

丝绸 2022年6期

郑巧巧 虎陈霞 徐茜

摘要:技术融合是传统产业实现技术升级的重要手段。本文基于德温特专利数据库中的15 125项智能纺织品发明专利,运用技术生命周期、社会网络、链路预测等方法,从技术领域发展前景、技术融合应用现状、融合机会预测三个方面,对跨领域技术融合在智能纺织领域的发展现状和趋势进行了深入研究。结果表明:智能纺织领域正处于技术发展成熟期,该领域发明专利预计将达21 667项,发展前景良好;跨领域技术融合在智能纺织领域的应用日益广泛,其中数字计算机是智能纺织领域开展跨领域技术融合的重点,已与家用电器等技术领域建立稳定的融合关系;分层产品、电话和数据传输系统等技术领域在后续的技术创新活动中将扮演重要角色。


中图分类号:F407.81文献标志码:A文章编号: 10017003(2022)06001007

引用页码: 061102

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.06.002(篇序)


随着领域间技术交流的持续推进,技术创新逐渐朝着多元化、复合化方向发展,技术融合作为一种能实现多领域技术合作与交流的技术创新方法,其应用的广度与深度正不断加强,为产业技术升级提供了新思路。技术融合这一概念最早由Rosenberg[1]于20世纪60年代提出,他认为技术融合是指相似的技术和生产流程在不同产业中的应用。在接下来的几十年间,许多学者对技术融合提出了新的见解[2-4]。后来,技术融合作为一种重要的技术创新手段,在许多产业中得以应用,逐渐成为学者们开展产业技术研究的重点。Gambardella等[5]曾对电子产业开展研究,得出了技术融合有利于提升产业绩效的结论;Song等[6]对工业安全领域的技术融合情况进行分析,证实了技术融合是实现工业安全的有效途径;罗恺等[7]将Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)主题模型与社会网络理论相结合,用以分析关节机器人领域的技术发展现状,最终得出该领域的宏觀、微观技术融合特征。由此可见,技术融合的相关研究对产业技术创新决策具有重要意义。



1 方案设计

1.1 研究思路

首先,应用技术生命周期理论分析专利总量的周期性规律,并判断智能纺织领域所处的技术发展阶段;其次,按照技术生命周期的特点划分数据集,取出各数据集中实现跨领域技术融合的专利的德温特分类代码,并据此绘制共现网络,随后计算各网络的网络整体指标,依据网络整体指标的变化趋势判断跨领域技术融合在智能纺织领域的应用前景;然后,以Area Under Curve(AUC)为标准确定各阶段的最佳相似性指标,并取各阶段中相似度最大的15对技术领域作为该阶段的主要融合关系,通过不同阶段间主要融合关系的差异,判断技术热点的变化;最后,基于最后一阶段的网络信息预测下一阶段可能出现的融合关系。技术路线如图1所示。

1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 技术生命周期





1.2.2 社会网络理论


1.2.3 链路预测

链路预测的目的是通过已知的节点和连边信息预测潜在连边形成的可能性。当前研究链路预测的算法有很多,其中,基于局部相似性指标的链路预测算法应用最为广泛且操作更为便捷[11]。但值得注意的是,局部相似性指标并不唯一,且当同一指标应用于不同数据集时,其精度可能存在差异。所以,为了获得更佳的分析和预测结果,本研究选取了5项相似性指标以供选择,分别是Adamic Adar(AA)[15]、Common Neighbors(CN)[16]、Preferential Attachment(PA)[17]、Resource Allocation(RA)[18]和Total Neighbors(TN),具体公式如表1所示。


2.4 智能纺织品跨领域技术融合热点与趋势分析

2.4.1 相似性指标评估



2.4.2 跨领域技术融合热点分析




2.4.3 技术领域融合机会预测



4 结 论

通过运用技术生命周期、社会网络、链路预测等方法对德温特专利数据库中的15 125项智能纺织品发明专利开展研究,分析了智能纺织领域的技术发展前景,以及跨领域技术融合在智能纺织领域的应用现状和技术热点,并预测了下一阶段技术领域间的潜在融合关系,可得到如下结论。

1) 智能纺织领域正处于技术发展成熟期,该领域的发明专利预计将达21 667项,发展前景良好。虽然专利数量的增长速度有所放缓,但每年的专利申请量仍然可观,企业可继续尝试不同技术领域间的合作与交流。

2) 跨领域技术融合在智能纺织领域的应用日益广泛,其中数字计算机是智能纺织领域开展跨领域技术融合的重点,已与家用电器等技术领域建立稳定的融合关系。对于技术发展过程中较为稳定的融合关系,如T01-X27(数字计算机-家用电器)、T01-X25(数字计算机-工业电气设备)等,企业可投入更多的研发成本,强化技术领域合作。

3) P73(分层产品)、P21(穿着服装)、A89(摄影、实验室设备、光学,包括电子照相、热成像用途)和W01(电话和数据传输系统)在后续的技术创新活动中将扮演重要角色,极有可能与其他技术领域形成新融合关系,其中分层产品是实现突破性创新的关键。当然,尝试两个技术领域间的新融合将面临较大的研发风险和市场风险,企业还需要综合考虑自身的发展状况和抗风险能力再做决策。


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Research on the trend of technology convergence for smart textile based on link prediction

ZHENG Qiaoqiao, HU Chenxia, XU Qian

(College of Economics & Management, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Abstract:The decreasing demographic dividend and rising manufacturing costs have gradually weakened Chinas competitive advantage in the international textile market, but the rise of smart textiles provides a new opportunity for the development of Chinas textile industry. Technological innovation gradually becomes a key factor affecting the development of the textile industry. In order to meet ever-changing market demands, technological innovation develops in the direction of diversification and compounding. Technology convergence as a technological innovation method that can realize technical cooperation in multiple fields is widely used in the textile field.

In order to help textile enterprises capture technological development hot spots and enhance competitiveness, this research deeply analyzes the application status and the technological development prospect of cross-domain technology convergence in the smart textile field based on 15 125 smart textile invention patents in the Derwent Innovation Index. This paper applies the technology life cycle to judge the development stage of the smart textile field. It takes the stage characteristic of the technology life cycle as the basis for dividing data sets, and extracts Derwent Class Codes of invention patents which have realized cross-domain technology convergence in each data set as the follow-up research data. The co-occurrence network of each data set is drawn based on the social network theory, and the difference between each networks overall network indicators is used as the basis for judging the application prospect of cross-domain technology convergence in the smart textile field. Then, this paper uses the link prediction algorithm based on local similarity index to define the main technology convergence relationships of each stage. The difference of each stages main technology convergence relationships is used to judge the evolutionary trend of technology convergences hot spots, and the value of local similarity index for the last stage is used to predict new technology convergence relationships. Results show that the smart textile field is in a mature stage of technological development with promising development prospects, and the number of smart textile invention patents is expected to reach 21 667. Cross-domain technology convergence is increasingly used in the smart textile field. Digital Computers is the focus of cross-domain technology convergence in the smart textile field, and it has established stable technology convergence relationships with other technical fields such as domestic electric appliances and industrial electric equipment. Enterprises can increase investment to strengthen technology convergence relationships between these technical fields. Layered products, telephone and data transmission systems, etc. will play an important role in subsequent technological innovation activities, and enterprises should fully consider their own development status and anti-risk capabilities before making R&D decisions in these technical fields.

In the information age, in the face of rapidly changing market demands, a keen awareness of market trends can help enterprises seize development opportunities and achieve success. Based on the smart textile invention patents in the Derwent Innovation Index, this paper analyzes the technological development trend of the smart textile field, hoping to provide reference for textile enterprises.

Key words:technology convergence; smart textile; link prediction; technology life cycle; social network; Derwent Innovation Index4EAFA7D6-BE52-47B1-9919-0D0AAEDED6CD

