

世界建筑导报 2022年3期



一个重要原因是我试图联系建筑背景来理解设计。犬吠建筑事务所认为建筑设计并非将我们的想象力强加给设计对象。与20 世纪许多建筑师相比,我们不太坚持这种层面上的独创性。对我们而言,建筑设计是协调、平衡和建立关联,让事情行之有效。从这个意义上说,建筑设计可以通过结构化事物间的关系而得到,这可以是主观的关系,指向建筑、也可以指向周围用户的体验。最重要的是每个项目的范围,它们是某些类型建筑的关键切入点。通过观察和观察过往案例,我们能找到其背后的结构和网络,理解材料和关系如何应用于某些条件与项目中,来推动设计,进而优化要素关系,这种干预就是建筑设计的驱动力。






塚本由晴:是的,我会自己尝试并向学生展示前期草图。在一个农业区项目中,我们同一群在那里工作了23 年的农民一起复兴当地的住户、水稻梯田和村庄,他们已经在地开展艺术交流项目长达15 年。我们则是从 2019 年开始工作,三年以来建造房屋,并将仓库改造成画廊空间,设计社区厨房,开设农场,自己种田等等。现在我们正在转向下一个阶段,在这片土地上为城市来的人们建造小房子,这样他们就能留下来并参与到务农活动中来。我们现在正在设计这些小房子的总体规划。为了给它们找到合适位置、完成设计和建造,我们需要新的图形表达。我建议用等高线来代表设计,但在微观尺度上图绘并不精确,学生以1 米为基本单位绘制的等高线无法捕捉到地貌特征,我又建议他们将等高线密度改为每25 厘米一条,便能很好地呈现出丰富的景观细节。如此,找到正确的方式来构建图纸,至关重要。




Core House,Ishinomaki Miyagi





行为学是我采用的建筑手段的重要基础和设计理念,也是研究日常生活、环境和社会的方法,设计研究就是去了解行为的发生。有时我们也观察到因为某些思维定势的社交障碍而阻碍了行为的发生。所以建筑设计可以是一种虚构作品,激发我提出一系列虚构的设定。我经常使用“行为解锁”这个词,用建筑的无形来引导行为,打造更好的可达性来突破障碍。例如采集城市落叶来在城市街道上生火做饭,包含两种毫无瓜葛但始终在城市中共存的方式。如果我们能很好地结合这两种事件,这便是行为解锁。再比如犬吠事务所房子就属于介于家庭住宅和办公室之间的混合类型,20 世纪社会规范告诉人们要将家庭生活区和工作区分开,但我认为生活和工作混合是可能的,很容易便可打破社会规范来解锁行为。








Doreen Liu (DL):Mr.Yoshiharu Tsukamoto,thanks for accepting the interview by World Architecture Review.You are excellent in combining research,academic and practice,which is rare for architects.You already have many publications about commonality,geology,as well as urban studies in Tokyo.We are very familiar with your theory on the asymmetric style.It is a very particular manner to translate your research into graphic presentation.In the architectural design’s point of view,some works of architects are very tectonic.You,on the other hand,are more integrated,not only of tectonics but also of social,logical and productive presentation.This is very different from other Japanese architects.So the first question is about the tool,research and practice.How do you consider them in the dynamics of your research and practice?


Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (YT):I studied under the supervision of Kazunari Sakamoto at Tokyo Institute of Technology.He taught there as Design Professor,practicing architect and scholar,a tradition inherited from Yoshiro Taniguchi who founded the school.I’m impressed naturally by this mode and feel like working on both.One of the possible answers for me is to make a playground for research and architectural design.The latter will expend the realm of the playground,which combines research and design practice.

One important reason is that I try to understand architectural design with its background.Atelier Bow-Wow thinks architectural design not as something to impose our own imagination.We do not insist on such originality in comparing with contemporary architects.For us,architectural design is to coordinate,balance and relate with different things and finally to make them work well together.In that sense,architectural design can be structuralized by the relationship between several things.They can be subjective.We can study the relationship that reaches architecture and the experience of the users around.What is the most important is the scope of each project,which becomes the key issue in certain type of buildings.Discussing all these through watching and observing the precedent cases,you find a kind of structure and network behind it.We can understand how these materials and relationships go apply to these conditions,to work on projects,then to modify elements and relationship -a kind of intervention as the driving force of architecture.

DL:It is an imposing key word because architecture is more like a top-down process to bring ideas into forms.But you suggest an alternative design through coordination,problem-oriented and relationship.You deal with its logical structure and framework.That is kind of interest that inspires your further research.Right?

Haha 屋(日本,神奈川)Haha House (Chigasaki Kanagawa,Japan)

YT:Yes.It is equally true for writing which is like making graphics with structure.It can be very architectural.It’s why I like writing and working on graphic.Sometimes,I do a kind of table to explain and compare different things in a consistent manner of observation.I teach in the school very detailed design in a way of making tables to compare and emphasize them.Well-designed tables and graphics really help you to build thoughts.Sometimes,our students do not have skills to set up the proper tables and graphic representation for design.It looks like far from designing architecture,but a very important and identical tool for me.

DL:That’s a very interesting methodology.It means you do writing,sketches and diagrams.After organizing these on-field materials,you present the finding and then develop it into a design.How do you teach student about this and do they work as same as you do?

YT:Yeah,they do the same thing.It’s very difficult to teach in a most appropriate manner in the beginning.We have subject and target,but we don’t know how to represent and compare them with the help of proper graphic representation.Students are asked to examine previous cases and studies,and test several options.What I am looking for is the moment during which we change our minds and perceptions through encountering with the subject itself.And then the graphic.Every time I try to invent new graphic representation according to the subject.This process takes time but very interesting.Once you find the manner of graphic representation,all the subjects become quite easy to continue and to explore your thoughts to more cases.It is really a design process.Actually,academic writing and study on architectural design is very much based on that kind of design methodology and graphic representation.

DL:When your black-and-white drawings and renderings came out for the first time,it was shocking to the field of architecture worldwide.As you said about subject and presentation,which comes first?Perhaps you try different ways of presentation first,then find out the graphic you like most?

Haha 屋(日本,神奈川)Haha House (Chigasaki Kanagawa,Japan)

YT:Yeah,I try to show very rough sketches to students.For example,now I am working in farming area.We are revitalizing the popularity,rice terraces and villages together with interesting farmers living there for 23 years who invent different art and exchange program last 15 years.We go there 3 years ago from 2019,making house and transform the storage buildings into gallery space.We design community kitchen,open the farms and now grow rice by ourselves.Now we are shifting to another stage to building citizens’ tiny house in this fields so that people from cities can stay and also participate into farming.We are now designing the master plan of these tiny houses.In order to draw all these ideas to find the proper spot to build tiny houses,we need new graphics.I suggest translating the plan into contoured lines.But drawing doesn’t actually tell what happens in the micro scale.Now students utilized contour lines of every one meter,it’s already quite detailed but this resolution cannot really catch the topography of the rice terrace.So I propose them to densify the contour lines into every 25 centimeters.Now it’s working.By watching these contoured lines,different parts of landscape start to appear.Finding the proper manner and elements to construct the drawings is very important.

DL:We find out your presentation style and manner similar with a famous Chinese painting,Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.It’s a long-scroll,riverside view of markets.Your drawing style is similar without hierarchy;and everything,including daily life and public space,co-exists simultaneously.So is there a kind of design philosophy behind it? Also,being“precise” is very important to understand your subject and research,as well as the graphical way you present.However it is not easy.

YT:I teach students to watch precisely and it’s one of the forms of affection to things.Watching precisely can turn affection into subject.I respect those things that we cannot really touch and change.Yet their relationship and framework are possible to change.By putting things with different relationships and frameworks,we could explore all their performances.I am interested in working with them and guide their performance.Writing and drawing precisely reflects our interest to respect things.We cannot change everything,but still we can do something with them.In that sense,the playground is again a quite useful and accurate expression.We can play with them.

DL:This is my first time to hear about the word“playground”.When saying the relationship between research and architectural practice,you set research as a means to enforce or inspire the playground.Why do you use “playground” to define practice? Is it a kind of definition for commonality?

Haha 屋(日本,神奈川)Haha House (Chigasaki Kanagawa,Japan)

YT:Both research and design deal with playground.The book of Made in Tokyo uses simple lines of drawing that inspire young architects and students to show their own living environment and cities.It means that they have joined our playground establish via Made in Tokyo.With it you can play with miniscape and agri-architecture,either of not necessarily beautiful architecture.Then you can appreciate these buildings in a special manner.Commonality is another way to explain the playground.Commonality is a chair that anyone can own and join to sit with.Certain circumstance triggers the human behavior to appropriate and transform the urban area into a very vibrate public space.The reason why I am interested in commonality is because that it has already been embedded into each individual,and also stoned into the open space and shared among people as a kind of habit or culture of space.Commonality as an architectural realm tries to see the operation of public space in terms of human behavior,a very important playground for architecture to intervene.Commonality seeks in the city the playground which is for people to join in and utilize.Through observing the behavior,cultural background and habits of people,we utilize resource to achieve it.Commonality is a book of playground.

Behind the modern building types,there is a modern concept of education,which multiplies in schools,cultural museum and hospitals,etc.Then behavior follows this concept.When people gradually get used to it,they learn how to enjoy and utilize these facilities as buildings of institution,and then become modern people.They are buildings of institution.But I relate most to commonality with those that are different from institutional facilities,No concept precedes phenomena.Behavior comes first,and the collective behavior creates a kind of spatial manner to appropriate the city.Then it becomes culture,habit and a place that people enjoy– the playground.

DL:It’s quite a systematic framework.Your behaviorcentered research and practice makes individual behaviors into collective ones,and it becomes institutionalized and eventually culture.How can this lead to your case-by-case practice?

YT:Institution is a top-down concept to let people learn to behave in facilities.I am interested in an upsidedown process that starts from behavior.Once behavior becomes collective,it delivers a kind of place with enclosure.Everyone can enjoy it at the same time by doing the same things.Design can be also bottom-up.You cannot change the nature of element or prohibit certain manner,but we can guide them to perform in certain direction.If talking about the behavior of water,we design and make it encouraging and pleasing.All things behave.We understand the nature of elements about how they behave,then we can guide and make them work together.

ANI 屋(日本,神奈川)ANI House (Chigasaki Kanagawa,Japan)

Behaviorology is a very important basis for my architectural suits and design philosophy.It is also the method of studying everyday life,environment and society.Design research is to understand what happens to behavior.Sometimes we also find behavior being blocked due to mind-set social barriers.So architecture design can be a kind of fiction that interests me to introduce fictional scenarios.I often use the word “unlocking behavior” to use invisible architecture that guides our behavior to overcome barriers with better accessibility.For example,we collect mass debris from the maintenance of trees and cook with real fire on the city street.The two behaviors never meet each other,yet existing all the time.It is unlocking behavior if we make them work together.For example,my Bow-Wow house is of a very hybrid form between family house and architectural office.People follow 20th-century social canon and believe that house is simply dedicated for family,and office for work,which leads them to separate from each other.But living and work can possibly be together.I think it easy to break the social canon and to unlock behavior.

DL:Let's talk about something different.In the Venice biennial,I know you are very active in participating after-earthquake reconstruction.It leads you to understand the relationship and use of land through generations.You try to reflect that kind of understanding by examining very narrow,individually owned piece of land.That is very interdisciplinary from archaeology,planning and economy in terms of spatial infrastructure.How does this interdisciplinary research define itself?

YT:It is a study of ethnography,urban ecology and topology for the construction of daily life.For example,in the study of metabolism,a sequence of four generations defines the direction of design based on a genealogical transformation of a single family housing in Tokyo.It’s again very structural understanding by research for further projecting different intervention.

DL:It’s interesting.So you believe in evolution or mutation?

YT:This is the most important and interesting thing activity affected by environmental circumstances.The most important challenge of design practice is to propose new types of people.I think design can do that.

ANI 屋(日本,神奈川)ANI House (Chigasaki Kanagawa,Japan)

DL:So let's talk about future.When we talk about new type of people,it is also about mutation like the Covid-19.In Japan,disasters like earthquake become normal in our everyday life.One has to re-address new conditions.It is a very radical moment with many uncertainties for us to reconstruct our daily space.Is it true for your research in Japan?

YT:I think it's very important.It's a main subject of discussion about how we re-construct our life.Life in the city is totally dependent on the industrial services,which I always criticize as cold human resource.The Covid-19 and natural disasters show us how we depend on weak and fragile social networks.I propose to shift our way of living from the human resource to the resource for human,for which one can secure resource around and grasp food and energy by hands to construct life.Resource is very limited and controlled in the city.You go out from the city and make a hybrid form of life.In the weekend,I spend time in farming and then grasp food and energy from the mountain and fields.We cook by ourselves and become resourceful.Once,architecture,city and society have been designed for human resources;but I think we can redesign them for resourceful human.For people being dependent on industrial society network,it's a kind of lacking of life.

DL:So what's your next move of your research or practice?

YT:I am thinking about setting up a new School of Design in the mountain farming village where for the last two years I and my students have been working really hard and building traditional houses,community kitchen,guest house and gallery space with firewood and stock.We reopen the field occupied by weeds and bamboos and then start rice growing again.We also maintain the forest and utilize these trees for timber construction.We create this material circulation in the very limited local area.We learn the skills via nature,as well as very specific behaviors of farming activities with natural elements like mud,bamboos,seeds,trees and water.I'm very interested to construct a kind of curriculum for the new School of Design to teach new way of designing.It's a great shift of the playground.Four different universities,not necessarily architectural students,join this school of design to work on farms and forests and to understand the relational network of things.Small pavilions and tiny houses allow city people to stay.The materials for construction are from the place,based on the understanding of surrounding impacts.I'm very excited to work on this direction.

ANI 屋(日本,神奈川)ANI House (Chigasaki Kanagawa,Japan)

