

热带亚热带植物学报 2022年2期

陈新艳, 马良, 柳明株, 高绪勇, 陈世品*


陈新艳1, 马良2a, 柳明株2b, 高绪勇2a, 陈世品2b*

(1. 三明市园林中心,福建 三明 365000; 2. 福建农林大学, a. 园林学院; b. 林学院,福州 350002)

描述了福建省中北部山区鸢尾科(Iridaceae)鸢尾属()一新种:君子峰鸢尾(S. P. Chen, X. Y. Chen & L. Ma),新种与蝴蝶花(Thunb.)、台湾鸢尾(Ohwi)相近。与蝴蝶花不同之处在于叶片宽大,叶脉明显,表面粗糙;花为顶生稀疏总状聚伞花序,分枝2~6;花大,直径5.0~7.0 cm,花被裂片边缘波状皱褶,全缘,顶端稍有凹缺;蒴果三棱状圆柱形。与台湾鸢尾不同之处在于花小,花被裂片边缘波状皱褶,全缘,顶端稍有凹缺;蒴果三棱状圆柱形。形态特征比较及分子系统发育分析均支持该新种的成立。


鸢尾科(Iridaceae)全世界超过60属,800种以上[1]。鸢尾属(L.)是鸢尾科最大的属,约300种,分布于北温带,我国约产60种、13变种及5变型,主要分布于西南、西北及东北[2]。近年来,在我国不断有鸢尾属新种发表[3–5]。鸢尾属植物在园林观赏上应用广泛,是著名的花卉植物,全世界现有园艺品种超过7×104个[6]。因具有重要的观赏价值, 鸢尾属的分类学研究一直备受植物学家关注。

从1913年开始,Dykes[7]对鸢尾属下各类群进行了研究,提出组(section)的分类学单位概念, 并建立了一个较为完整的鸢尾属形态分类系统,是鸢尾属系统学研究的开端,为后续鸢尾属的系统分类研究奠基了基础。自1998年起,Wilson[8–10]基于分子序列,对不同分布区的鸢尾属物种进行系统学研究,修订了各类群间的亲缘关系,极大推动了鸢尾属的分子系统学研究。国内学者也对鸢尾属系统学进行了大量的研究工作,对我国的鸢尾属开发与利用提供大量的理论成果[5,10–15]。

目前,福建省记录的鸢尾属植物共4种, 其中野生种有小花鸢尾(Hance)和蝴蝶花(Thunb.)[16]。2018年以来,笔者在福建进行植物资源调查,在闽西北山区发现1种鸢尾属植物,分布较广,在海拔300~800 m的山地林缘处常有发现,之前常被误定为蝴蝶花,但其叶片宽大,叶脉明显,表面粗糙,花序分支少, 花大,果实三棱形,与蝴蝶花较易区分;也与台湾鸢尾(Ohwi)近似,不同之处在于花小,花被裂片边缘波状皱褶,全缘,顶端稍有凹缺;蒴果三棱状圆柱形。经查阅相关文献和标本[3,8],进行了形态特征比较(表1,图1)和分子系统发育树分析(图2)。本研究共选取69个样品,其中4个作为外类群,使用核基因nrITS和1个叶绿体基因片段(K),共获得69条ITS和62条序列, 凭证标本和GenBank登录号见表2。基于最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)进行系统发育分析,分别构建nrDNA、cpDNA以及nrDNA与cpDNA联合的系统树。用ITS序列、序列以及联合矩阵(ITS+K)构建的ML树显示他们之间系统发育关系非常相似,该新种是蝴蝶花和台湾鸢尾的姐妹种(图2)。基于以上分析认定该物种为鸢尾属一新种,现予以报道。

君子峰鸢尾 新种 图3, 4

S. P. Chen, X. Y. Chen & L. Ma, sp. nov.

This new species is similar toand,but is distinguished from the former by the broad leaf blades with distinct veins and rough surface (without midvein and glossy surface), terminal sparse racemose cyme with 2-6 branches (5-12 branches), bigger flowers (5.0-7.0 cm in diam.4.5-5.0 cm in diam.), perianth with undulate margin and retuse apex (with denticulate margin), and triangular cylindrical (ellipsoid-cylindrical) capsule, and fromthe latter by smaller flowers (5.0-7.0 cm in diam.7.0-8.0 cm in diam.), perianth with undulate margin and retuse apex (with denticulate margin and notched apex), triangular cylindrical (ellipsoid- cylindrical) capsule.

表2 鸢尾属植物ITS和matK序列的GenBank登录号


*: 本研究获得。

*: Obtained in this study.

China. Fujian Province (福建省), Mingxi County (明溪县), Junzifeng (君子峰), under the forest on slope, elevation 500 m, 4 April 2018,X. Y. Chen JZF18000556 (holotype: FJFC; isotype: IBSC).

多年生草本。根状茎可分为粗壮的斜伸根状茎和横走根状茎,斜伸的根状茎扁圆形,具多数较短的节间,棕褐色,横走的根状茎节间长2.2~3.0 cm,黄白色;须根生于根状茎的节上,分枝多。叶基生,墨绿色,暗淡,剑形,长30.0~70.0 cm,宽2.5~ 4.6 cm,顶端渐尖,具3~7纵脉,中间3~5脉明显,表面粗糙。花茎直立,高于叶片,顶生稀疏总状聚伞花序,分枝2~6,与苞片等长或略短;苞片2~3枚,叶状,宽披针形或卵圆形,长2.0~4.0 cm,顶端渐尖,包含2~4朵花。花淡蓝色或蓝紫色,直径5.0~7.0 cm;花梗包于苞片内或略伸出,长1.5~ 3.0 cm;花被管明显,长1.3~2.0 cm,花被裂片6片,排成2轮,外轮花被裂片倒卵形,长4.0~4.5 cm,宽2.0~2.5 cm,顶端稍凹缺,基部楔形,边缘波状皱褶,中脉上有3条隆起的黄色鸡冠状附属物,中间一条最明显,内花被裂片狭倒卵形,长3.5~4.2 cm,宽1.5~2.0 cm,基部楔形,顶端微凹,边缘波状皱褶,花盛开时向外展开;雄蕊长约2.0 cm,花药长椭圆形,白色;花柱1枚,上部3分枝,扩大扁平成花瓣状,花柱分枝较内轮花被裂片略短,淡紫色,顶端繸状丝裂,子房纺锤形,长1.6~2.0 cm。蒴果三棱状圆柱形,长5.0~8.0 cm,宽0.8~1.5 cm,棱上具小沟,每面具中脉,顶端钝,成熟时自顶端开裂至中部;种子多数,褐色。花期3—4月,果期4—6月。

Herbs perennial. Rhizomes dimorphic, oblique ones thick, flattened,internode short, brown; creeping ones with internodes 2.2-3.0 cm long, yellow-white, fibrous roots grow on the nodes, branches. Leaves basal, dark, blackish green, sword-shaped, 30-70 cm× 2.5-4.6 cm, apex acuminate, with 3-7 longitudinal veins, middle 3-5 veins distinct, surface rough. Flowering stems erect, higher than leaves, terminal sparse racemose cymes, with 2-6 short branches near apex; branches as long as or slightly shorter than spathes; spathes 2-3, leaf-like, broadly lanceolate or oval, 2.0-4.0 cm long, apex acuminate, 2-4-flowered. Flowers pale bluish or bluish violet, 5.0-7.0 cm indiam; pedicel 1.5-3.0 cm long, enclosed in spathes orslightly exerted. Perianth tube obvious, 1.3-2.0 cm long; perianth 6, 2 rounds, outer segments obovate, 4.0-4.5 cm×2.0-2.5 cm, with 3 yellowish crests onmidvein,middle one most obvious, margin undulate, apex retuse, base cuneate; inner tepals spreading obliquely, narrowly obovate, 3.5-4.2 cm×1.5-2.0 cm, margin undulate, apex retuse, base cuneate.Stamens ca. 2.0 cm long; anthers oblong, white. Style branches pale blue; terminal lobes fimbriate. Style 1, upper 3branches, petal shape, slightly shorter than inner tepals, lavender, top filiform, Ovaryspindle-shaped, 1.6-2.0 cm long. Capsule triangular cylindrical, 5.0-8.0 cm×0.8- 1.5 cm, furrow on ribs, midvein, apex obtuse, crack from the apex to the middle at maturity. Seeds many, brown. Flowering in March to April and fruiting in April to June.

图1 蝴蝶花(左)和君子峰鸢尾(右)的形态特征。A: 根状茎; B: 叶; C: 蒴果; D: 花茎; E: 花; F: 花柱和柱头; G: 外轮花被片; H: 内轮花被片; I: 雄蕊。

图2 基于ITS序列(A,仅显示局部)、matK序列(B,仅显示局部)及联合数据矩阵(ITS+matK)(C)的君子峰鸢尾及其近缘种分子系统发育分析ML树。节点附近的数值是bootstrap值,*: Bootstrap=100。

该物种主要分布于福建省闽西北海拔300~ 800 m的山区,在一些山坡林缘处常能发现,种群数量大。在三明市三元区罗拔顶、梅列区大佑山、永安市天宝岩和南平市光泽县地质公园、武夷山市国家公园居群进行调查发现,其形态特征稳定,未发现变异类型。其形态特征与南方地区广泛分布的蝴蝶花相似,故在之前的调查被误认为蝴蝶花,但可以通过斜伸的茎、宽大粗糙的叶片、更少的花序分枝、较大的花和花被片边缘波状皱褶、三棱形的果实与蝴蝶花区分。

图3 君子峰鸢尾。A: 植株; B: 花; C: 蒴果; D: 果横切面; E: 花部形态, 从左到右依次为外轮花被片、内轮花被片、花柱和柱头、雄蕊。

图4 君子峰鸢尾。A: 生境; B: 花序和幼果; C: 植株; D: 蒴果; E: 开裂的果实,示种子; F: 幼果及其纵切面(右上)和横切面(右下); G: 花; H: 花部形态, 示雄蕊、外轮花被片、花柱和柱头、内轮花被片、花梗及苞片。

鸢尾属植物具有重要的观赏价值和经济价值, 君子峰鸢尾的发现增加了我国鸢尾属种质资源, 可为鸢尾属植物培育优良观赏品种提供亲本材料。新种比南方园林常应用的蝴蝶花植株更高大,花更大,果实更具特色,且能够适应贫瘠的土壤,适宜作为园林观赏植物推广应用,丰富园林观赏花卉种类。

致谢 承蒙美国马萨诸塞州育种专家Darrell Probst博士对该物种进行鉴定,江宝月女士为该物种进行绘图,在此表示谢意!

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, A New Species of Iridaceae from Fujian

CHEN Xinyan1, MA Liang2a, LIU Mingzhu2b, GAO Xuyong2a, CHEN Shipin2b*

(1. Sanming Garden Administration Bureau,Sanming 365000, Fujian, China; 2a. College of Landscape; 2b. College of Forestry, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China)

S. P. Chen, X. Y. Chen & L. Ma, a new species of Iridaceae from Mingxi County, Fujian Province of East China, is described and illustrated here. The new species is similar toThunb. andOhwi, but is distinguished from the former by the broad leaf blades with distinct veins and rough surface, terminal sparse racemose cyme with 2-6 branches, bigger flowers that are 5.0-7.0 cm in diam, perianth with undulate margin and retuse apex, and triangular cylindrical capsule, and fromthe latter by smaller flowers, perianth with undulate margin and retuse apex, and triangular cylindrical capsule. The comparison of morphological characteristics and molecular phylogenetic analysis both support the establishment of the new species.

; Iridaceae; New species; Fujian





This work was supported by the National Key Research & Development Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFD1000400); the Project for Vascular Plant Survey in Junzifeng National Natural Reserve (Grant No. [2019]15); and the Special Fund for Chinese Medicine Resources Research in the Public Interest of China (Grant No. 2019-39).

陈新艳(1982~ ),男,高级工程师,从事植物资源学研究。E-mail:

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石蒜 夏日里的一抹惊艳