

世界建筑导报 2022年2期

纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)

在新型冠状病毒疫情和全球政治冲突的影响下,近两年是充满挑战的。从2020年开始,Aedas 各个办公室都对突如其来的疫情做出了迅速应对,以确保员工安全并营造高效的工作环境。在现代技术的帮助下,我们依然能够确保稳定的服务,持续通过Aedas 的全球设计网络交付设计方案。


Aedas 借助线上和线下平台分享我们的知识、经验和见解。除了面对面的会议,我们同样进行了各种形式的视频短片、直播、网络研讨会和论坛讨论。在保持社交距离的同时,技术使我们比以往任何时候都更接近我们的受众。


纪达夫(Keith Griffiths),主席及全球设计董事

The last two years have been challenging years under the impact of COVID-19 and worldwide political conflicts. From the beginning of 2020, each Aedas office reacted swiftly to the pandemic to secure a safe and efficient working environment for our staff. Aided by modern technologies, we were able to secure stable service and continue to deliver our designs across Aedas’ global design network.

As we sail into the fifth decade of our practice, building on the momentum of our Global Design Network, in 2021, we have proudly completed a diverse range of projects and secured new work across our global offices. In 2021, a younger generation rises to take up leadership roles with the appointment of 8 new Directors and Executive Directors.Our Mainland China teams have increased from 7 to 16.

From our experiences of work-from-home, we see a blurring boundary between living and work space. The evolving trends of e-commerce and new trades challenge our understanding of retail and entertainment.Practicing social distancing, we pay more attention to the connections we have and the wellbeing of each member in our society. As architects,we deliberate how we can reconstitute the fabric of our society. With a pressing need for better quality of life, we continue to advocate for more porous, multi-functional and connected urban space to realize the livework-entertain dynamic of our new communities.

Aedas has leveraged both online and offline platforms to share our knowledge, our experience, and our insights. We have gone beyond face-to-face meetings, and arrived at varied forms of videos, live broadcasts, online webinars and forum discussions. While we maintain social distancing, technology has brought us to our audience closer than ever before.

Over the 40 years since our incorporation, we’ve grown from 20 staff to 1,200 staff across 12 offices, won over 700 design awards, built over 500 projects and have been steadily realising our ideals for urbanity across the globe. We’re proud of what we have achieved, and look forward to our continued development and growth.


国办:进一步优化上市公司独立董事制度 提升独立董事履职能力