves surge eastward snow-white,

The clear river appears to be endlessly long and vast.

In the shops pearls of different sizes and shapes sparkle,

Before the doors shown are pretty colored silk and satin,

The shop owners vie with pride in their riches and luxury.

With inner and outer lakes,hill upon hill,clear and pretty is the West Lake.

In autumn here and there floats the intoxicating scent of flowers of bays,

In summer ten miles of lotuses with fragrance are in bloom.

The Qiang pipes play melodious music under the sky blue,

Under the bright moon anywhere the songs of water chestnut are heard,

Loudly laugh and sing the fishermen and lotus-seedpods-gathering girls.

The guards on horses with colorful flags pass by one by one.

With interest you listen to the drums and pipes when drunk,

Appreciating far and near the green leaves and red flowers.

You recite the poems about the beautiful scenery on fine hours.

Before going back,you'd better paint the pictures of them

Which you should to the emperor and high officials present.

在翻译“有三秋桂子,十里荷花”时应译出桂花和荷花的特性。译者将“有三秋桂子,十里荷花”译为“In autumn here and there floats the intoxicating scent of flowers of bays,In summer ten miles of lotuses with fragrance are in bloom.”意为秋天到处漂浮着桂花醉人的芬芳,夏天荷花十里盛开,清香弥漫。译出了花的特征,香气和美丽,花的迷人之处。








Tune:Song of Wine Fountain

I often recollect watching the grand tide in Hangzhou on the scenic spot,

All the people crowded out of the city madly to watch it on the seashore.

The whole sea seemed to be all of a sudden empty,

With sound as a ten thousand drums beating loudly.

The tide players stood on the wave crests,

Holding red flags in their hands not wet.

Since leaving there,many times I dream of the sight,

Awake at midnight,I still shiver and shake with fright.

我們可用同义反复法,译出词人对弄潮儿的心惊胆寒的感受。 译者将“梦觉尚心寒"译为“Awake at midnight I still shiver and shake with fright.”发抖用了两个同义字:shake and shiver,达到了强化效果。词人表示梦中醒来也被惊险的弄潮情景吓得胆颤心惊。烘托弄潮儿的精采表演。源语读者,包括李白都想看弄潮。译语读者更想去看弄潮,甚至自己去弄潮了。






Tune: Like a Dream

Pear blossoms,they look like,

But they are not.

Peach blossoms,they look like,

But they are not.

The trees boast of two colored blossoms,the white and red ones,

From their sweet soft hearts east breeze blows out special pure love.

Oh,I remember,

Oh,I remember,

Once in fairyland I loved the trees

Along the Peach Blossom Stream.

词人说此花像桃花,但不是桃花,像杏花,但又不是杏花。它超越春天百花。它属于桃源之花,花名就是桃花。她还说她在武陵看到过它。桃花源在武陵桃花溪深处桃花林尽头。桃花源也称世外桃源,指不受外界影响的地方,或幻想中的美好世界。翻译时,不必译武陵,只须译出其文化。译者将“人在武陵微醉”译为“once in fairyland I loved the trees/Along the Peach Blossoms Stream.”意为:我曾在桃花溪边的桃花仙境中的为桃花陶醉。源语读者一定会十分激动,他们会成群结对,日以继夜来到桃花源。因为那是一个悠闲、平安、长生不老的地方。如只译武陵,译语读者联想不到桃源仙境。







Tune:Slow Song of Yangzhou City

In Yangzhou whose fame spreading the world round,

In the long and broad well-known Huai River's south,

And on a road quite near

West Bamboo Pavilion,

I dismount from a horse for a short time.

I pass the flourishing street of ten miles,

Now it is covered with thick wild green wheat.

Since the city was trampled by enemy horse heels,

The desolate broad ponds and trees tall

Fear to talk of battle fires and swords.

The eve is gradually approaching with sorrow,

The horn from the city gate moans and groans

Through the whole empty city.

Poet Du appreciated it greatly,

If he came back here one day,

He would be greatly amazed.

Even he was good at writing girls' beauty,so charming,

And sweet spring dreams in the green singing buildings,

He could not describe his feelings so chilly and miserable.

The Twenty- fourth Bridge recollects the merry hours in silence,

And under it the waves with grief gurgles,

The moon shivers on them without a word.

The herbaceous peonies red

By the old bridge depressed

Year after year bloom

Oh,after all,for whom?









Tune:Drunk with a Whip Hanging

Your skirt is embroidered with a pair of butterflies colorful,

At a happy feast table by the East Pool,

I will never forget I'm so lucky to make your acquaintance.

You are lightly powdered and roughed,

As leisure flowers display simple and elegant spring scene.

And any part of you is so delicate and fine,

Your waist is as slender as a branch of a weeping willow tree,

People observing you carefully are surprised.

You're the goddess with showers from the hills last night coming here,

Look,now still wet your pink silk skirt with sweet love dew appears.

歌女是实,神女是幻。我们应增强两者的相似性,使读者产生似真似幻的感觉。译者将“昨日乱山昏,来时衣上云”译为“You're the goddess with showers from the hills last night coming here,Look,now still wet your pink silk skirt with sweet love dew appears.”译文的意思是,你是仙女,昨夜你带着雨水从乱山中飞来,瞧,你粉红的丝裙上被爱情的露水湿了一大块。爱情之露增强了神的相似度。源语读者会不由自主地自言自语:是歌女呀,是神女呀?他们眼前出现了似真似幻的感觉,一种朦胧美。朦胧美是最美的。







The red silk cloth covers the table of the feast,

And the curtain is green.

The maiden singer is so beautiful.

She is fifteen or sixteen only,

She know to love a talented scholar

Urging me to empty cups of wine one after another.

Long are her willow-leave-like dark green brows,

And small is her red mouth.

She whispers to me in a voice shy and low:

"In the deep shade of a willow,

Before my house in pale blue

The red apricots are in bloom."

我们应增词,显示少女矛盾心情。译者将“耳畔向人轻道”译为“She whispers to me in a voice shy and low”(她羞答答地悄悄对我说),增译shy(含羞)。她是十五六岁的歌女,一个妙龄的姑娘。她为这个词人的才华所倾倒,她要向他表示对他的爱慕,马上说,不好意思呀。不断给他斟酒和劝酒吧。但终得说。不说就失去机会了,要后悔一辈子。轻声对他说吧,好难为情。就这样,他带着含羞轻声地请他到她家约会,脸上泛起红晕。勇气中带着羞怯,反映了一种略带矛盾的心态。展示了她的心灵美。含羞产生的红晕又增添了她的外表美。译语读者得到了与原语读者相同的审美享受。






Now colder and colder the north west wind blows,

In my hometown cooked perches are well-known,

I won't return home in mounts and fields without care,

Nor will I buy any house and piece of land over there,

For I'd be ashamed if I can't become a hero to recover the lost lands.

Just like water precious time flows away and will never come back.

The lands of our country beautiful and vast

Are in the wind and rain so cruel and hard.

Whom can I ask with unbearable grief

To call a beauty in a singing hall green,

With pink kerchiefs and green sleeves here,

To sweep away tenderly a hero's warm tears?

译语读者,联想不到歌伎舞女。我们只能译出本体。译者将“倩何人唤取,红巾翠袖,揾英雄泪”译为“Whom can I ask with unbearable grief/To call a beauty in a singing hall green,/With pink kerchiefs and green sleeves,To sweep away tenderly a hero's warm tears?”譯文的意思是,我悲痛难忍,谁替我请一位绿色妓院里的歌女来擦一位英雄的热泪呢?译者将本体和借体都译出,既译歌女,又译红巾翠袖,美上加美。译语读者看到了美丽的歌女,感受到了词人忧愁。








Tune:A Riverside Town

The dark clouds pull the rain past the west chamber.

The clear and green water murmurs cheerful eastward,

The thin mist disappears in the eve.

The setting sun beyond willow trees

Sheds light on the silver hook on the scented curtains shining.

Tonight my beauty like a fairy maiden looks so intoxicating,

The flowers are in full bloom,

The newly made wine is good

While smiling, she turns her right and left enchanting eyes,

Before her feel ashamed the beautiful flowers and moon bright.

She raises the cup filled with wine to me with cheer again and again,

Singing,she waves her scented fan blowing my spring sorrow away.

My friends in the southern land,

From my deep heart now I ask:

"Who is as happy as I getting drunk in

Beautiful and flourishing Yangzhou city?"

我們可对扬州进行修释,美化,让他更觉优越,更觉快乐。译者将“试问江南诸伴侣,谁似我,醉杨州”译为“My friends in the southern land,From my deep heart now I ask:‘Who is as happy as I getting drunk in Beautiful and flourishing Yangzhou city?’”译文的意思是,江南的知音们,我醉在美丽,繁华的扬州,你们谁能与我相比。译者将“扬州”译为美丽,繁华的扬州。译者为扬州添美,这是还原其美。扬州曾是全国最美丽,最繁华的城市,特别在隋朝,唐朝和宋朝。他应该感到优势,感到愉快。不添美,译语读者可能认为扬州是一个小城。







Tune:Gathering Mulberry Leaves

The West Lake is pretty near Clear and Bright,

The scenery is so flourishing before my eyes.

Oh, the traveler trying to get there earlier fight even,

Under willows run decorated carriages with red wheels.

At dusk tourists group by group return excited,

Those who get drunk talk and laugh like crazy.

The dyke winds its way to the city wall

Filled with the flowers in full bloom all.

极目远望,前方的道路曲曲弯弯,前方的湖堤也弯弯斜斜。堤旁全是花。对醉者可进行夸张。译者将“醒醉喧哗”译为“At dusk tourists group by group return excited,those who get drunk talk and laugh like mad.”译文的意思是,傍晚,游客成群结队回家。喝醉者高声叫喊,像疯了一样。进行夸张,引起读者,特别是译语读者强烈兴趣,他们一定要到西湖去看一看。







Tune:Way in the Royal Court

On the blue sky the Pingshan Hall seems to lean,

The distant hills were now seen and now unseen.

With my own hands I planted the willow trees,

Since I left,they have bathed in spring breeze for years already.

I feel quite happy you become a prefect of wonderful poetry,

In a very short time,you can write a hundred lines,

Without stop you can empty a hundred cups of wine.

To make merry you must be young,

See how I enjoy myself at feasts just.








Tune:Bell Ringing in the Rain

At dusk in the cool autumn the cicadas in the trees sadly cry.

We stand close facing the Farewell Pavilion on the riverside,

Just after shedding tears,a heavy shower.

At the farewell table I feel wine so sour,

Today here we can hardly endure to long part,

The boatman urges me again and again to start.

Holding our hands,we look at each other's teardrops,

Words frozen in our tender hearts,we break into sobs.

With grief I'm leaving her farther and farther away,

The eve haze knits brows over a thousand Li's waves,

The gloom drowns the south shore of the Yangtze River.

Since old days to leave lover has always been heartbroken,

How can I in the clear cold fall stand the sadness?

Where shall I sober up tonight from drunkenness?

On the bank sway the sparse weeping willows

When the moon sets and the morn breeze blows.

I'll be away for years day and night missing my dear.

In the south of the Yangtze on my long journey drear,

I will not bear giving even

A glance at the pretty scenes.

Even a thousand thoughts and feelings in my mind I get,

To whom can I with a sweet tender heart convey them?

在翻译“都门帐饮无绪”时,应该知道词人此时的心情低沉,所饮之酒自然也就寡然无味。译者将“都门帐饮无绪”译为“At the farewell table I feel wine so sour”(我的酒为何这般酸楚),清晰地展现出词人内心的痛苦。









[责任编辑]甄 欣

Translation Strategy of Culture of South of the Yangtze River in Song Ci Poems in English

SHANG Xiaojin,GU Yiyan

(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University,Shanghai,200444,China)

Abstract:The south of the Yangtze is very beautiful and flourishing,heaven in the world.It boasts of many intoxicating myths,legends and stories.The author basically applies Mr.Xu Yuanchong's Three Beauties Theory to demonstrate the translation strategy of Jiangnan culture in Song Ci from five different aspects:flowers and trees,water,mountains,songstresses and dancers,wine.

Keywords:Song Ci;culture;translation


以文化人 自然生成