

国际比较文学(中英文) 2022年4期

论文 Articles

1.007 “被作孽”与“自作孽”的悖谬及其消解——从《李尔王》读解“终极关怀”Interpreting “Ultimate Concern” inKing Lear杨慧林YANG Huilin

1.017 Politics of Time as Poetics of Being:A Critical Analysis of Lu Xun’s Style作为存在诗学的时间政治:鲁迅文体析论ZHANG Xudong张旭东

1.047 激情形式与思想意象:论浪漫小说的精神史意义The Pathosformel and the Image of the Idea:Toward the Significance of the Romantic Novel in Geistesgeschichte 胡继华HU Jihua

1.067(Trans-)National Contexts:The Russian Poetics of the Chinese Avant-Garde(跨)国族语境:中国先锋派的俄国诗学CHU Jinyi初金一

1.083 比较文学平行研究的中国问题The Chinese Question of Parallelism in Comparative Literature 李庆本LI Qingben

1.098 On Some Encounters with the Soviet Humans:Revolutionary Travel Writing,Modern Chinese Writers,and World Literature邂逅苏联人:革命旅行文学、中国现代作家与世界文学WANG Pu王璞

1.111 交响乐与象征主义文学结构模式的嬗变Symphony and the Change of Symbolist Literature’s Structural Pattern 李国辉LI Guohui

1.123 从“即生言性”看自然情感与道德情感之关系:以《性自命出》为契机The Relationship between Natural and Moral Emotion from the Perspective of the Living Nature Tradition:TheXing Zi Ming Chu李志春LI Zhichun

1.141 Translating through Intersemiotic Translation Models:ACase Study of Ang Lee’s Vishnu Image inLife of Pi符际翻译模型与跨文化影视实践:以李安《少年派的奇幻漂流》中的毗湿奴形象为例ZHANG Haoxuan张浩轩

1.170 新世界文学和数字时代的比较文学——被忽视的2017美国比较文学学科“海斯报告”New World Literature and Comparative Literature in the Digital Age:The Neglected “Heise Report”of the 2017 American Comparative Literature Association 曲慧钰QU Huiyu

2.007 The Accidental Facilitator:Xiao San’s Outsized Role in Sino-Soviet Literary Exchanges出其不意的助澜人——萧三与中苏文学交流Katerina Clark卡特琳娜·克拉克

2.028 木心致歌德Mu Xin’s Tribute to Goethe 童明TONG Ming

2.039 De-Anthropocentrism and Onto-Taxonomy:An Ecological View去人类中心主义与本体分类学:一种生态观Niki Young尼其·扬

2.058 民初“兴味派”小说家与西方文学On the “Xingwei School” Novelists and Western Literature in the Early Republic of China 孙超SUN Chao

2.074 Soviet Dramatic Theory and Dramas on Stage in 1930s Shanghai苏联戏剧理论与20世纪30年代上海舞台剧Mei Li Inouye井上美莉

2.101 “非史才不敢任译事”:林纾遗译《亨利第五纪》辨体研究“Only Historians Can Assume the Role of Translator”:Analyzing the Style of Lin Shu’s Posthumous Translation,Hengli diwu ji代云芳DAI Yunfang

2.119 Between Gender and Genre:TanciTexts at the Turn of the Twentieth Century在性别和文体之间:世纪之交的弹词文本ZHANG Yu张禹

2.146 中德当代成长小说的非人类中心思考——以夏兰斯基的《长颈鹿的脖子》与王安忆的《匿名》为例De-Anthropocentrism in the Contemporary Chinese and GermanBildungsroman:Schalansky’sThe Giraffe’s Neckand Wang Anyi’sAnonym郑家欣ZHENG Jiaxin

3.077 The Transfiguration of the Russian Revolutionary Spirit:Chinese Translations of Kemuyama Sentarō’sModern Anarchismin the Early Twentieth Century俄罗斯精神的嬗变:以烟山专太郎著作在中国的翻译及其跨文化影响为中心MA Xiaolu马筱璐

3.100 On Takeuchi Yoshimi,Who Failed to Understand China as the All-under-Heaven World:A Comparative Study with Takeda Taijun经由中国的比较研究:论竹内好对鲁迅的解读和武田泰淳对司马迁的解读Tsuyoshi Ishii石井刚

3.116 Understanding Others as Others:A Reading of the Political Thought of Maruyama Masao and Takeuchi Yoshimi,or Advocating the “Gentle Subject”将他人理解为他人:丸山真男与竹内好观点对话及当代阐释Ryohei Tatebe建部良平

3.136 In Search of Alternative Soundscapes:International Modernism and Sonic Warfare in Late 1930s China追寻别样的声景:国际现代主义与抗战中国的声音战争HAO Yucong郝宇骢

3.156 帝国凝视中的音乐编码与政治解码——论乔伊斯《都柏林人》的音乐运用观念及其民族书写Musical Coding and Political Decoding in the Gaze of Empires:The Use of Music and National Writing in James Joyce’sDubliners王 涵WANG Han

4.077 马丁·路德与西方自由主义Martin Luther and Western Liberalism 黄保罗Paulos Huang

4.096 The Unbearable Heaviness of Knowledge:A Study of Novels of Erudition as Encyclopedic Narratives不能承受的知识之重:作为百科全书式叙事的才学小说研究LI Feng李锋JIN Wen金雯

4.113 从《论政学疏稿》的“道”浅谈王国维与基督教On Wang Guowei and Christianity from the Perspective of “the Tao” in “Draft of a Commentary on Politics and Learning” 陶飞亚TAO Feiya

4.126 Nabokov’s Crooked Mirror:The Artist’s False Double inDespair纳博科夫的凹凸镜:《绝望》中的假分身WU Tsaiyi吴采奕

4.144 文本主义者构想的声音:翁对德里达逻各斯中心主义的批评Voice Conceived by a Textualist:Walter J.Ong’s Critique of Jacques Derrida’s Logocentrism 姚云帆YAO Yunfan

4.158 论卞之琳对艾略特莎评的过滤式接受On Bian Zhilin’s Filtered Acceptance of T.S.Eliot’s Shakespearean Criticism 张薇ZHANG Wei

访谈录 Interviews

2.169 他乡的“念卷先生”——伊维德教授访谈录The “Baojuan Reciter” in the West:An Interview with Professor Wilt L.Idema 姚伟YAO Wei伊维德Wilt L.Idema

4.175 惊鸿一瞥四十年——李永平专访文学人类学创会会长萧兵先生Forty Years at a Glance:Li Yongping Interviews Mr.Xiao Bing,Founding President of the Literary Anthropology Association 李永平LI Yongping萧兵XIAO Bing

书评 Book Reviews

1.181 Perloff,Marjorie.Infrathin:An Experiment in Micropoetics(美)玛乔丽·佩洛夫:《虚薄:一场微观诗学实验》FENG Yi冯溢

1.186 刘阳:《事件思想史》LIU Yang.An Intellectual History of the Event冯雪峰FENG Xuefeng

1.190 Voci,Paola.China on Video:Small-Screen Realities(意)宝拉·沃奇:《视频中国:小屏幕上的现实》HU Tingting胡婷婷

1.193(美)艾朗诺:《才女之累:李清照及其接受史》,夏丽丽、赵惠俊译Egan,Ronald.The Burden of Female Talent:The Poet Li Qingzhao and Her History in China.Translated by XIA Lili and ZHAO Huijun 侯梦琰HOU Mengyan

2.181 周云龙:《别处的世界:早期近代欧洲旅行书写与亚洲形象》ZHOU Yunlong.The World Elsewhere:Travel Writing and Images of Asia in Early Modern Europe王岫庐WANG Xiulu

2.185 WANG Xiaoping.Chinese Literature and Culture in the Age of Global Capitalism:Renaissance or Rehabilitation?王晓平:《复兴或再造?全球资本主义时代的中国文学与文化》ZHANG Zhen张震

2.188 杨治宜:《“自然”之辩——苏轼的有限与不朽》YANG Zhiyi.Dialectics of “Nature”:The Limitation and Immortality of Su Shi彭询PENG Xun骆晓倩LUO Xiaoqian

3.175 Ngugi,Mukoma Wa.The Rise of the African Novel:Politics of Language,Identity,and Ownership(肯)马科马·瓦·古吉:《非洲小说的兴起:语言、身份和所有权政治》YU Jingyuan余静远

3.178 沈卫荣、姚霜:《何谓语文学:现代人文科学的方法与实践》SHEN Weirong,YAO Shuang.What is Philology?The Methodology and Practice of Modern Humanities郝岚HAO Lan

3.183 李庆本:《中华文化的跨文化阐释与对外传播研究》LI Qingben.Intercultural Interpretation and Communication of Chinese Culture孙亚鹏SUN Yapeng

4.189 ZHU Zhirong.Philosophy of Chinese Art朱志荣:《中国艺术哲学》LUO Na罗娜

会议综述 Conference Reports

2.195 新文科视域下的比较文学课程与教学——中国比较文学学会教学研究分会第七届年会暨学术研讨会综述Comparative Literature Curriculum and Teaching from the Perspective of New Liberal Arts:Report on the 7th Annual Conference and Symposium of the Teaching and Research Branch of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association 朱璞ZHU Pu孙海军SUN Haijun

3.189 “景行行止:孙景尧先生与中国比较文学”学术研讨会综述Report on theICLSymposium on Mr.Sun Jingyao and Comparative Literature in China 候佳鹭HOU Jialu张世琳ZHANG Shilin

3.194 感知全球新变,科技人文携手前行——“大变局与新探索:新时代的科幻文学研究高端学术论坛”会议综述Perceiving New Global Changes,Technology and Humanities Going Hand in Hand:Report on “Great Changes and New Explorations:Academic Forum on Science Fiction Literature Research in the New Era” 张媛ZHANG Yuan

专题 Special Topic

3.007 比较诗学影响研究的新视野与新实践New Vision and New Practice of the Impact Studies of Comparative Poetics 曹顺庆CAO Shunqing

3.021 “风”起“浪”涌40年:海外华文文学研究的变迁与展望Changes and Prospects of Overseas Chinese Literature Research 余夏云YU Xiayun

3.032 科幻文学研究在中国Science Fiction Studies in China 吕超LYU Chao

3.047 文学人类学在中国的发展与理论创新Development and Theoretical Innovation of Literary Anthropology in China 邱玉祺QIU Yuqi李永平LI Yongping

4.007 Xia Yu,the Supreme Stylist夏宇:一位登峰造极的风格家Michelle Yeh奚密

4.021 诗歌与不朽:论中英诗歌中的一个重要主题On the Theme of Poetry and Immortality in the Chinese and English Poetic Traditions 吴伏生WU Fusheng

4.040 文学跨学科研究在中国的推进路径The Advancement of Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature in China 王定安WANG Dingan

4.055 在民族国家、文学与学术之间:比较文学史回溯及反思Negotiating with the Nation-state,Literature and Scholarship:The Academic History of Comparative Literature Retold 姚孟泽YAO Mengze

