

世界建筑导报 2022年3期





除上述在建项目以外,目前由OMA设计,并已完工建筑项目有2022年的台北表演艺术中心,2020年的斯德哥尔摩最高住宅楼Norra Tornen公寓、柏林斯普林格集团新园区大楼“数字山谷”、MEETT法国图卢兹会展中心、韩国首尔南部新城光桥高端百货商场Galleria Gwanggyo、深圳太子广场、阿姆斯特丹RAI酒店、布莱顿学院新大楼、巴厘岛“村庄”度假酒店、2019年的西澳大利亚州博物馆WA Museum Boola Bardip、旧金山The Avery、纽约市曼哈顿豪华公寓121 East 22nd、苏富比纽约总部翻新以及2018年的普拉达基金会艺术中心、丹麦建筑中心BLOX综合体、巴黎老佛爷百货基金会建筑项目、塔尔国家图书馆建筑项目。不仅如此,OMA设计更早时期便已踏入设计领域,设计项目包括2015年的莫斯科车库当代艺术博物馆、2013年的鹿特丹大厦、2012年的北京中央广播电视总台总部大楼、2005年的波多音乐厅、2004年的西雅图图书馆翻新、以及2003年的荷兰驻柏林大使馆。


而且AMO与环球影城、阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场、喜力啤酒、宜家家居、康泰纳仕、哈佛大学以及埃米塔日建立了合作关系。AMO积极投入乡村设计建设:纽约所罗门·R·古根海姆博物馆展出的研究作品——未来(The future);威尼斯建筑双年展展出的2012年公共工程、2010年Cronocaos以及2006年海湾;普拉达基金会艺术中心展览,包括2012年“当态度变成形式”(When Attitudes Become Form)以及2015年原创、模仿与小型复制品(Serial and Portable Classics)。AMO与哈佛大学一道,共同负责第14届威尼斯建筑双年展及其出版元素的研究和策划。AMO其他知名项目有2050路线图(Roadmap 2050),该路线图旨在构建欧洲广阔的可再生能源网络;日本代谢派发展计划(Project Japan),这是一本720页介绍日本建筑新陈代谢主义运动变迁的书籍(塔森出版社,2010年);以及莫斯科建筑学院史翠卡研究所(Strelka Institute in Moscow)教育项目。

About OMA/ AMO

OMA is an international practice operating within the traditional boundaries of architecture and urbanism.AMO,a research and design studio,applies architectural thinking to domains beyond.

OMA is led by eight partners– Rem Koolhaas,Ellen van Loon,Reinier de Graaf,Shohei Shigematsu,Iyad Alsaka,Chris van Duijn,Jason Long,and Managing Partner-Architect David Gianotten– and maintains offices in Rotterdam,New York,Hong Kong,Doha,Beijing and Australia.

OMA-designed buildings currently under construction are the renovation of Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) in Berlin,The Factory in Manchester,and the CMG Qianhai Global Trade Center in Shenzhen.

OMA’s completed projects include Taipei Performing Arts Center (2022),Norra Tornen in Stockholm (2020),Axel Springer Campus in Berlin (2020),MEETT Toulouse Exhibition and Convention Centre (2020),Galleria in Gwanggyo (2020),Prince Plaza in Shenzhen(2020),nhow RAI Hotel in Amsterdam (2020),a new building for Brighton College (2020),Potato Head Studios (2020),WA Museum Boola Bardip in Perth (2019),The Avery in San Francisco (2019),121 East 22nd in New York (2019),Sotheby’s Headquarters in New York (2019),Fondazione Prada (2018),BLOX/ DAC in Copenhagen (2018),Fondation d'Entreprise Galeries Lafayette in Paris (2018),Qatar National Library (2018).Earlier buildings include Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow (2015),De Rotterdam (2013),CCTV Headquarters in Beijing (2012),Casa da Música in Porto(2005),Seattle Central Library (2004),and The Netherlands Embassy in Berlin (2003).

AMO often works in parallel with OMA's clients to fertilize architecture with intelligence from this array of disciplines.This is the case with Prada:AMO's research into identity,in-store technology,and new possibilities of content-production in fashion helped generate OMA's architectural designs for new Prada epicenter stores in New York and Los Angeles.In 2004,AMO was commissioned by the European Union to study its visual communication,and designed a colored "barcode" flag,combining the flags of all member states,which was used during the Austrian presidency of the EU.

AMO has worked with Universal Studios,Amsterdam's Schiphol airport,Heineken,Ikea,Condé Nast,Harvard University and the Hermitage.It has produced Countryside:The Future,a research exhibited at Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum in New York;exhibitions at the Venice Architecture Biennale,including Public Works (2012),Cronocaos (2010),and The Gulf (2006);and for Fondazione Prada,including When Attitudes Become Form (2012) and Serial and Portable Classics (2015).AMO,with Harvard University,was responsible for the research and curation of the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale and its publication Elements.Other notable projects are Roadmap 2050,a plan for a Europe-wide renewable energy grid;Project Japan,a 720-page book on the Metabolism architecture movement (Taschen,2010);and the educational program of Strelka Institute in Moscow.

