(1.武汉理工大学 三亚科教创新园,海南 三亚 572019; 2.武汉理工大学 计算机与人工智能学院,武汉 430070; 3.武汉理工大学 土木工程与建筑学院,武汉 430070)(*通信作者电子邮箱
0 引言
随着互联网和无线通信技术的快速发展,移动计算已经极大地改变了人们的日常生活;然而,许多新的服务和时延敏感的应用不断出现,如虚拟现实(Virtual Reality, VR)和增强现实(Augmented Reality, AR)等[1]。此外,在工程领域,一些现代化的项目往往结合人工智能、VR等智能化技术,通过终端来进行管理和控制,如大坝的监测和预警。移动设备的资源(如计算和存储)限制了这些复杂服务的普及[2]。为了克服移动设备电池容量和计算能力的限制,一些解决方案[3]将任务卸载到云计算中心以解决资源短缺的问题。然而,由于广域网通信延迟较高,将任务卸载到云端可能带来较低的服务质量(Quality of Service, QoS)。
移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing, MEC)的出现提供了新的思路[4-5]。通过在终端用户附近部署边缘服务器(Edge Server)来提供服务,用户可以直接访问并获得更好的QoS,而无需求助于云端,与传统方案相比,可以进一步缩短服务响应时间。
随着移动计算的发展和边缘云的出现,移动边缘系统中的服务部署问题也得到了广泛研究[9-12]。对于优化目标,一些研究方法侧重于服务成本[9]或者服务提供商(Service Provider, SP)的利润[10],而另一些研究方法则关注于减少服务部署的延迟[12]或者服务响应时间[13-14]。例如,文献[9]中考虑成本,提出了一种基于认证的云服务组合方法,该方法同时考虑了部署和认证/验证的成本;文献[10]中的目标是最大化所有服务提供商的总利润,提出了一种基于李雅普诺夫优化的在线算法来研究联合服务放置和请求调度问题;文献[11]中主要关注跨多个软件定义网络(Software Defined Network, SDN)的动态网络服务部署问题,并利用Dijkstra算法提出了一种启发式服务部署方法来解决这个问题;文献[13]中研究了复合云服务的部署和请求调度问题,提出了负载感知的服务部署方法和基于任务排序机制的服务请求调度方法。
3)实施了仿真实验来评估本文所提出策略的性能,与遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)、模拟退火(Simulated Annealing, SA)算法、随机算法(Random)和贪婪算法(Greedy)等基准算法相比,本文的策略可以有效地减少交互延迟并实现更稳定的负载均衡。
1 问题描述与建模
图1 边缘服务器上的服务部署示例
2 动态服务部署策略
对于第一章中描述的问题,本文提出了一种动态需求感知和负载均衡(Dynamic Requirement Awareness and Load Balance, DRLB)的策略来动态更新服务。该策略包括初始服务部署和动态调整两个阶段。
2.1 初始服务部署阶段
算法1 集群划分算法。
算法2 服务部署算法。
6) 根据式(3)~(5)计算约束条件;
7) If 不满足约束条件 then
8) 按照排序次序补选;
9) End If
10) End For
2.2 动态服务调整阶段
算法3 服务动态更新算法。
输出 该集群调整后的服务部署方案。
4) End For
9) End If
12) End If
15) End If
16) End For
17) End For
3 仿真与分析
表1 实验参数设置
表2 变量设置
图2 集群数量对平均交互延迟的影响
图3 集群数量对负载均衡的影响
图4 服务数量对平均交互延迟的影响
图5 服务数量对负载均衡的影响
图6 边缘服务器数量对平均交互延迟的影响
图7 边缘服务器数量对负载均衡的影响
4 结语
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Dynamic service deployment strategy in resource constrained mobile edge computing
YUAN Jingling1,2, MAO Huihua1,2, WANG Nana3, XIANG Yao2*
The emergence of Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) enables mobile users to easily access services deployed on edge servers with low latency. However, there are various challenges in MEC, especially service deployment issues. The number and resources of edge servers are usually limited and only a limited number of services can be deployed on the edge servers; in addition, the mobility of users changes the popularities of different services in different regions. In this context, deploying suitable services for dynamic service requests becomes a critical problem. To address this problem, by deploying appropriate services by awareness of the dynamic user requirements to minimize interaction delay, the service deployment problem was formulated as a global optimization problem, and a cluster-based resource aggregation algorithm was proposed, which initially deployed suitable services under the resource constraints such as computing and bandwidth. Moreover, considering the influence of dynamic user requests on service popularity and edge server load, a dynamic adjustment algorithm was developed to update the existing services to ensure that the Quality of Service (QoS) always met user expectations. The performance of this deployment strategy was verified through a series of simulation experiments. Simulation results show that compared with the existing benchmark algorithms, the proposed strategy can reduce service interaction delay and achieve a more stable load balance.
service deployment; Mobile Edge Computing (MEC); resource constraint; dynamic requirement awareness; service popularity
This work is partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61303029), Major Science and Technology Project of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration (SKJC-KJ-2019KY02).
YUAN Jingling, born in 1975, Ph. D., professor. Her research interests include machine learning, distributed parallel processing, intelligent analysis.
MAO Huihua, born in 1996, M. S. candidate. His research interests include edge intelligence, edge computing.
WANG Nana, born in 1978, Ph. D. Her research interests include intelligent method, safety monitoring.
XIANG Yao, born in 1989, Ph. D. His research interests include mobile edge computing, intelligent computing.