(1.扬州大学 信息工程学院,江苏 扬州 225127; 2.海洋工程国家重点实验室(上海交通大学),上海 200240; 3.江苏旅游职业学院 信息工程学院,江苏 扬州 225127; 4.扬州大学 信息化建设与管理处,江苏 扬州 225127)(*通信作者电子邮箱jwzhu@yzu.edu.cn)
0 引言
近些年来,网约车成为了人们日常出行的主要交通方式,具有预约方便、乘车地点自由等特点。截至2020年12月,我国网约车用户规模达3.65亿[1]。随着无线通信工具、全球定位系统(Global Positioning System, GPS)和功能强大的移动应用程序的出现,网约车平台在减少车辆巡航时间和乘客等待时间方面比传统出租车系统有了显著的改进[2-4]。同时,网约车平台还提供了丰富的乘客需求表述和网约车出行模式的信息,对需求预测、路线规划、供应链管理和红绿灯控制等多个研究领域都有贡献。
1 相关工作
2 网约车区域调度方法模型构建
图1 跨区域运力再平衡机制示意图
表1 参数符号
3 跨区域运力再平衡机制算法及属性分析
3.1 预警机制算法及运力再平衡机制算法
表2 变量符号说明
3.2 网约车区域调度机制属性分析
定理1 运力再平衡机制满足激励相容。
定理2 运力再平衡机制是预算可行的。
定理3 运力再平衡机制对用户和平台都是个人理性的。
4 区域调度机制仿真结果及分析
图2 km时司机可分配订单
图3 不同机制在不同可再平衡范围、预算下的实验对比
5 结语
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Cross-regional order allocation strategy for ride-hailing under tight transport capacity
XIA Yu1, ZHU Junwu1*, JIANG Yi1,2, GAO Xin1,3, SUN Maosheng4
In the ride-hailing platform, matching is a core function,and the platform needs to increase the number of matched orders as much as possible. However, the demand distribution of ride-hailing is usually extremely uneven, and the starting points or end points of orders show the characteristic of high concentration in some time periods. Therefore, an incentive mechanism with early warning was proposed to encourage drivers to take orders across regions, thus achieving the purpose of rebalancing the platform cross-regional transport capacity. The order information was analyzed and processed in this strategy, and an early warning mechanism of transport capacity in adjacent regions was established. To reduce the number of unmatched orders in the region during the period of tight transport capacity and improve the platform utility and passenger satisfaction, drivers in adjacent regions were encouraged to accept cross-regional orders when regional transport capacity was tight. Experimental results on instances show that the proposed rebalancing mechanism improves the average utility by 15% and 38% compared with Greedy and Surge mechanisms, indicating that the cross-regional transport capacity rebalancing mechanism can improve the platform revenue and driver utility, rebalance the supply-demand relationship between regions to a certain extent, and provide a reference for the ride-hailing platform to balance the supply-demand relationship macroscopically.
ride-hailing; demand distribution; cross-regional order allocation; early warning of transport capacity; transport capacity rebalancing
This work is partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61872313), Research Fund of Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering (1907), Water Conservancy Science and Technology Project in Jiangsu Province (2017071), Key Research Project of Education Informatization in Jiangsu Province (20180012), Yangzhou Science and Technology Program (YZ2019133, YZ2020174).
XIA Yu, born in 1995, Ph. D. candidate. His research interests include game theory, e-commerce modeling.
ZHU Junwu,born in 1972, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering, algorithmic game theory.
JIANG Yi, born in 1974, M. S., associate professor. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, mechanism design.
GAO Xin, born in 1977, associate professor. His research interests include artificial intelligence, algorithmic game theory, human resource management.
SUN Maosheng, born in 1971, Ph. D., senior engineer. His research interests include artificial intelligence.