Little Dog Learns to Bark小狗学叫
A little dog can’t bark. He tries to learn how to bark. What happened to him? Can he bark in the end?让我们走进江苏省南京市文靖东路小学,一起来看看四年级同学们如何演绎这个生动又精彩的童话故事吧!
白孝妍 徐雨轩 王诗语 刘之贤 吴王帝文
刘巧巧 涂欣蕊 于思颖 韦 一 黄家乐
马懿舟 胡馨语 韩梓琪 王 庚
Scene 1
Aside: Long long ago, there was a little dog. He could not bark like any other dogs. He was very lonely. One day, he went to a country. There were no dogs here.
Animal 1: Why don’t you bark?
Little dog: I don’t know how to bark.
Animal 2: Don’t you know dogs can bark?
Little dog: Why can dogs bark?
Animal 3: They are dogs. That’s why they can bark. They can bark at the strangers. They can bark when they are happy, sad or angry.
Little dog: But I ...
Animal 1: You are really special. Go away!
Aside: Little dog didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t bark. Neither did he know how to bark.
Scene 2
Aside: One little cock showed sympathy for him.
Little cock: You can follow me. Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Little dog: It’s too hard.
Little cock: No. It’s very easy. You listen carefully and look at my mouth. Follow me! Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Aside: Little dog imitated. It was so weird that the other hens scared away.
Little cock: It doesn’t matter. It’s the first time for you. You can try again. Come on!
Aside: Little dog tried once, twice, but he didn’t succeed.
From that day on, Little dog practised from morning to evening secretly. Sometimes he even went to the forest and practised there.
Scene 3
Aside: One morning, he was practising in the forest. The sound was so vivid and nice. A fox heard that.
Fox: The cock came. Nothing is more delicious than cocks. I am so lucky!
Aside: The fox went towards “the cock”. He also took a fork and a knife with him.
Fox: Oh, no! It turns out to be a dog!
Aside: Little dog was squatting down and practising under the tree. He saw the fox.
Fox: Oh, I see. You set a trap for me.
Little dog: A trap?
Fox: Yes, a trap. I thought it was a cock. He must lose his way in the forest. But it’s all your trap. You want to catch me!
Little dog: No, it can’t be like that. I
swear(發誓). I just practise here.
Fox: Practise? For what?
Little dog: I practise barking. But now I can bark. Listen to me!
Aside: Little dog began to “bark”.
Little dog: Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Aside: The fox laughed loudly. Little dog was so sad. He left with tears in his eyes.
Scene 4
Aside: One cuckoo(杜鵑) saw this, and she went towards Little dog.
Cuckoo: What’s wrong with you?
Little dog: Nothing. I’m OK.
Cuckoo: Why are you so sad?
Little dog: There’s nothing serious. I just can’t bark.
Cuckoo: Well, you don’t need to be sad. Because I can teach you. You listen to me and try to imitate.
Cuckoo: Coo-coo-coo. Do you understand?
Little dog: I think it’s easy. Coo-coo-coo. Coo-coo-coo.
Aside: Little dog tried many times that day. The next day, the third day, he tried again and again. One week later, he learned very well.
Little dog: (happily) I can bark now! Nobody will laugh at me.
Scene 5
Aside: In these days, people began to go hunting in the forest. Many hunters came to this forest and shot everywhere. “Bang! Bang!” The bullet nearly grazed(擦伤) Little dog’s
ear. Little dog was so scared that he ran away fast.Suddenly he heard a strange sound.
The other dog: Woof, woof, woof!
Little dog: It seems that he is talking to me. But I don’t know what animal it is.
The other dog: Woof, woof!
Little dog: Is he a giraffe? No, maybe he is a crocodile. The crocodile is dangerous. I must be careful.
Aside: Little dog crawled toward the sound. It was strange that he felt a bit nervous.
The other dog: Woof, woof!
Little dog: Oh, here’s a dog, too.
Aside: Yes, it’s the hunter’s dog.
Little dog: Hello, dear dog. Can you tell me
what sounds you just made?
The other dog: The sounds I made? I didn’t make sounds. I was barking.
Little dog: Is it barking? Can you bark?
The other dog: Of course I can. Because I am a dog. I can’t make other sounds. It’s impossible.
Little dog: Can you teach me?
The other dog: Can’t you bark?
Little dog: No, I can’t.
The other dog: You should watch and listen to me carefully.
Like this, woof, woof.
Little dog: Woof, woof. Woof, woof.
Aside: Little dog learned very quickly.
Little dog: Yeah, I can bark now.
I finally find my teacher!
(The End)