康继平 张侃 郭四拜 史晓凤 郭丹 王爱华
摘要:玉米是天水市的主要粮食作物之一。为了筛选适宜在天水旱作区种植的优良玉米品种,2021年对从当地收集的27个玉米品种进行比较试验。结果表明,27个参试玉米品种在当地气候条件下均能正常成熟。以优迪919折合产量最高,为13 014.29 kg/hm2,较对照品种先玉335增产11.08%;玉源7879次之,折合产量为12 995.24 kg/hm2,较对照品种先玉335增产10.92%;翔玉218居第3位,折合产量为12 941.27 kg/hm2,较对照品种先玉335增产10.46%;登海182、德单1403、龙博士7号、翔玉329、登海9号、金凯3号折合产量也较高,分别较对照品种先玉335增产9.31%、9.05%、8.56%、8.16%、8.12%、7.56%。这9个品种较对照品种先玉335增产幅度均在7.50%以上,且农艺性状、经济性状优良,总体表现相对较好,可在天水市旱作农业区种植。
中图分类号:S513 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-1463(2022)06-0040-06
Preliminary Report on Comparison Trial of Maize Varieties in Dry Farming Area of Tianshui
KANG Jiping 1, ZHANG Kan 1, GUO Sibai 2, SHI Xiaofeng 1, GUO Dan 1, WANG Aihua 1
(1. Tianshui Agricultural Science Research Institute, Tianshui Gansu 741001, China; 2. Tianshui Seed Station, Tianshui Gansu 741020, China)
Abstract: Maize is one of the main food crops in Tianshui. To select suitable maize variety used in dry farming area of Tianshui, 27 maize varieties collected regionally were used in 2021 to conduct comparison trial on maize varieties. Results showed that all varieties could reach maturity under the climate condition of Tianshui, average yield of Youdi 919 was the highest, i.e. 13 014.29 kg/ha, which was 11.08% higher compared with that of the control Xianyu 335, followed by Yuyuan 7879(average yield 12 995.24 kg/ha, 10.92% higher than that of the control) and Xiangyu 218(average yield 12 941.27 kg/ha, 10.46% higher than that of the control), averaged yield data of other varieties such as Denghai 182, Dedan 1403, Longboshi 7, Xiangyu 329, Denghai 9 and Jinkai 3 also showed ideal numbers, which were 9.31%, 9.05%, 8.56%, 8.16%, 8.12% and 7.56% higher compared with that of the control, respectively. Yield increase rates of the above 9 varieties were all above 7.50% compared with the average yield of control, agronomic and economic traits, overall performance of the 9 varieties were ideal, therefore, these 9 maize varieties are considered suitable for dry farming area of Tianshui.
Key words: Maize; Variety comparison; Yield; Tianshui dry farming area
收稿日期:2022 - 03 - 29
作者简介:康继平(1979 — ),男,甘肃武山人,助理研究员,主要从事小杂粮的品种引进、选育及栽培研究工作。Email:kangjp123@163.com。
通信作者:郭四拜(1967 — ),男,甘肃天水人,推广研究员,主要从事种子管理及农作物新品种引进试验示范推广工作。Email:guosb1967@163.com。
执 笔 人:张 侃。