长物建筑工作室创始合伙人蔡长泽分享了对事物之间的偶然而随机产生的联系的思考,比如受石窟的启发,探讨装置空间1000种使用的可能性,以及让它们与城市具体功能发生关系。然而,当下他希望装置能以更自由和日常的方式介入生活,而非一种预设模式。进而延伸到建筑实践中,则是通过一些随意的、轻松的、无用的、非正式的方式接入日常生活空间。例如,塞内加尔“和平馆” 借鉴当地建造方式塑造了“无用”的神圣空间,来应对未来使用的各种可能。而在理想校园的设计中,以非正式空间作为面对未来教育改革的一种应对的姿态。
CAI Changze, the founding partner of Changwu Architecture, shared his thoughts on the random connections that accidentally show up between things,such as being inspired by grottoes and started to explore the possibility of 1,000 usages for installation space, which can let them relate to the specific functions within the city.At the moment, however, he hopes that the installation can involve people’s lives in a more accessible and usual way rather than a preset mode. Associated with architectural practice, the explanation for informal design would be how to access the daily life space through some random,relaxed, even useless, and informal ways. For example,the Senegal “Peace Pavilion” used local construction technology as a reference to create a “useless” sacred space to deal with various possibilities for future use. In the design of the ideal campus, informal space is used as a posture to confront future educational reformation.