Module 5 The Great Sports Personality


时代英语·高二 2022年5期


第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. Who had a good time?

A. The man. B. The woman only. C. The woman and her guests.

2. What are the speakers going to do?

A. Print the menu in English. B. Learn some Chinese. C. Have dinner.

3. Why doesnt the man go into the room?

A. He has lost the key. B. He cant unlock the door. C. He is waiting for the woman.

4. Where is the woman?

A. In a shop. B. At a restaurant. C. In a bank.

5. What time is it now?

A. 9:55. B. 10:05. C. 10:15.




6. Why does the woman phone the man?

A. To borrow a recorder. B. To invite him to a party. C. To ask for his advice.

7. What kind of tapes will the man bring?

A. Classical music. B. Dancing music. C. Popular music.


8. What happened to the speakers?

A. They missed the train. B. They misunderstood the conductor.

C. They got off at the wrong stop.

9. How will the speakers go to the Book Building?

A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By bus.

10. What can the girl do that evening if she keeps her promise?

A. Watch Superman. B. Play tennis. C. Get a big cake.


11. Where was the woman born?

A. In Britain. B. In the US. C. In Canada.

12. When did the womans first book come out?

A. In 1930. B. In 1949. C. In 1959.

13. What book has come out recently?

A. My Father. B. My Heart. C. Nature.


14. Why didnt the man come to the classes?

A. He was writing his homework. B. He was too tired. C. He lost his interest.

15. What can we know about the woman?

A. She is from an English-speaking country. B. She had studied Chinese before.

C. She has a gift for language.

16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and clerk.


17. What do we know about the Great Salt Lake?

A. Its as salty as the ocean. B. Its far away from the ocean. C. Its near the ocean.

18. Where does the water of the Great Salt Lake come from?

A. Oceans. B. Rivers. C. Lakes.

19. Why couldnt the speaker stand on the ground?

A. The water held him up. B. The lake was too deep. C. He was too heavy.

20. How did the speaker feel swimming in the lake with eyes open?

A. Exciting. B. Interesting. C. Painful.

第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




How to Be a Space Explorer


Ships in 1—2 business days

How to Be a Space Explorer is a practical book for all aspiring (有抱负的) astronauts, packed with jaw-dropping stories from real-life space exploration. Learn how to navigate black holes, slingshot around Jupiter and survive the freezing depths of space. Suitable for children ages 8—12.

Adventures in Cold Places


Ships in 1—2 business days

Come and explore some of the coldest places in the world! Explore reindeer in Russia and penguins in Antarctica! Decorate (点缀) real life locations, like the wintery scene in Montreal, chilly ice sculptures in China, polar bears in the North Pole and more cold places with over 250 reusable stickers. Suitable for children ages 3—5.

My Travel Journal


Ships in 1—2 business days

Never forget an adventure with this journal from Lonely Planet Kids. Packed with writing topic suggestions, lists to complete, ideas for getting the creative juices flowing and lots more fill-in fun, this is the perfect way for young travelers to record their memories from a trip. Suitable for children ages 5—7.

Adventures around the Globe


Ships in 1—2 business days

Come and explore the ruins of Machu Picchu, the canals of Venice and the bright lights of New York. Decorate real-life locations, like the river Ganges in India or the mosaics of Park Guell in Spain. With over 250 stickers, your round-the-world adventure is about to begin! Enjoy hours of fun games, maps and puzzles (智力游戲). Suitable for children ages 3—5.

21. Who would like to read How to Be a Space Explorer?

A. One who loves reading. B. One who likes traveling.

C. Children who are interested in space. D. Students who are fond of adventure stories.

22. Which book is the cheapest?

A. My Travel Journal. B. Adventures in Cold Places.

C. How to Be a Space Explorer. D. Adventures around the Globe.

23. What is special about My Travel Journal?

A. It has space to write, draw and color. B. It offers a lot of popular destinations.

C. It shows several great places of interest. D. It is packed with records to listen to.


In 1943, when I was 4, my parents moved from Coeur dAlene, Idaho, to Fairbanks, Alaska, where adventure was never very far away.

We arrived in the summer, just in time to enjoy the midnight sun. All that sunlight was fantastic for Moms vegetable garden. Working in the garden at midnight tended to throw her timing off, so she didnt care much about my bedtime.

Dad was a Railway Express agent and Mom was his clerk. That left me in a mess. I usually managed to find some trouble to get into. Once I had a little fire going in the dirt basement of a hotel. I had tried to light a barrel (桶) of paint but couldnt really get a good fire going. The smoke got pretty bad, though, and when I made my exit, a crowd and the police were there to greet me. The policemen took my matches and drove me home.

Mom and Dad were busy working in the garden and Dad told the police to keep me, and they did! I had a tour of the prison before Mom rescued me. I hadnt turned 5 yet.

As I entered kindergarten, the serious cold began to set in. Would it surprise you to know that I soon left part of my tongue on a metal handrail at school?

As for Leonhard Seppala, famous as a dog sledder (駕雪橇者), I think I knew him well because I was taken for a ride with his white dog team one Sunday. At the time I didnt realize what a superstar he was, but I do remember the ride well. I was wrapped (包裹) heavily and well-sheltered from the freezing and blowing weather.

In 1950, we moved back to Coeur dAlene, but we got one more Alaskan adventure when Leonhard invited us eight years later by paying a visit to Idaho to attend a gathering of former neighbors of Alaska.

24. What happened when the author was 4?

A. He learned to smoke. B. He was locked in a basement.

C. He was arrested by the police. D. He nearly caused a fire accident.

25. What can be inferred about the authors family?

A. His father was a cruel man. B. His parents didnt love him.

C. His mother didnt have any jobs. D. His parents used to be very busy.

26. What can we learn about Leonhard Seppala?

A. He was good at driving dog sleds. B. He was known by few people in Alaska.

C. He often visited the authors family after 1950. D. He had a white dog team to help people in need.

27. What can be the best title of the text?

A. My Adventurous Childhood in Alaska B. How Much I Miss Leonhard

C. Extreme Weather in Alaska D. A Little Trouble-maker


Do you love running? It is a good exercise, yet many people find it boring. But what if making your morning jog a creative one? Like jumping from walls and over gaps, and ground rolls? Just like James Bond in the movie Casino Royale? Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill (窗臺) and then runs several blocks over obstacles (障碍物) on the way. It is just because of Bonds wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.

Yes, thats Parkour, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible, getting over all the obstacles in the path using only the abilities of the human body. Parkour is considered an extreme sport. As its participants dash (飞奔) around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.

Parkour can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds, but its participants see Parkour much more than that.

Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy behind Parkour. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination, go straight, and jump over all the barriers as if in Parkour and never fall back from them in your life to reach the destination successfully. A Parkour lover said, “I love Parkour because its philosophy has become my life, my way to do everything.”

Another philosophy weve learnt from Parkour is freedom. It can be done by anyone, at any time and anywhere in the world. It is a kind of expression of trust in yourself that you earn energy and confidence.

28. What can we learn about Parkour?

A. It is a team sport. B. It needs regular training.

C. It is a good but boring sport. D. It challenges human abilities.

29. Moving around a city, Parkours participants ___ .

A. should run to extremes B. may choose to escape

C. must learn to survive D. can ask for help

30. What do the philosophies of Parkour involve?

A. Dreams and success. B. Sports and extremes.

C. Excitement and popularity. D. Determination and freedom.

31. What is the text mainly about?

A. What Parkour is. B. When we can do Parkour.

C. Where we can do Parkour. D. How Parkour does us good.


Drive through any suburb in the US today, and its hard to miss the bins that have become companions to Americas trash cans. Recycling has become commonplace, as people recognize the need to care for the environment. Yet most peoples recycling consciousness extends only as far as paper, bottles, and cans. People seldom find themselves facing the growing problem of e-waste.

E-waste rapidly increases as the techno-fashionable frequently upgrade to the most advanced device and the majority of them end up in landfills. Some people who track such waste say that users throw away nearly 2 million tons of TVs, VCRs, computers, cellphones, and other electronics every day. Unless we can find a safe replacement, this e-waste may get into the ground and poison the water with dangerous toxins (毒素), such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. Burning the waste also dangerously contaminates the air.

However, e-waste often contains reusable silver, gold, and other electrical materials. Recycling these materials reduces environmental problems by reducing both landfill waste and the need to look for such metals, which can destroy ecosystems.

A growing number of states have adopted laws to ban dumping (傾倒) e-waste. Still, less than a quarter of this waste will reach lawful recycling programs. Some companies advertising safe disposal (处置) in fact just ship the waste to some developing countries, where it still ends up in landfills. These organizations prevent progress by unsafely disposing of waste in an out-of-sight, out-of-mind location.

However, the small but growing number of cities and large companies that do handle e-waste responsibly represents progress toward making the world a cleaner, better place for us all.

32. What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A. E-waste cannot be put into trash cans in the US.

B. Many Americans now have access to recycling bins.

C. Most Americans have realized the dangers of e-waste.

D. Most of Americas trash cans are made of recycled material.

33. What can best replace the underlined word “contaminates” in Paragraph 2?

A. Heats. B. Pollutes. C. Absorbs. D. Reduces.

34. What does the author feel about burying e-waste in landfills?

A. Its unsafe. B. Its important. C. Its acceptable. D. Its uncommon.

35. What is the authors purpose in writing this text?

A. To tell us how to recycle e-waste. B. To talk about the future of e-waste.

C. To discuss the importance of recycling e-waste. D. To encourage us to deal with e-waste properly.



A Simple Trick to Resist Junk Food

Youre tired and hungry. Then you catch something delicious, probably fried and almost certainly fattening. It is fried chicken! 36 A new research says that being exposed to the smell of junk food for at least two minutes can actually help you make healthier food choices.

Have you ever noticed that whatever appetizing treat catches your noses attention tends to be most appealing just after you first smell it? What will happen if youre standing in line after a couple of minutes? 37 And recent science says that this is actually the right moment to walk away.

The results of a series of experiments show that extended exposure (of more than two minutes) to junk food smell leads to lower purchases of unhealthy foods compared with healthy smell. 38 That is why long exposure to junk food smell can be as satisfactory as actually having it in your mouth.

39 When the exposure to smell of healthy food were examined, food choices were not profoundly influenced. The reason for this is that healthy food is not connected with reward in our brain and therefore has little influence on what we desire (渴望).

So next time youre feeling you dont have the willpower to resist (抵挡) that French fries, it might be as simple as sitting there and smelling all that sweetness for just a minute or two. 40

A. But wait a minute before you order.

B. Its a response that has been researched.

C. Get the satisfaction with none of the junk food.

D. It isnt quite as irresistible as it was just moments ago.

E. However, its not the same case with smell of healthy food.

F. The brain doesnt necessarily tell apart a pleasurable smell or taste.

G. Its the same as actually eating it because your desire to eat it is satisfied.

36. ______  37. ______  38. ______  39. ______  40. ______

第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


If you asked me how I felt about running five years ago, I would have laughed at you. Coupled with my asthma (哮喘) and general lack of motivation, I considered running as one of my 41 enemies.

As a pre-teen, the days in gym class always 42 me when the teacher announced that we would be running the mile. I would 43 myself to the starting line, a little behind everyone else, and 44 for the whistle to blow. After the whistle blew, I started off in step with my 45, but felt my lungs began to bum, and my legs felt like they would 46 out any minute. My breath would hitch in my chest as I slowed to a walk, 47 looking up to see my classmates run 48. I felt like my lungs 49 me back. If I cant even run a mile, can I even do anything 50?

Having those 51, I decided it would be best to avoid running at all 52. If I went to the gym, I took gym classes that 53 little-to-no running, such as yoga. My 54 to avoid running succeeded.

Years later, I impulsively (沖动地) decided to run a 5k. When I 55 the course, I felt the same pit in my stomach. But something 56 happened. Instead of allowing my thoughts to overtake me, I 57 on putting one foot in front of the other, and I let myself get caught up in the 58 of my feet hitting the ground. Surprisingly enough, my lungs were able to find a beat with my feet, and I ended up running the entire race without 59 to walk.

In hindsight (事后看来), I realize that it was my 60 that got me through the race—I believe in running.

41. A. smallest B. worst C. least D. weakest

42. A. surprised      B. satisfied      C. frightened      D. excited

43. A. control      B. ask      C. attract      D. pull

44. A. wait      B. prepare      C. look      D. call

45. A. partners      B. teachers      C. students      D. classmates

46. A. stand      B. jump      C. give      D. walk

47. A. quickly      B. shamefully C. happily      D. eventually

48. A. through      B. forward      C. over      D. past

49. A. caught      B. held      C. insisted      D. went

50. A. bright      B. nice      C. right      D. straight

51. A. chances      B. difficulties      C. competitions      D. experiences

52. A. costs      B. classes      C. ways      D. times

53. A. avoided      B. involved      C. mentioned      D. refused

54. A. wishes      B. dreams      C. effects      D. efforts

55. A. finished      B. forced      C. faced      D. accepted

56. A. strange      B. important      C. impossible      D. normal

57. A. agreed      B. focused C. struck    D. checked

58. A. beat    B. system      C. style      D. pattern

59. A. sticking      B. thinking      C. stopping      D. applying

60. A. willpower      B. thought      C. ability      D. skill



Once there lived a rich man 61 wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out 62 they deserved his help.

A very large stone 63 (place) by the rich man in the center of the main road into the town. He 64

(hide) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.

“Who put this stone in the center of the road?” said the old man, but he didnt decide 65 (remove) the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove it. Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, saying to 66

(him), “The night will be very dark. Some 67 (neighbor) will come along 68 (late) in the dark and will fall against the stone.”

Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 69 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 70 the stone, he found a bag of money.

61.                            62.                            63.                            64.                            65.

66.                            67.                            68.                            69.                            70.

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







WeChat is becoming popularly with people. I had already made a survey among my classmates about the use of WeChat. According to a result, 45% of the classmates admit they often use it because comparing with other means of communication, WeChat has more advantages. Its cheap, convenient but easy to send all kinds of message around. However, 35% of them is against using it, saying it will affect their study. Never using WeChat, the rest of the students have no opinion about them. As far as Im concerned, since WeChat offers us great convenience, it should be made good use. But we shouldnt let it to govern our minds and behavior.

第二节  书面表达(满分25分)







Dear Peter,


Li Hua

